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121372 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Search for electron-antineutrinos associated with gravitational-wave events GW150914,GW151012,GW151226,GW170104,GW170608,GW170814,and GW170817 at Daya Bay
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Chinese Physics C 2021年 第5期45卷 190-201页
作者: F.P.An A.B.Balantekin h.R.Band M.Bishai S.Blyth G.F.Cao J.Cao J.F.Chang y.Chang h.S.Chen S.M.Chen y.Chen y.X.Chen J.Cheng Z.K.Cheng J.J.Cherwinka M.C.Chu J.P.Cummings O.Dalager F.S.Deng y.y.Ding M.V.Diwan T.Dohnal J.Dove M.Dvorak D.A.Dwyer J.P.Gallo M.Gonchar G.h.Gong h.Gong W.Q.Gu J.y.guo L.guo X.h.guo y.h.guo Z.guo R.W.hackenburg S.hans M.he K.M.heeger y.K.heng A.higuera y.K.hor y.B.hsiung B.Z.hu J.R.hu T.hu Z.J.hu h.X.huang X.T.huang y.B.huang P.huber D.E.Jaffe K.L.Jen X.L.Ji X.P.Ji R.A.Johnson D.Jones L.Kang S.h.Kettell S.Kohn M.Kramer T.J.Langford J.Lee J.h.C.Lee R.T.Lei R.Leitner J.K.C.Leung F.Li J.J.Li Q.J.Li S.Li S.C.Li W.D.Li X.N.Li X.Q.Li y.F.Li Z.B.Li h.Liang C.J.Lin G.L.Lin S.Lin J.J.Ling J.M.Link L.Littenberg B.R.Littlejohn J.C.Liu J.L.Liu C.Lu h.Q.Lu J.S.Lu K.B.Luk X.B.Ma X.y.Ma y.Q.Ma C.Marshall D.A.Martinez Caicedo K.T.MeDonald R.D.McKeown y.Meng J.Napolitano D.Naumov E.Naumova J.P.Ochoa-Ricoux A.OIshevskiy h.-R.Pan J.Park S.Patton J.C.Peng C.S.J.Pun F.Z.Qi M.Qi X.Qian N.Raper J.Ren C.Morales Reveco R.Rosero B.Roskovec X.C.Ruan h.Steiner J.L.Sun T.Tmej K.Treskov W.-h.Tse C.E.Tull B.Viren V.Vorobel C.h.Wang J.Wang M.Wang N.y.Wang R.G.Wang W.Wang W.Wang X.Wang y.Wang y.F.Wang Z.Wang Z.Wang Z.M.Wang h.y.Wei L.h.Wei L.J.Wen K.Whisnant C.G.White h.L.h.Wong E.Worcester D.R.Wu F.L.Wu Q.Wu W.J.Wu D.M.Xia Z.Q.Xie Z.Z.Xing J.L.Xu T.Xu T.Xue C.G.yang L.yang y.Z.yang h.F.yao M.ye M.yeh B.L.young h.Z.yu Z.y.yu B.B.yue S.Zeng y.Zeng L.Zhan C.Zhang F.y.Zhang h.h.Zhang J.W.Zhang Q.M.Zhang X.T.Zhang y.M.Zhang y.X.Zhang y.y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.P.Zhang Z.y.Zhang J.Zhao L.Zhou h.L.Zhuang J.h.Zou Instiute of Modern Physics East China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237 University of Wisconsin MadisonWisconsin 53706 Wright Laboratory and Department of Physics Yale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06520 Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973 Department of Physics National Taiwan UniversityTaipei Institute of high Energy Physics Beijing 100049 National United University Miao-Li Department of Engineering Physics Tsinghua UniversityBejing 100084 Shenzhen University Shenzhen 518060 Sun yat-Sen(Zhongshan)University Guangzhou North China Electric Power University Bejjing 102206 Chinese University of hong Kong Hong Kong 999077 Siena College LoudonvilleNew York 12211 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of CaliforniaIrvineCaliformia 92697 University of Science and Technology of China Hefei 230026 Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsPrague Department of Physics University of llinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbanaIlinois 61801 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Department of Physics Illinois Institute of TechnologyChicagoIllinois 60616 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research DubnaMoscow Region Beijing Normal University Beijing 100875 Department of Nuclear Science and Technology School of Energy and Power EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong UniversityXi'an 710049 Department of Physics University of HoustonHoustonTexas 77204 China Institute of Atomic Energy Beijing 102413 Shandong University Jinan 250100 Guangxi University Nanning 530004 Center for Neutrino Physics Virginia TechBlacksburgVirginia 24061 Institute of Physics National Chiao-Tung UniversityHsinchu Department of Physics University of CincinnatiCincinnatiOhio 45221 Department of Physies Collge of Science and TechnologyTemple UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19122 Dongguan University of Technology Dongguan 523808 Department of Physics University of CaliforniaBerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Department of Physics The University of Hong KongPokfulamHong Kong 999077 School
The establishment of a possible connection between neutrino emission and gravitational-wave(GW)bursts is important to our understanding of the physical processes that occur when black holes or neutron stars *** the Da... 详细信息
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国际医学放射学杂志 2019年 第1期 125-125页
作者: y.J.Chen y.h.guo X.T.Zhang y.J.Mei y.Q.Feng X.D.Zhang 郭欣怡 Department of Medical Imaging The Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University (Academy of Orthopedics·Guangdong Province)
摘要目的探讨定量磁敏感图(QSM)在评估绝经后妇女骨质疏松症中的有效性。方法 2017年5月—9月期间共有70名绝经后妇女相继参与这一前瞻性研究,接受基于
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Antineutrino energy spectrum unfolding based on the Daya Bay measurement and its applications
