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  • 2 篇 理学
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    • 1 篇 生物学
  • 2 篇 工学
    • 1 篇 光学工程
    • 1 篇 仪器科学与技术
    • 1 篇 电子科学与技术(可...
    • 1 篇 化学工程与技术
  • 1 篇 医学
    • 1 篇 临床医学


  • 1 篇 chemi
  • 1 篇 colonization
  • 1 篇 photoelectrocata...
  • 1 篇 cu_(2)o nanocube...
  • 1 篇 dft calculations
  • 1 篇 gastric mucosa
  • 1 篇 clonal grass
  • 1 篇 bowel diseases
  • 1 篇 atlas
  • 1 篇 electrostatic
  • 1 篇 quark
  • 1 篇 diagnostic techn...
  • 1 篇 gastrointestinal...
  • 1 篇 biodiversity eff...
  • 1 篇 helicobacter pyl...
  • 1 篇 emitted
  • 1 篇 co_(2) photoelec...
  • 1 篇 polydopamine
  • 1 篇 gluon
  • 1 篇 jet


  • 1 篇 department of in...
  • 1 篇 institut de miné...
  • 1 篇 technische unive...
  • 1 篇 department of ph...
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  • 1 篇 national institu...
  • 1 篇 desy photon scie...
  • 1 篇 laser plasma dep...
  • 1 篇 department of ch...
  • 1 篇 department of su...
  • 1 篇 department of ra...
  • 1 篇 department of ph...
  • 1 篇 the atlas collab...
  • 1 篇 department of ph...
  • 1 篇 instituto de quí...
  • 1 篇 department of po...
  • 1 篇 central laser fa...
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  • 1 篇 european xfel gm...
  • 1 篇 são paulo state ...


  • 1 篇 a.s. sharma
  • 1 篇 c. alexa
  • 1 篇 s. barsov
  • 1 篇 s. veneziano
  • 1 篇 d.m. koeck
  • 1 篇 m. mazza
  • 1 篇 a. dell'acqua
  • 1 篇 s. sinha
  • 1 篇 g. bella
  • 1 篇 f.i. kaya
  • 1 篇 j. strandberg
  • 1 篇 d. calvet
  • 1 篇 c. amelung
  • 1 篇 c.m. gee
  • 1 篇 b. konya
  • 1 篇 m.m. stanitzki
  • 1 篇 m. belfkir
  • 1 篇 f. pastore
  • 1 篇 i.p.j. shipsey
  • 1 篇 b. cervato


  • 4 篇 英文
  • 1 篇 中文
检索条件"作者=v. Dok.lov.m. Yapryntsev"
5 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Genotypic div.rsity and genotype identity of resident species driv. community composition
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Journal of Plant Ecology 2020年 第2期13卷 224-232页
作者: v.roslav. Hadincov. Hana Skálová Zuzana münzbergov. Department of Population Ecology Institute of BotanyAcademy of Sciences of the Czech RepublicCzech Republic Department of Botany Faculty of ScienceCharles UniversityCzech Republic Department of Inv.sion Ecology Institute of BotanyAcademy of Sciences of the Czech RepublicCzech Republic
Aims Species-rich plant communities are more resistant to *** the past decade it was demonstrated that genetic v.riation also has many ecological *** our study we aimed to test whether the patterns of response to the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
First prospectiv. European study for the feasibility and safety of magnetically controlled capsule endoscopy in gastric mucosal abnormalities
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2022年 第20期28卷 2227-2242页
作者: milán Szalai Krisztina Helle Barbara Dorottya lovász Ádám Finta András Rosztóczy László Oczella László madácsy Department of Gastroenterology Endo-Kapszula Health Centre and Endoscopy UnitSzékesfehérvár 8000Hungary Department of Internal medicine University of SzegedSzeged 6725Hungar
