Autophagy is a highly conserved cellular program in eukaryotic cells which mediates the degradation of cytoplasmic components through the lysosome,also named the vacuole in ***,the molecular mechanisms underlying the ...
Autophagy is a highly conserved cellular program in eukaryotic cells which mediates the degradation of cytoplasmic components through the lysosome,also named the vacuole in ***,the molecular mechanisms underlying the fusion of autophagosomes with the vacuole remain ***,we report the functional characterization of a rice(Oryza sativa)mutant with defects in storage protein transport in endosperm cells and accumulation of numerous autophagosomes in root *** and immunocytochemical experiments showed that this mutant exhibits a defect in the fusion between autophagosomes and *** mutant harbors a loss-of-function mutation in the rice homolog of Arabidopsis thaliana MONENSIN SENSITIVITY1(MON1).Biochemical and genetic evidence revealed a synergistic interaction between rice MON1 and AUTOPHAGY-RELATED 8a in maintaining normal growth and *** addition,the rice mon1 mutant disrupted storage protein sorting to protein storage ***,quantitative proteomics verified that the loss of MON1 function influenced diverse biological pathways including autophagy and vacuolar transport,thus decreasing the transport of autophagic and vacuolar cargoes to ***,our findings establish a molecular link between autophagy and vacuolar protein transport,and offer insights into the dual functions of the MON1–CCZ1(CAFFEINE ZINC SENSITIVITY1)complex in plants.
Biogeophysical effects of land use and land cover (LULC) changes play a significant role in modulating climate on various spatial scales. In this study, a set of recent LULC products with a spatial resolution of 500...
Biogeophysical effects of land use and land cover (LULC) changes play a significant role in modulating climate on various spatial scales. In this study, a set of recent LULC products with a spatial resolution of 500 m was developed in China for update in RegCM4 (regional climate model version 4). Two sets of comparative numerical experiments were conducted to study the effects of LULC changes on near-surface temperature simulation. The results show that after LULC changes, areas of crops and mixed woodlands as well as urban areas increase over entire China, accom- panied with greatly expanded mixed farming and forests/field mosaics in southern China, and reduced areas of 1) ir- rigated crops and short grasses in northern China and the Tibetan Plateau, and 2) semi-desert and desert in northwest-em China. Improvements in the LULC data clearly result in more accurate simulations of the near-surface temperat-ure. Specifically, increasing latent heat and longwave albedo due to enhanced LULC in certain areas lead to reduc-tion in land surface temperature (LST), while changes in shortwave albedo and sensible heat also exert a great influ- ence on the LST. Overall, these parameter adjustments reduce the biases in near-surface temperature simulation.
Road transport produces significant amounts of emissions by using crude oil as the primary energy source.A reduction of emissions can be achieved by implementing alternative fuel *** objective of this study is to carr...
Road transport produces significant amounts of emissions by using crude oil as the primary energy source.A reduction of emissions can be achieved by implementing alternative fuel *** objective of this study is to carry out an economic,environmental and energy(EEE)life cycle study on natural gas-based automotive fuels with conven-tional gasoline in an abundant region of China.A set of indices of four fuels/vehicle systems on the basis of life cycle are assessed in terms of impact of EEE,in which natural gas produces compressed natural gas(CNG),methanol,dimethy-lether(DME)and Fischer Tropsch diesel(FTD).The study included fuel production,vehicle production,vehicle opera-tion,infrastructure and vehicle end of life as a system for each fuel/vehicle system.A generic gasoline fueled car is used as a *** have been reviewed and modified based on the best knowledge available to Chongqing local *** indicated that when we could not change electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles into commercial vehicles on a large scale,direct use of CNG in a dedicated or bi-fuel vehicle is an eco-nomical choice for the region which is most energy efficient and more environmental *** study can be used to support decisions on how natural gas resources can best be utilized as a fuel/energy resource for automobiles,and what issues need to be resolved in *** models and approaches for this study can be applied to other regions of China as long as all the assumptions are well defined and modified to find a substitute automotive energy source and establish an energy policy in a specific region.
This study examines the impacts of land-use data on the simulation of surface air temperature in Northwest China by the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model. International Geosphere–Biosphere Program(IGBP) lan...
This study examines the impacts of land-use data on the simulation of surface air temperature in Northwest China by the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model. International Geosphere–Biosphere Program(IGBP) landuse data with 500-m spatial resolution are generated from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)satellite products. These data are used to replace the default U.S. Geological Survey(USGS) land-use data in the WRF model. Based on the data recorded by national basic meteorological observing stations in Northwest China, results are compared and evaluated. It is found that replacing the default USGS land-use data in the WRF model with the IGBP data improves the ability of the model to simulate surface air temperature in Northwest China in July and December 2015. Errors in the simulated daytime surface air temperature are reduced, while the results vary between seasons. There is some variation in the degree and range of impacts of land-use data on surface air temperature among seasons. Using the IGBP data, the simulated daytime surface air temperature in July 2015 improves at a relatively small number of stations, but to a relatively large degree; whereas the simulation of daytime surface air temperature in December 2015 improves at almost all stations, but only to a relatively small degree(within 1°C). Mitigation of daytime surface air temperature overestimation in July 2015 is influenced mainly by the change in ground heat flux. The modification of underestimated temperature comes mainly from the improvement of simulated net radiation in December 2015.
By analyzing and comparing the existing methods for the division of urban economic region, this paper supplemented and developed the breaking point theory. In this model, put forward for the first time using "the spa...