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Chinese Physics C 2021年 第7期45卷 1-19页
作者: F.P.An A.B.Balantekin M.Bishai S.Blyth G.F.Cao J.Cao J.F.Chang y.Chang h.S.Chen S.M.Chen y.Chen y.X.Chen J.Cheng Z.K.Cheng J.J.Cherwinka M.C.Chu J.P.Cummings O.Dalager F.S.Deng y.y.Ding M.V.Diwan T.Dohnal D.Dolzhikov J.Dove M.Dvorak D.A.Dwyer J.P.Gallo M.Gonchar G.h.Gong h.Gong M.Grassi W.Q.Gu J.y.guo L.guo X.h.guo y.h.guo Z.guo R.W.hackenburg S.hans a M.he K.M.heeger y.K.heng y.K.hor y.B.hsiung B.Z.hu J.R.hu T.hu Z.J.hu h.X.huang J.h.huang X.T.huang y.B.huang P.huber D.E.Jaffe K.L.Jen X.L.Ji X.P.Ji R.A.Johnson D.Jones L.Kang S.h.Kettel S.Kohn M.Kramer T.J.Langford J.Lee J.h.C.Lee R.T.Lei R.Leitner J.K.C.Leung F.Li h.L.Li J.J.Li Q.J.Li R.h.Li S.Li S.C.Li W.D.Li X.N.Li X.Q.Li y.F.Li Z.B.Li h.Liang C.J.Lin G.L.Lin S.Lin J.J.Ling J.M.Link26 L.Littenberg B.R.Littlejohn J.C.Liu J.L.Liu J.X.Liu C.Lu h.Q.Lu K.B.Luk B.Z.Ma X.B.Ma X.y.Ma y.Q.Ma R.C.Mandujano C.Marshall K.T.McDonald R.D.McKeown y.Meng J.Napolitano D.Naumov E.Naumova T.M.T.Nguyen J.P.Ochoa-Ricoux A.Olshevskiy h.-R.Pan J.Park S.Patton J.C.Peng C.S.J.Pun F.Z.Qi M.Qi X.Qian N.Raper J.Ren C.Morales Reveco R.Rosero B.Roskovec X.C.Ruan h.Steiner J.L.Sun T.Tmej1 K.Treskov W.-h.Tse C.E.Tull B.Viren V.Vorobel C.h.Wang J.Wang M.Wang N.y.Wang R.G.Wang W.Wang W.Wang X.Wang y.Wang y.F.Wang Z.Wang Z.Wang Z.M.Wang h.y.Wei L.h.Wei L.J.Wen K.Whisnant C.G.White h.L.h.Wong E.Worcester D.R.Wu F.L.Wu Q.Wu W.J.Wu D.M.Xia Z.Q.Xie Z.Z.Xing h.K.Xu J.L.Xu T.Xu T.Xue C.G.yang L.yang y.Z.yang h.F.yao M.ye M.yeh B.L.young h.Z.yu Z.y.yu B.B.yue V.Zavadskyi S.Zeng y.Zeng L.Zhan C.Zhang F.y.Zhang h.h.Zhang J.W.Zhang Q.M.Zhang S.Q.Zhang X.T.Zhang y.M.Zhang y.X.Zhang y.y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.P.Zhang Z.y.Zhang J.Zhao R.Z.Zhao L.Zhou h.L.Zhuang J.h.Zou Institute of Modern Physics East China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200337 University of Wisconsin MadisonWisconsin 53706 Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973 Department of Physics Nnational Taiwan UniversityTaipei Institute of high Energy Physics Beijing 100049 National United University Miao-Li Department of Engineering Physics Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100048 Shenzhen University Shenzhen 518061 Sun yat-Sen(Zhongshan)University Guangzhou 510275 North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 Chinese University of hong Kong Hongkong 999077 Siena College LoudonvilleNew York 12211 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of CaliforniaIrvineCalifornia 92697 University of Science and Technology of China Hefei 230022 Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsPrague Joint Institute for Nuclear Research DubnaMoscow Region Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUrbanaIllinois 61801 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Department of Physics Illinois Institute of TechnologyChicagoIllinois 60616 Beijing Normal University Beijing 100875 Department of Nuclear Science and Technology School of Energy and Power EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong UniversityXi'an 710049 Wright Laboratory and Department of Physics Yale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut 06520 China Institute of Atomic Energy Beijing 102413 Shandong University Jinan 250002 Guangxi University No.100 Daxue East RoadNanning 530004 Center for Neutrino Physics Virginia TechBlacksburgVirginia 24061 Institute of Physics NCTUHsinchu Department of Physics University of CincinnatiCincinnatiOhio 45221 Department of Physics College of Science and TechnologyTemple UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19122 Dongguan University of Technology Dongguan 523808 Department of Physics University of CaliforniaBerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Department of Physics The University of Hong KongPokfulamHongkong 999077 School of Physics Nankai UniversityTianjin 300071 Department o
The prediction of reactor antineutrino spectra will play a crucial role as reactor experiments enter the precision *** positron energy spectrum of 3.5 million antineutrino inverse beta decay reactions observed by the ... 详细信息
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Mossbauer,optical and structural properties of Fe^(3+) ion in borate glass
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Journal of Rare Earths 2025年 第1期43卷 162-170,I0006页
作者: Essam A.Elkelany hesham y.Amin A.Samir M.M.EL-hady h.h.El-Bahnasawy Moukhtar A.hassan Basic Science Department Faculty of EngineeringSinai UniversityAl-Arish45511Egypt School of Information and Electrical Engineering Hangzhou City UniversityHangzhou30015China State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation College of Optical Science and EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou310027China Basic Science Department Faculty of Engineering at ShoubraBenha University11629Egypt Physics Department Faculty of ScienceAl-Azhar University11884CairoEgypt
