Background: The negative impacts of the exotic tree, Ailanthus altissima(tree-of-heaven, stink tree), is spreading throughout much of the Eastern United States. When forests are disturbed, it can invade and expand qui...
Background: The negative impacts of the exotic tree, Ailanthus altissima(tree-of-heaven, stink tree), is spreading throughout much of the Eastern United States. When forests are disturbed, it can invade and expand quickly if seed sources are ***: We conducted studies at the highly dissected Tar Hollow State forest(THSF) in southeastern Ohio USA,where Ailanthus is widely distributed within the forest, harvests have been ongoing for decades, and prescribed fire had been applied to about a quarter of the study area. Our intention was to develop models to evaluate the relationship of Ailanthus presence to prescribed fire, harvesting activity, and other landscape characteristics, using this Ohio location as a case study. Field assessments of the demography of Ailanthus and other stand attributes(e.g., fire, harvesting, stand structure) were conducted on 267 sample plots on a 400-m grid throughout THSF,supplemented by identification of Ailanthus seed-sources via digital aerial sketch mapping during the dormant season. Statistical modeling tools Random forest(RF), Classification and Regression Trees(CART), and Maxent were used to assess relationships among attributes, then model habitats suitable for Ailanthus ***: In all, 41 variables were considered in the models, including variables related to management activities, soil characteristics, topography, and vegetation structure(derived from LiDAR). The most important predictor of Ailanthus presence was some measure of recent timber harvest, either mapped harvest history(CART) or LiDARderived canopy height(Maxent). Importantly, neither prescribed fire or soil variables appeared as important predictors of Ailanthus presence or absence in any of the models of the ***: These modeling techniques provide tools and methodologies for assessing landscapes for Ailanthus invasion, as well as those areas with higher potentials for invasion should seed sources become available. Though a case study on
The future health and productivity of tree species in the northern hardwood forest of eastern North America are uncertain considering changes in climate and pollution loading *** better understand the trajectory of th...
The future health and productivity of tree species in the northern hardwood forest of eastern North America are uncertain considering changes in climate and pollution loading *** better understand the trajectory of the northern hardwood forest,we studied the growth of three tree species emblematic of it:sugar maple(Acer saccharum Marsh),American beech(Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.),and yellow birch(Betula alleghaniensis Britton),plus a fourth species,red maple(Acer rubrum L.),whose abundance has increased in the *** also analyzed the link between growth and several factors for690 trees in 45 plots throughout Vermont,USA:tree age and size,site elevation,and climate and acid deposition *** their chronologies(1945-2014),all four species exhibited increasing growth followed by plateaued growth indicative of a maturing *** all species,summer moisture was positively correlated with growth,summer temperature was negatively associated with growth,and winter moisture or snow were positively correlated with *** last association was expected for sugar ***,our data suggest that winter snowpack may be more broadly relevant in sustaining tree growth in a region where snow has historically insulated the soil from freezing that can damage roots and lead to reduced aboveground *** of pollution deposition were also correlated with growth for all species except American beech—a species with documented tolerance to pollutant *** the four species studied,red maple had the fewest associations with environmental variables,which suggests that it may be less susceptible to growth reductions as the climate changes.
forests are dynamic in both structure and species composition, and these dynamics are strongly influenced by climate. However, the net effects of future tree species composition on net primary production (NPP) are n...
forests are dynamic in both structure and species composition, and these dynamics are strongly influenced by climate. However, the net effects of future tree species composition on net primary production (NPP) are not well understood. The objective of this work was to model the potential range shifts of tree species (DISTRIB Model) and predict their impacts on NPP (PnET-Ⅱ Model) that will be associated with alterations in species composition. We selected four 200 × 200 km areas in Wisconsin, Maine, Arkansas, and the Ohio-West Virginia area, representing focal areas of potential species range shifts. PnET-Ⅱ model simulations were carried out assuming that all forests achieved steady state, of which the species compositions were predicted by DISTRIB model with no migration limitation. The total NPP under the current climate ranged from 552 to 908 g C/m^2 per year. The effects of potential species redistributions on NPP were moderate (-12% to +8%) compared with the influence of future climatic changes (-60% to +25%). The direction and magnitude of climate change effects on NPP were largely dependent on the degree of warming and water balance. Thus, the magnitude of future climate change can affect the feedback system between the atmosphere and biosphere.
Light is the most common limiting factor in forest plant communities,influencing species composition,stand structure,and stand productivity in closed canopy *** vertical light structure is relatively simple under a cl...