By analyzing and comparing the existing methods for the division of urban economic region, this paper supplemented and developed the breaking point theory. In this model, put forward for the first time using "the space-time distance" to replace "the space- linear distance" and "the city comprehensiveness quality- fuzzy comprehensive assessment Index" to "the urban population or GDP'. Set up the algorithm of including "the space- time distance" and the city radiation scope changed with the changes of traffic conditions. Thus has realized "dynamically" tracing of the city radiation scope influenced by the traffic conditions. Taking Yichang city as an example, the paper analyzed the city function localization in the times of new traffic environments. Because China's cities are at the times of the traffic great changes, therefore, the method and the main conclusions of this paper have some methodology guiding sense to the majority cities of deffernt country to re-position.
Endosperm as the storage organ of starch and protein in cereal crops largely determines grain yield and *** the fact that several pentatricopeptide repeat(PPR)proteins required for endosperm development have been iden...
Endosperm as the storage organ of starch and protein in cereal crops largely determines grain yield and *** the fact that several pentatricopeptide repeat(PPR)proteins required for endosperm development have been identified in rice,the molecular mechanisms of many P-type PPR proteins in endosperm development remains ***,we isolated a rice floury endosperm mutant ppr5 that developed small starch grains and an abnormal aleurone layer,accompanied by decreased starch,protein,and amylose ***-based cloning combined with a complementation test demonstrated that PPR5 encodes a P-type PPR protein that is localized to the *** mutation in PPR5 caused reduced splicing efficiency of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 4(nad4)gene intron 3 and reduced complex I assembly and *** of PPR5 function greatly upregulated expression of alternative oxidases(AOXs),reduced ATP production,and affected mitochondrial *** demonstrate that PPR5,as a P-type PPR protein,is required for mitochondrial function and endosperm development by controlling the cis-splicing of mitochondrial nad4 intron 3.
Pentatricopeptide repeat(PPR) proteins function in post-transcriptional regulation of organellar gene expression. Although several PPR proteins are known to function in chloroplast development in rice(Oryza sativa), t...
Pentatricopeptide repeat(PPR) proteins function in post-transcriptional regulation of organellar gene expression. Although several PPR proteins are known to function in chloroplast development in rice(Oryza sativa), the detailed molecular functions of many PPR proteins remain ***, we characterized a rice young leaf white stripe(ylws) mutant, which has defective chloroplast development during early seedling ***-based cloning revealed that YLWS encodes a novel P-type chloroplast-targeted PPR protein with 11 PPR motifs. Further expression analyses showed that many nuclear-and plastid-encoded genes in the ylws mutant were significantly changed at the RNA and protein levels. The ylws mutant was impaired in chloroplast ribosome biogenesis and chloroplast development under low-temperature conditions. The ylws mutation causes defects in the splicing of atpF, ndhA, rpl2,and rps12, and editing of ndhA, ndhB, and rps14transcripts. YLWS directly binds to specific sites in the atpF, ndhA, and rpl2 pre-mRNAs. Our results suggest that YLWS participates in chloroplast RNA group II intron splicing and plays an important role in chloroplast development during early leaf development.
Heading date(or flowering time),an important agronomic trait in crop species,is closely associated with regional adaptation and *** of the Pseudo-Response Regulator(PRR)family play key roles in regulating ***,their ro...
Heading date(or flowering time),an important agronomic trait in crop species,is closely associated with regional adaptation and *** of the Pseudo-Response Regulator(PRR)family play key roles in regulating ***,their role and molecular mechanism controlling heading date in rice is not very ***,we identified rice OsPRR protein,OsPRR59,which delayed heading under longday ***59 positively regulates yield by affecting plant height,secondary branches number per panicle,grain number per panicle,seed setting rate,and grain weight per ***59 is expressed in most tissues and its protein is localized to the *** also found that OsPRR59 directly binds to the promoter of Ehd3 to inhibit its *** with the WT,osprr59 ehd3 showed a significantly delayed heading phenotype,as did the ehd3 *** was opposite to the phenotype of the osprr59 mutant,confirming that Ehd3 acted downstream of OsPRR59 in regulating rice *** results identified a direct regulator of Ehd3,and revealed a novel molecular mechanism of clock component OsPRR proteins in regulating heading date and provide a new genetic resource for fine-tuning heading date in rice.
Grain size is an important determinant of yield potential in crops. We previously demonstrated that natural mutations in the regulatory sequences of qSW5/GW5 confer grain width diversity in rice. However, the biologic...
Grain size is an important determinant of yield potential in crops. We previously demonstrated that natural mutations in the regulatory sequences of qSW5/GW5 confer grain width diversity in rice. However, the biological function of a GW5 homolog, named GW5-Like(GW5 L), remains unknown. In this study, we report on GW5 L knockout mutants in Kitaake, a japonica cultivar(cv.)considered to have a weak gw5 variant allele that confers shorter and wider grains. GW5 L is evenly expressed in various tissues, and its protein product is localized to the plasma membrane. Biochemical assays verified that GW5 L functions in a similar fashion to GW5. It positively regulates brassinosteroid(BR) signaling through repression of the phosphorylation activity of GSK2. Genetic data show that GW5 L overexpression in either Kitaake or a GW5 knockout line, Kasaorf3(indica cv. Kasalath background), causes more slender, longer grains relative to the wild-type. We also show that GW5 L could confer salt stress resistance through an association with calmodulin protein OsCa M1-1. These findings identify GW5 L as a negative regulator of both grain size and salt stress tolerance, and provide a potential target for breeders to improve grain yield and salt stress resistance in rice.