本刊总顾问/国际眼科理事会(ICO)主席Peter Wiedemann教授研究团队于2019-11-08为国际眼科杂志英文版International Journal of Ophthalmology(IJO)提交了一篇高水平的研究论文——Different modes of foveal regeneration after closur...
本刊总顾问/国际眼科理事会(ICO)主席Peter Wiedemann教授研究团队于2019-11-08为国际眼科杂志英文版International Journal of Ophthalmology(IJO)提交了一篇高水平的研究论文——Different modes of foveal regeneration after closure of full-thickness macular holes by(re)vitrectomy and autologous platelet concentrate.本文受到三位审稿专家的高度评价,一致认为这是一篇优秀的(Excellent)研究论文,具有世界领先(World-leading)水平,并具有很强的实用性。
It is my honor to be one of the members of editorial board in such an important, scientific journal of International Journal of Ophthalmology that has very well organized, serious editorial procedure。I am also so gla...
It is my honor to be one of the members of editorial board in such an important, scientific journal of International Journal of Ophthalmology that has very well organized, serious editorial procedure。I am also so glad to express my observation about not only experimental researches but also articles that include very important information for daily clinical practice, one of which was published in latest issue of IJO (Vol。7 No。3 Jun。2007) with the title of' The effect of amniotic membrane transplantation on rabbit conjunctival surface reconstruction at the recovering stage of alkali burn' by Jun Xu and well written scientific research。