Light is the most common limiting factor in forest plant communities,influencing species composition,stand structure,and stand productivity in closed canopy *** vertical light structure is relatively simple under a closed canopy because most light is captured by overstory ***,wind disturbance events create canopy openings from local to landscape scales that increase understory light intensity and vertical light structural *** studied the effects of an EF-1 tornado on horizontal and vertical(***-dimensional)light structure within a Quercus stand to determine how light structure changed with increasing disturbance *** used a two-tiered method to collect photosynthetic photon flux density at 4.67 m and 1.37 m above the forest floor to construct three-dimensional light structure across a canopy disturbance severity gradient to see if light intensity varied with increasing tornado *** indicate that increased canopy disturbance closer to the tornado track increased light penetration and light structure heterogeneity at lower forest *** light intensity correlated with increased sapling density that was more randomly distributed across the plot and had shifted light capture higher in the stand *** penetration through the overstory was most strongly correlated with decreased stem density in the two most important tree species(based on relative dominance and relative density)in the stand,Quercus alba L.(r=-0.31)and Ostrya virginiana(Mill.)***(r=-0.27,p<.01),and indicated that understory light penetration was most affected by these two *** managers are increasingly interested in patterning silvicultural entries on natural disturbances,they must understand residual stand and light structures that occur after natural disturbance *** providing spatial light data that quantifies light structure post-disturbance,managers can use these results to improve planning required for long-term man
Stand structural complexity enhancement is an increasingly popular management objective,especially on public *** stand structures are hypothesized to support a relatively high degree of native forest diversity and be ...
Stand structural complexity enhancement is an increasingly popular management objective,especially on public *** stand structures are hypothesized to support a relatively high degree of native forest diversity and be more resistant and resilient to *** structures are characterized by the presence of deadwood and heterogeneity of tree-size classes and tree *** little is known about how discrete disturbance events affect structural complexity and compositional diversity in Quercus-dominated stands at fine spatial scales(***).We established 200.05 ha fixed-radius plots on the Sipsey Wilderness of William *** National forest in northern Alabama to quantify woody plant species composition and *** were mapped on each plot to quantify overstory structural complexity and compositional *** extracted two cores from all canopy Quercus spp.C 5 cm diameter at breast height to quantify age,recruitment pulses,and reconstruct canopy disturbance *** species diversity in the sampled area was 1.75 for trees,2.08 for saplings,and 1.69 for *** alba had the greatest basal area,and Ostrya virginiana had the highest *** stand exhibited a reverse J-shaped distribution with a q-factor of *** oldest Quercus dated to 1795,and the largest recruitment pulse occurred in the *** mean return interval for intermediateseverity disturbance was 38 *** we documented no relationships between disturbance frequency and compositional diversity at the neighborhood scale(0.05 ha),less frequent disturbance was associated with higher structural complexity(r^2=0.258,p=0.026)at the neighborhood *** suggest that localized disturbance increases species diversity and structural complexity,but these processes are manifest at the stand level and not at the neighborhood *** conclude that the spatial variability(***,shape,orientation,microsite conditions)is likel
Current techniques of forest inventory rely on manual measurements and are slow and labor *** developments in computer vision and depth sensing can produce accurate measurement data at significantly reduced time and l...
Current techniques of forest inventory rely on manual measurements and are slow and labor *** developments in computer vision and depth sensing can produce accurate measurement data at significantly reduced time and labor *** developed the ForSense system to measure the diameters of trees at various points along the stem as well as stem *** use,mean absolute error(MAE),and root mean squared error(RMSE)metrics were used to compare the system against manual methods,and to compare the system against itself(reproducibility).Depth-derived diameter measurements of the stems at the heights of 0.3,1.4,and 2.7 m achieved RMSE of 1.7,1.5,and 2.7 cm,*** ForSense system produced straightness measurement data that was highly correlated with straightness ratings by trained *** ForSense system was also consistent,achieving sub-centimeter diameter difference with subsequent measures and less than 4%difference in straightness value between *** method of forest inventory,which is based on depth-image computer vision,is time efficient compared to manual methods and less computationally and technologically intensive compared to Structure-from-Motion(SFM)photogrammetry and ground-based LiDAR or terrestrial laser scanning(TLS).
Aims Using a network of permanent plots,we determined how multiple old-growth forests changed over an 18-19-year period at a state-wide *** examination of change allowed us to assess how the compositional and structur...
