Objective: To expand normative data of PDQ +4 in different cultural samples of China, the PDQ+4 was administered to a group of 226 medical students in Beijing. Methods: Testing was conducted with groups of 20 students...
Objective: To expand normative data of PDQ +4 in different cultural samples of China, the PDQ+4 was administered to a group of 226 medical students in Beijing. Methods: Testing was conducted with groups of 20 students. Results: The means of Narcissistic, Antisocial, and Passive Aggressive personality disorders in PDQ +4 were higher in the male group than in the female group. The scores of Avoidance and Obsessive personality disorders at points of 90% and 95% were considerably higher than the cut-off scores of PDQ +4 . Three factors were abstracted by factor analysis. The loading of personality disorders on these three factors deviated significantly from what was originally proposed in the theory of test construction. Conclusion: Cross-cultural factors should be considered when using PDQ +4 in China. The category of personality disorders proposed in the PDQ +4 needs to be further validated.
人格障碍(personality disorders)是人格在发展和结构上的明显偏离,这种偏离引起职业功能和/或社会功能的缺损或主观的痛苦体验。在本世纪五、六十年代,人格障碍曾一度成为心理学家和精神病学家关注的热点。但终因研究方法和领域的局限,使该课题在理论上难于进展而停滞了。 80年代后期,人格障碍的研究在西方得到了复兴。1987年,成立了“国际人格障碍研究会”(International Society for Study of Personality Disorder,ISSPD)的学术团体,