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检索条件"基金资助=the National Institute of Informatics,and Science Information NETwork 5"
7 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
CNN Accelerator Using Proposed Diagonal Cyclic Array for Minimizing Memory Accesses
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Computers, Materials & Continua 2023年 第8期76卷 1665-1687页
作者: Hyun-Wook Son Ali AAl-Hamid Yong-Seok Na Dong-Yeong Lee Hyung-Won Kim Department of Electronics College of Electrical and Computer EngineeringChungbuk National UniversityCheongju28644Korea Department of Electrical Engineering College of EngineeringAl-Azhar UniversityCairo11651Egypt
This paper presents the architecture of a Convolution Neural network(CNN)accelerator based on a newprocessing element(PE)array called a diagonal cyclic array(DCA).As demonstrated,it can significantly reduce the burden... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
A Low-Power 12-Bit SAR ADC for Analog Convolutional Kernel of Mixed-Signal CNN Accelerator
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Computers, Materials & Continua 2023年 第5期75卷 4357-4375页
作者: Jungyeon Lee Malik Summair Asghar HyungWon Kim Department of Electronics College of Electrical and Computer EngineeringChungbuk National UniversityCheongju28644Korea Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering COMSATS University IslamabadAbbottabad CampusUniversity RoadTobe CampAbbottabad22044Pakistan
As deep learning techniques such as Convolutional Neural networks(CNNs)are widely adopted,the complexity of CNNs is rapidly increasing due to the growing demand for CNN accelerator system-on-chip(SoC).Although convent... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Quasiparticle interference and impurity resonances on WTe2
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Nano Research 2020年 第9期13卷 2534-2540页
作者: Hyeokshin Kwon Taehwan Jeong Samudrala Appalakondaiah Youngtek Oh Insu Jeon Hongki Min Seongjun Park Young Jae Song Euyheon Hwang Sungwoo Hwang Samsung Advanced institute of Technology Samsung Electronics Co.Suwon 16678Republic of Korea SKKU Advanced institute of Nano Technology(SAINT) Sungkyunkwan UniversitySuwon 16419Republic of Korea Department of Nano Engineering Sungkyunkwan UniversitySuwon 16419Republic of Korea Department of Physics and Astronomy Seoul National UniversitySeoul 08826Republic of Korea Department of Physics Sungkyunkwan UniversitySuwon 16419Republic of Korea Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics(CINAP) Institute for Basic Science(IBS)Sungkyunkwan UniversitySuwon 16419Republic of Korea
Using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy(STM/STS),we examine quasiparticle scattering and interference properties at the surface of ***2,layered transition metal dichalcogenide,is predicted to be a type-ll Wey... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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science China Materials 2023年 第4期66卷 1494-1503页
作者: 姜蕾 卢梦瑞 杨飘云 范怡静 黄浩 熊娟 王钊 顾豪爽 John Wang Hubei Key Laboratory of Ferro-&Piezo-electric Materials and Devices Faculty of Physics and Electronic ScienceHubei UniversityWuhan 430062China Department of Materials science and Engineering National University of SingaporeSingapore 117574Singapore College of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering Hubei University of EducationWuhan 430205China Key Laboratory of Wireless Sensor network&Communication Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information TechnologyChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200050China
微/纳尺度压力传感器可以检测来自外部环境的压力,分析所施加力的位置,大小和方向.这种压力传感器在电子屏幕、电子皮肤、运动监测、人工触觉系统等多个领域都有很高的应用需求.本文组装了一种可实现二维映射,基于图案化铌酸钾钠纳米棒... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Physical analysis on improving the recovery accuracy of the Earth's gravity field by a combination of satellite observations in along-track and cross-track directions
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Chinese Physics B 2014年 第10期23卷 633-640页
作者: 郑伟 许厚泽 钟敏 员美娟 State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences College of science Wuhan University of Science and Technology
The physical investigations on the accuracy improvement to the measurement of the Earth's gravity field recovery are carried out based on the next-generation Pendulum-A/B out-of-plane twin-satellite formation in this... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Threshold Ring Signature Scheme Based on TPM
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China Communications 2012年 第1期9卷 80-85页
作者: Gong Bei Jiang Wei Lin Li Li Yu Zhang Xing College of Computer science Beijing University of Technology Beijing 100124 P. R. China institute of Electronic Technology Information Engineering University Zhengzhou 450004 P. R. China State Key Laboratory of information Security Institute of Sottware Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Beijing 100049 P. R. China Key Laboratory of information and network Security 3rd Research Institute Ministry of Public Security Shanghai 201204 P. R. China
