O644.18 99053048激光烧蚀La—Ca—Mn—O反应产物的角分辨和时间分辨质谱研究=Development of angular resolutionand time resolution mass spectrum for La—Ca—Mn—O resultant from laser ablation[刊,中]/党海军,韩镇辉,秦启宗(...
O644.18 99053048激光烧蚀La—Ca—Mn—O反应产物的角分辨和时间分辨质谱研究=Development of angular resolutionand time resolution mass spectrum for La—Ca—Mn—O resultant from laser ablation[刊,中]/党海军,韩镇辉,秦启宗(复旦大学激光化学研究所.上海(200433))//中国科学A辑.—1998,28(10).—930—935研究了532 nm脉冲激光烧蚀La2O3—CaO—MnO2混台氧化物的反应。在较高的激光能量密度下,烧蚀反应生成了高平动能的La,Ca和Mn的离子、原子以及多种不同价态的金属氧化物。由时间分辨质谱测得的飞行时间谱可用带质心速度的Maxwell—Boltzmann分布拟合,并由此得出Mn+离子的最可几平动能为6.34eV,Mn原子的最可几平动能为0.43 eV。
A program is established based on the Monte Carlo technique to simulate the time-of-flight spectrum in ion-atom collisions. The goal of establishing the simulation program is to analyze the distributions of the fragme...
A program is established based on the Monte Carlo technique to simulate the time-of-flight spectrum in ion-atom collisions. The goal of establishing the simulation program is to analyze the distributions of the fragments produced in ion-molecule collisions. The program produces the space density distributions of the projectile beam and of the target atomic beam, the initial velocity distribution of target atoms, and the charge states