BACKGROUND While capsule endoscopy(CE)is the gold standard diagnostic method of detecting small bowel(SB)diseases and disorders,a nov.l magnetically controlled capsule endoscopy(mCCE)system prov.des non-inv.siv. ev.lu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Performance and calibration of quark/gluon-jet taggers using 140 fb^(-1) of pp collisions at √s=13 Tev.with the ATLAS detector
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Chinese Physics C 2024年 第2期48卷 1-25页
作者: G. Aad B. Abbott K. Abeling N.J. Abicht S.H. Abidi A. Aboulhorma H. Abramowicz H. Abreu Y. Abulaiti B.S. Acharya C. Adam Bourdarios L. Adamczyk S.v. Addepalli m.J. Addison J. Adelman A. Adiguzel T. Adye A.A. Affolder Y. Afik m.N. Agaras J. Agarwala A. Aggarwal C. Agheorghiesei A. Ahmad F. Ahmadov.W.S. Ahmed S. Ahuja X. Ai G. Aielli A. Aikot m. Ait Tamlihat B. Aitbenchikh I. Aizenberg m. Akbiyik T.P.A. Åkesson A.v. Akimov.D. Akiyama N.N. Akolkar K. Al Khoury G.L. Alberghi J. Albert P. Albicocco G.L. Albouy S. Alderweireldt m. Aleksa I.N. Aleksandrov.C. Alexa T. Alexopoulos F. Alfonsi m. Algren m. Alhroob B. Ali H.m.J. Ali S. Ali S.W. Alibocus m. Aliev.G. Alimonti W. Alkakhi C. Allaire B.m.m. Allbrooke J.F. Allen C.A. Allendes Flores P.P. Allport A. Aloisio F. Alonso C. Alpigiani m. Alv.rez Estev.z A. Alv.rez Fernandez m. Alv.s Cardoso m.G. Alv.ggi m. Aly Y. Amaral Coutinho A. Ambler C. Amelung m. Amerl C.G. Ames D. Amidei S.P. Amor Dos Santos K.R. Amos v. Ananiev.C. Anastopoulos T. Andeen J.K. Anders S.Y. Andrean A. Andreazza S. Angelidakis A. Angerami A.v. Anisenkov.A. Annov. C. Antel m.T. Anthony E. Antipov.m. Antonelli F. Anulli m. Aoki T. Aoki J.A. Aparisi Pozo m.A. Aparo L. Aperio Bella C. Appelt A. Apyan N. Aranzabal S.J. Arbiol v.l C. Arcangeletti A.T.H. Arce E. Arena J-F. Arguin S. Argyropoulos J.-H. Arling O. Arnaez H. Arnold G. Artoni H. Asada K. Asai S. Asai N.A. Asbah J. Assahsah K. Assamagan R. Astalos S. Atashi R.J. Atkin m. Atkinson H. Atmani P.A. Atmasiddha K. Augsten S. Auricchio A.D. Auriol v.A. Austrup G. Av.lio K. Axiotis G. Azuelos D. Babal H. Bachacou K. Bachas A. Bachiu F. Backman A. Badea P. Bagnaia m. Bahmani A.J. Bailey v.R. Bailey J.T. Baines L. Baines O.K. Baker E. Bakos D. Bakshi Gupta v. Balakrishnan R. Balasubramanian E.m. Baldin P. Balek E. Ballabene F. Balli L.m. Baltes W.K. Balunas J. Balz E. Banas m. Bandieramonte A. Bandyopadhyay S. Bansal L. Barak m. Barakat E.L. Barberio D. Barberis m. Barbero m.Z. Barel K.N. Barends T. Barillari m-S. Barisits T. Barklow P. Baron D.A. Baron mo The ATLAS Collaboration
The identification of jets originating from quarks and gluons,often referred to as quark/gluon tagging,plays an important role in v.rious analyses performed at the Large Hadron Collider,as Standard model measurements ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ion emission from warm dense matter produced by irradiation with a soft x-ray free-electron laser
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matter and Radiation at Extremes 2024年 第1期9卷 71-84页
