“完全人格,首在体育”的体育教育观是新时代学校教育的重要组成,对新时代学校教育的发展具有重要指导价值。运用文献资料、历史分析等研究方法,从诠释学的视角考察了何谓“完全人格,首在体育”。研究认为:“完全人格,首在体育”是培养体育、德育、智育、美育全面发展的人,体育作为一种工具存在,其作用是为了增强学生的体质,保证学生拥有健康的身体以寓健康的精神;首在体育是次序上的先后顺序并非强调体育最为重要。最后启示当下学校教育应以“完全人格,首在体育”为教育指导思想和教育发展目标以及创新青少年体质健康发展。The physical education concept “Complete personality, first in physical education” is an important component of school education in the new era and has an important guiding value for the development of school education in the new era. Using literature, historical analysis and other research methods, the study examines what is “complete personality, first in sports” from the perspective of hermeneutics. Research believes that: “complete personality, the first in sports” is to cultivate the comprehensive development of physical education, moral education, intellectual education, aesthetic education, sports as a tool, its function is to enhance students’ physique, ensure that students have a healthy body with a healthy spirit;the order of sports is not the most important emphasis. Finally, it is revealed that the current school education should take “complete personality, first in physical education” as the educational guiding ideology, educational development goal and innovate the healthy development of teenagers.