Peripheral nervous injuries are post-traumatic sequelae which are commonly encountered in the clinic. Compared with internal medication, acupuncture therapy is much more effective in recovering the functions of the af...
Peripheral nervous injuries are post-traumatic sequelae which are commonly encountered in the clinic. Compared with internal medication, acupuncture therapy is much more effective in recovering the functions of the affected nerve(s). In performing acupuncture, the history and the location of the trauma should be taken into account so as to have a clear understanding about what nerve is injured. In case it is a nerve block (neurapraxia) due to mild trauma or compression, acupuncture is able to yield a very effective and rapid therapeutic result; in case there is discontinuation of neural axons, characterized by motor dysfunction due to lesions in the distal nerve fibers and myelin sheath, acupuncture is also effective, but takes longer time.