Lanthanum-bearing iron lithium borate glass is a quaternary system for oxide glasses and was prepared via the melt-quenching *** present article correlates the structure,optical,ligand field and M?ssbauer data on iron... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
[Effects of adipose stem cell-derived exosomes on rat tendon healing and its impact on the periphery neuropeptides expression]
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Zhonghua yi xue za zhi 2025年 第7期105卷 544-553页
作者: h T Xu h Zhang K Shen h Zhou h h Song D M guo X y Gu G L Wang Q Wang G y yin Department of Orthopedics the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Nanjing 210029 China. School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210000 China.
To investigate the effect of injectable adipose tissue stem cell-derived exosome-encapsulated hydrogel on the tendon healing in rats and to evaluate the temporal and spatial expressions of periphery neuropeptides at h... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
A Multifunctional hydrogel with Multimodal Self-Powered Sensing Capability and Stable Direct Current Output for Outdoor Plant Monitoring Systems
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Nano-Micro Letters 2025年 第4期17卷 1-24页
作者: Xinge guo Luwei Wang Zhenyang Jin Chengkuo Lee Department of Electrical&Computer Engineering National University of Singapore4 Engineering Drive 3Singapore 117576Singapore Center for Intelligent Sensors and MEMS(CISM) National University of Singapore5 Engineering Drive 1Singapore 117608Singapore NUS Graduate School-Integrative Sciences and Engineering Program(ISEP) National University of SingaporeSingapore 119077Singapore Research Center for Sustainable Urban Farming(SUrF) National University of SingaporeSingapore 117558Singapore
Smart farming with outdoor monitoring systems is critical to address food shortages and sustainability *** systems facilitate informed decisions that enhance efficiency in broader environmental *** outdoor systems equ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Asking one mechanism in glial cells during neuroinflammation
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第4期20卷 1077-1078页
作者: Xiaoli guo Chikako harada Takayuki harada Visual Research Project Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical ScienceTokyoJapan
Multiple sclerosis(MS),which is characterized by inflammatory demyelination in the central nervous system(CNS),is the most common neurological disease in the young adult *** autoimmune encephalomyelitis(EAE),an animal... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Monogenic gene therapy for glaucoma and optic nerve injury
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第3期20卷 815-816页
作者: Chikako harada Xiaoli guo Takayuki harada Visual Research Project Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical ScienceTokyoJapan
The prevalence of glaucoma, the second leading cause of global blindness, is increasing due to aging populations. In glaucoma, degeneration of the optic nerve and retinal ganglion cells(RGCs) causes visual field defec... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Sulfur doping and oxygen vacancy in In2O3 nanotube co-regulate intermediates of CO2 electroreduction for efficient hCOOh production and rechargeable Zn-CO2 battery
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Journal of Energy Chemistry 2025年 第2期101卷 474-484页
作者: yu Li Zhengrong Xu Quanxin guo Qin Li Rui Liu Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education School of Materials Science and Engineering Tongji University
By manipulating the distribution of surface electrons,defect engineering enables effective control over the adsorption energy between adsorbates and active sites in the CO2reduction reaction(CO2RR).herein,we report ... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Regulating local electron transfer environment of covalent triazine frameworks through F,N co-modification towards optimized oxygen reduction reaction
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Chinese Chemical Letters 2025年 第1期36卷 344-348页
作者: Quanyou guo yue yang Tingting hu hongqi Chu Lijun Liao Xuepeng Wang Zhenzi Li Liping guo Wei Zhou Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringQilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences)Ji’nan 250353China
The high conductivity of electrocatalyst can eliminate the Schottky energy barrier at the interface of heterogeneous phases during an electrocatalytic reaction and accelerate the rapid electron transfer to the catalyt... 详细信息
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