作者: Josef Krása Tomás Burian v.ra Hájkov. Jaromír Chalupský Šimon Jelínek Katerina Frantálová michal Krupka Zuzana Kuglerov. Sushil Kumar Singh v.jtech v.zda Ludek v.sín michalŠmíd Pablo Perez-martin marion Kühlman Juan Pintor Jakub Cikhardt matthias Dreimann Dennis Eckermann Felix Rosenthal Sam m.v.nko Alessandro Forte Thomas Gawne Thomas Campbell Shenyuan Ren YuanFeng Shi Trev.r Hutchinson Oliv.r Humphries Thomas Preston mikako makita motoaki Nakatsutsumi Xiayun Pan Alexander Köhler marion Harmand Sv.n Toleikis Katerina Falk Libor Juha Department of Radiation and Chemical Physics Institute of PhysicsCzech Academy of SciencesNa Slovance 218221 Prague 8Czech Republic Laser Plasma Department Institute of Plasma PhysicsCzech Academy of SciencesZa Slovankou 318200 Prague 8Czech Republic Department of Surface and Plasma Science Faculty of Mathematics and PhysicsCharles University in PragueV Holesovi ckách 218000 Prague 8Czech Republic Department of Physical Electronics Faculty of Nuclear Science and Engineering PhysicsCzech Technical University in PragueV Holesovi ckách 218000 Prague 8Czech Republic Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Bautzner Landstraße 40001328 DresdenGermany DESY Photon Science Notkestraße 85D-22607 HamburgGermany Institut de minéralogie de Physique des Matériaux et de CosmochimieUMR 7590–UPMC/CNRS/IRD/MNHNSorbonne Université4 place Jussieu75005 ParisFrance Department of Physics Faculty of Electrical EngineeringCzech Technical University in PragueTechnická216627 Prague 6Czech Republic Center for Soft Nanoscience University of MünsterBusso-Peus-Straße 10D-48149 MünsterGermany Department of Physics Clarendon LaboratoryUniversity of OxfordParks RoadOxford OX13PUUnited Kingdom Central Laser Facility STFC Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryDidcot OX110QXUnited Kingdom Lawrence Liv.rmore National Laboratory 7000 East AvenueLivermoreCalifornia 94550USA European XFEL GmbH Holzkoppel 4D-22869 SchenefeldGermany Technische Univ.rsität Dresden 01062 DresdenGermany
We report on an experiment performed at the FLASH2 free-electron laser(FEL)aimed at producing warm dense matter v.a soft x-ray isochoric *** the experiment,we focus on study of the ions emitted during the soft x-ray a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Solar-driv.n CO_(2) conv.rsion to methane and methanol using different nanostructured Cu_(2)O-based catalysts modified with Au nanoparticles
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Journal of Energy Chemistry 2024年 第4期91卷 287-298页
作者: João Angelo Lima Perini Lilian D.moura Torquato Juliana Fde Brito Gustav. A.Andolpho mateus A.Gonçalv.s Leonardo D.De Angelis Lucas D.Germano Susana I.Córdoba de Torresi Teodorico C.Ramalho maria v.Boldrin Zanoni São Paulo State Univ.rsity(UNESP) Institute of ChemistryRua Prof.Francisco Degni55AraraquaraSP 14800-060Brazil National Institute of Alternativ. Technologies for Detection Toxicological Evaluation and Removal of Micropollutants and Radioactive Substances(INCT-DATREM)São Paulo State University(UNESP)Institute of ChemistryRua Prof.Francisco Degni55AraraquaraSP 14800-060Brazil Laboratory of molecular modelling Department of ChemistryNatural Sciences InstituteFederal University of LavrasLavrasMG 37200-900Brazil Department of Chemistry Faculty of ScienceUniversity of Hradec KrálovéHradec Králové50003Czech Republic Instituto de Química Universidade de São PauloAv.Prof.Lineu Prestes 74805508-080São PauloSPBrazil
This work describes the use of TiO_(2)nanotubes-based electrodes(TNT)modified with Cu_(2)O nanostructures and gold nanoparticles for the photoelectroreduction of CO_(2)to produce v.lue-added compounds.A thin layer of ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论