An 18--year-long (1981-1998) study was conducted in Hainan Island waters (22°20’N, 110°39’E) to determine the relationship between 618O in skeletal aragonite carbonate and sea surface temperature (SST) in porites ...
An 18--year-long (1981-1998) study was conducted in Hainan Island waters (22°20’N, 110°39’E) to determine the relationship between 618O in skeletal aragonite carbonate and sea surface temperature (SST) in porites lutea of reef-building corals. 618O values in skeletal aragonite carbonate were measured by means of mass spectrometry. Coral samples grew at sin depth at Longwan Bay. Monthly measurements of the SST from 1960 to 1998 were taken at Qinglan Buy adjacent to the place of the collected samples. The thermometer shows that SST=-4.16 б~18O_PDB + 4.9 (r=0.80) and dб~18O/dT=-0.24 permil/°C. The б~18O thermometer is strongly influenced by the rainfall and runoff. Using the thermometer, the SST in the past hundred years with monthly resolution will be reconstructed and the climatic change in the northern area of South China Sea will be