The conventional ring signature schemes cannot address the scenario where the rank of members of the ring needs to be distinguished, for example, in electronically commerce application. To solve this problem, we prese... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Measurement of the integrated luminosity of the Phase 2 data of the Belle Ⅱ experiment
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Chinese Physics C 2020年 第2期44卷 1-12页
作者: F.Abudinén I.Adachi P.Ahlburg H.Aihara N.Akopov A.Aloisio F.Ameli L.Andricek N.Anh Ky D.M.Asner H.Atmacan T.Aushev V.Aushev T.Aziz K.Azmi V.Babu S.Baehr S.Bahinipati A.M.Bakich P.Bambade Sw.Banerjee S.Bansal V.Bansal M.Barrett J.Baudot A.Beaulieu J.Becker P.K.Behera J.V.Bennett E.Bernieri F.U.Bernlochner M.Bertemes M.Bessner S.Bettarini V.Bhardwaj F.Bianchi T.Bilka S.Bilokin D.Biswas G.Bonvicini A.Bozek M.Bračko P.Branchini N.Braun T.E.Browder A.Budano S.Bussino M.Campajola L.Cao G.Casarosa C.Cecchi D.Červenkov M.-C.Chang P.Chang R.Cheaib V.Chekelian Y.Q.Chen Y.-T.Chen B.G.Cheon K.Chilikin H.-E.Cho K.Cho S.Cho S.-K.Choi S.Choudhury D.Cinabro L.Corona L.M.Cremaldi S.Cunliffe T.Czank F.Dattola E.De La Cruz-Burelo G.De Nardo M.De Nuccio G.De Pietro R.de Sangro M.Destefanis S.Dey A.De Yta-Hernandez F.Di Capua S.Di Carlo J.Dingfelder Z.Doležal I.Domínguez Jiménez T.V.Dong K.Dort S.Dubey S.Duell S.Eidelman M.Eliachevitch T.Ferber D.Ferlewicz G.Finocchiaro S.Fiore A.Fodor F.Forti A.Frey B.G.Fulsom M.Gabriel E.Ganiev M.Garcia-Hernandez R.Garg A.Garmash V.Gaur A.Gaz U.Gebauer A.Gellrich J.Gemmler T.Geßler R.Giordano A.Giri B.Gobbo R.Godang P.Goldenzweig B.Golob P.Gomis P.Grace W.Gradl E.Graziani D.Greenwald C.Hadjivasiliou S.Halder K.Hara T.Hara O.Hartbrich K.Hayasaka H.Hayashii C.Hearty M.T.Hedges I.Heredia de la Cruz M.Hernández Villanueva A.Hershenhorn T.Higuchi E.C.Hill H.Hirata M.Hoek S.Hollitt T.Hotta C.-L.Hsu Y.Hu K.Huang T.Iijima K.Inami G.Inguglia J.Irakkathil Jabbar A.Ishikawa R.Itoh M.Iwasaki Y.Iwasaki S.Iwata P.Jackson W.W.Jacobs D.E.Jaffe E.-J.Jang H.B.Jeon S.Jia Y.Jin C.Joo J.Kahn H.Kakuno A.B.Kaliyar G.Karyan Y.Kato T.Kawasaki H.Kichimi C.Kiesling B.H.Kim C.-H.Kim D.Y.Kim S.-H.Kim Y.K.Kim Y.Kim T.D.Kimmel K.Kinoshita C.Kleinwort B.Knysh P.Kodyš T.Koga I.Komarov T.Konno S.Korpar D.Kotchetkov N.Kovalchuk T.M.G.Kraetzschmar P.Križan R.Kroeger J.F.Krohn P.Krokovny W.Kuehn T.Kuhr M.Kumar R.Kumar K.Kumara S.Kurz A.Kuzmin Y.-J.Kwon S.Lacaprara Y.-T.Lai C.La Licata K.Lalwani L.Lanceri J.S.Lange K.Lautenbach I.-S.Le Beihang University Beijing 100191 Brookhaven national Laboratory UptonNew York 11973 Budker institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosibirsk 630090 Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional Mexico City 07360 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University12116 Prague Chiba University Chiba 263-8522 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Mexico City 03940 Deutsches Elektronen–Synchrotron 22607 Hamburg Duke University DurhamNorth Carolina 27708 Earthquake Research institute University of TokyoTokyo 113-0032 Forschungszentrum Jülich 52425 Jülich Department of Physics Fu Jen Catholic UniversityTaipei 24205 Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application(MOE)and institute of Modern Physics Fudan UniversityShanghai 200443 II.Physikalisches Institut Georg-August-Universität Göttingen37073 Göttingen Gifu University Gifu 501-1193 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI) Hayama 240-0193 Gyeongsang national University Jinju 52828 Department of Physics and institute of Natural sciences Hanyang UniversitySeoul 04763 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK) Tsukuba 305-0801 J-PARC Branch KEK Theory CenterHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK)Tsukuba 305-0801 Indian institute of science Education and Research Mohali SAS Nagar140306 Indian institute of Technology Bhubaneswar Satya Nagar 751007 Indian institute of Technology Hyderabad Telangana 502285 Indian institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600036 Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47408 institute for High Energy Physics Protvino 142281 institute of High Energy Physics Vienna 1050 institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049 institute of Particle Physics(Canada) VictoriaBritish Columbia V8W 2Y2 institute of Physics Hanoi Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular Paterna 46980 INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati I-00044 Frascati INFN Sezione di Napoli I-80126 Napoli INFN Sezione di Padova I-35131 Padova INFN Sezione di Perugia I-06123 Perugia
From April to July 2018,a data sample at the peak energy of the T(4 S) resonance was collected with the Belle Ⅱ detector at the SuperKEKB electron-positron *** is the first data sample of the Belle Ⅱ *** Bhabha and ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论