Aims Using a network of permanent plots,we determined how multiple old-growth forests changed over an 18-19-year period at a state-wide *** examination of change allowed us to assess how the compositional and structural stability of each forest varied with site characteristics(topography,physiography and productivity)and stochastic *** In 2011,we resampled 150 plots distributed across five old-growth hardwood forests in Indiana,USA that were originally sampled in *** each plot,we relocated and remeasured the diameter at breast height(dbh)of all trees(≥10.0 cm)present during the 1992-1993 sample,which allowed us to track their individual fates through time for growth and mortality *** that grew to≥10.0 cm dbh since plot establishment were designated as *** dbh and species of all saplings(stems≥2.0 cm butforest,we calculated density(stems ha^(−1)),basal area(BABA;m^(2)ha^(−1))and importance value(relative density+relative BABA)/2 of trees by *** saplings,density per ha was calculated by species for each *** also calculated annual mortality rate(AMR)for three diameter classes(10-29.9,30-59.9 and≥60 cm)and species richness(S),evenness(E)and Shannon-Weiner diversity(H')for the tree and sapling *** between years were compared for each forest using paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed rank *** FindingsAlthough we observed commonality in changes across some sites,our results suggest that these forests differ in their rates and trajectories of *** in total stand BABA and density varied across sites and were influenced by past disturbance and mortality *** observed a general increase in the overstory dominance of Acer saccharum coupled with a general decrease in the dominance of Quercus section Lobatae(red oak group)*** of overstory trees present in 1992-1993 ranged from 27%to 49%over the study period(mean AM
Introduction:The Aspen-FACE experiment was an 11-year study of the effect of elevated CO_(2) and ozone(alone and in combination)on the growth of model aspen communities(pure aspen,aspen-birch,and aspen-maple)in the fi...
Introduction:The Aspen-FACE experiment was an 11-year study of the effect of elevated CO_(2) and ozone(alone and in combination)on the growth of model aspen communities(pure aspen,aspen-birch,and aspen-maple)in the field in northern Wisconsin,*** remains about how these short-term plotlevel responses might play out over broader temporal and spatial scales where climate change,competition,succession,and disturbances interact with tree-level *** this study,we used a new physiologybased approach(PnET-Succession v3.1)within the forest landscape model LANDIS-II to extrapolate the FACE results to broader temporal scales(and ultimately to landscape scale)by mechanistically accounting for the globally changing drivers of temperature,precipitation,CO_(2),and *** added novel algorithms to the model to mechanistically simulate the effects of ozone on photosynthesis through ozone-induced impairment of stomatal control(i.e.,stomatal sluggishness)and damage of photosynthetic capacity at the chloroplast ***:We calibrated the model to empirical observations of competitive interactions on the elevated CO_(2) and O_(3) plots of the Aspen-FACE experiment and successfully validated it on the combined factor *** used the validated model to extend the Aspen-FACE experiment for 80 *** only aspen clones competed,we found that clone 271 always dominated,although the ozone-tolerant clone was co-dominant when ozone was *** all treatments,when aspen clone 216 and birch competed,birch was always dominant or co-dominant,and when clone 216 and maple competed,clone 216 was dominant,although maple was able to grow steadily because of its shade *** also predicted long-term competitive outcomes for novel assemblages of taxa under each treatment and discovered that future composition and dominant taxa depend on treatment,and that short-term trends do not always persist in the long ***:We identified the strengths and weakne
We analyzed national forest inventory data collected from circa 2000–2018 across 37 states in the eastern United States to better understand the influence of forest health related canopy disturbances on the regenerat...
We analyzed national forest inventory data collected from circa 2000–2018 across 37 states in the eastern United States to better understand the influence of forest health related canopy disturbances on the regeneration and recruitment dynamics of upland oaks(Quercus).We found low levels of oak recruitment across all disturbance types examined but limited evidence of any direct effects from the type of disturbance on the population of regenerating *** general lack of differences in oak regeneration response between forest health disturbances and disturbances caused by harvested or non-disturbed plots does not indicate that the effects of forest health disturbances were benign,***,low level of oak recruitment across all disturbance types highlights the pervasiveness of the trend of shifting composition in once oak-dominated forests where oak is absent or sparse in the regeneration *** results show that oak recruitment was higher when oak was present as advance reproduction prior to disturbance from any cause ***,these results lead us to conclude that the widespread inadequacy of oak advance reproduction in mature oak-dominated forests is the prevailing threat to oak forest health and *** suggest the status of advance reproduction be treated as a co-morbidity when weighing the risk and potential outcomes from other threats to upland oak forests in the eastern United States.
Flood wave propagation modeling is of critical importance to advancing water resources management and protecting human life and property. In this study, we investigated how the advection-diffusion routing model perfor...
Flood wave propagation modeling is of critical importance to advancing water resources management and protecting human life and property. In this study, we investigated how the advection-diffusion routing model performed in flood wave propagation on a 16 km long downstream section of the Big Piney River, MO. Model performance was based on gaging station data at the upstream and downstream cross sections. We demonstrated with advection-diffusion theory that for small differences in watershed drainage area between the two river cross sections, inflow along the reach mainly contributes to the downstream hydrograph's rising limb and not to the falling limb. The downstream hydrograph's falling limb is primarily determined by the propagated flood wave originating at the upstream cross section. This research suggests the parameter for the advectiondiffusion routing model can be calibrated by fitting the hydrograph falling limb. Application of the advection diffusion model to the flood wave of January 29, 2013 supports our theoretical finding that the propagated flood wave determines the downstream cross section falling limb, and the model has good performance in our test examples.