Economic development depends on energy resources and power, which will not change in short future. Itexists and will persist for a long time that energy consumption increases faster than population, and power consumpt...
Economic development depends on energy resources and power, which will not change in short future. Itexists and will persist for a long time that energy consumption increases faster than population, and power consumption in-creases faster than energy; The fact that consumption rates of energy resources largely exceeds energy renew rate probablyleads to another global energy crisis. Burning emissions of combustible fuels have badly polluted environment, and threatenedour earth ecological health. It becomes a global task to avoid a terrible ecological disaster. In 21 century, we will face theenvironment and resources pressures in energy resources exploitation and utilization. The sooner we realize this, the better itwill be. We should construct persistent, renewable and clean energy resources system, by devoting great effort to promoteenergy efficiency, optimize energy consumption structure, develop clean coal technology, and advance the exploitation andutilization of new renewable energy resources. So energy resources and electric power can develop in coordination with e-conomy and environment, and more contribution we can do for modernization.
Since 1980s the development of China' s economy has gotten world famous achievement. Meanwhile, thedemand for energy resources especially for coal has increased greatly, which is not beneficial to the sustainable deve...
Since 1980s the development of China' s economy has gotten world famous achievement. Meanwhile, thedemand for energy resources especially for coal has increased greatly, which is not beneficial to the sustainable developmentof China' s economy. The solutions to the problem are to utilize IRP and DSM, saving energy, regulating energy consump-tion framework, heightening electrifying level, developing clean coal technology energetically, reducing the share of coal inend energy and lowering environment pollution. The paper shows that the IRP/DSM project can reduce omissions of 139million tons of CO2 and 4 million ton of SO2 and will greatly benefit China' s sustainable development. In addition, it alsosuggests how to apply IRP/DSM in China.