Presenting gifts is an important facet of Chinese etiquette. As such, it has significant social ramifications. On the one hand, as the Chinese saying goes, "A swan's feather sent 1,000 miles may seem insignificant, ...
Presenting gifts is an important facet of Chinese etiquette. As such, it has significant social ramifications. On the one hand, as the Chinese saying goes, "A swan's feather sent 1,000 miles may seem insignificant, but the feeling it engenders is profound." On the other, presenting an appropriately expensive gift can be crucial to cementing lucrative business relationships. Progres- sively changing gift-giving trends in each decade since the 1970s reflect both China's economic progress and the altered sense of values of its population. Nowadays, gifts occupy their own sector in the economy, and constitute a flourishing industry. This issue's special report "Gift-giving Revolution" examines the Chinese gift-giving phenomenon over the past 30 years.
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You can subscribe to China Today as follows: Overseas subscribers should contact China International Book Trading Corporation (Guoji Shudian), China Today’s overseas distributor, at cibtc@***. Domestic readers should remit the money through their nearest post off ice. (Account no: 2-919). The cost of each issue is RMB 6, and postage is free. Our address is: China Today, 24 Baiwanzhuang Street, Xicheng District 100037