目的采用中药灌肠联合口服药物治疗少弱畸形精子症,探讨中药灌肠联合口服药物治疗少弱畸形精子症的临床效果,阐明中药灌肠治疗与改善不孕夫妇性功能的关系,进而为提高不孕夫妇的周期妊娠率和性生活质量提供科学依据。方法收集2019.10~2021.10在宁夏医科大学总医院生殖医学中心门诊确诊为少弱畸形精子症患者130例。随机分为对照组65例(常规治疗:五子衍宗丸+人胎盘片+维生素E)和研究组65例(中药灌肠+常规治疗),比较两组患者治疗前后双侧睾丸体积、前列腺大小、双侧精索静脉直径、抑制素B、生殖激素水平、精液常规、精子存活率、精子畸形率、精浆生化、性生活质量评分以及配偶性功能量表的变化。采用SPSS26.0软件。符合正态分布的计量资料以±s表示,采用t检验;非正态分布的计量资料以M(P,P)表示,采用非参数检验。计数资料用%来描述,采用X检验。P精子总活力、PR精子浓度、PR精子百分率、精子存活率均显著高于治疗前(P均精子总活力、精子浓度、PR精子浓度、PR精子百分率也明显高于治疗前(分别P精子浓度和NP精子百分率均明显高于研究组(13.10 vs 4.05,15.40 vs 10.00,分别P症患者精子活力及前向运动精子百分率。(2)中药灌肠能明显提高男性不育症患者的勃起功能,增强男性性功能的自信心。(3)中药灌肠可通过提升男性性功能进一步促进其女性配偶的性欲、性唤起能力、性高潮及性生活满意度,增加不孕症夫妇的性和谐,有助于提高周期妊娠率。
Said T. M.Ranga G.Agarwal A.张剑萍(译)Dr. A. Agarwal
Center for Advanced Research in Human Reproduction Infertility and Sexual Function Glickman Urological Institute Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 9500 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH 44195 United States 不详
Male fertility is affected by a variety of lifestyle habits that include tobacco use. A large population of Indian men is addicted to tobacco chewing. The Abstract of our study was to assess the relationship between t...
Male fertility is affected by a variety of lifestyle habits that include tobacco use. A large population of Indian men is addicted to tobacco chewing. The Abstract of our study was to assess the relationship between tobacco chewing in these Indian men - who were part of an infertile couple and their sperm characteristics. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Private infertility clinic. Patient(s): Six hundred thirty-eight male patients undergoing infertility evaluations were grouped according to the frequency of their tobacco chewing habit: mild (6 times/day, n = 197). Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Sperm characteristics (concentration, motility, morphology, and viability). Result(s): Sperm concentration, percentage motility, morphology, and percentage viability were significantly higher in the mild group vs the moderate group and in the moderate group vs the severe group. The percentage of men with azoospermia rose with the level of addiction (1% , 3% , and 14% ) as did the percentage of men with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (2% , 8% , and 29% ), although the differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion(s): In our study, use of chewing tobacco by a group of Indian men who were undergoing infertility evaluation was strongly associated with a decrease in sperm quality and to a lesser extent with oligoasthenozoospermia or azoospermia. Infertile men should be counseled about the adverse effects of tobacco chewing on sperm quality.