t.is work aims at.analyzing t.e bioact.ve and.ant.-nut.it.onal compound. of ed.ble and.wild.beans when unprocessed.and.malt.d. Qualit.t.ve screening of phyt.chemicals in t.e various bean samples was d.t.rmined.in et.a...
t.is work aims at.analyzing t.e bioact.ve and.ant.-nut.it.onal compound. of ed.ble and.wild.beans when unprocessed.and.malt.d. Qualit.t.ve screening of phyt.chemicals in t.e various bean samples was d.t.rmined.in et.anol and.pet.oleum et.er solvent.. Result. of t.e ant.-nut.it.onal composit.ons of unprocessed.wild.bean ext.act.d.wit. pet.oleum et.er showed.t.ere were no t.aces of saponin and.polyphenol, in Fereged. and.also in ed.ble bean-It.7K-243-1-10 which also had.no t.aces of saponin and.t.nnin. Aft.r malt.ng, saponin was t.t.lly absent.in Pakala, Mucuna, It.7k-499-35, It.7k-243-1-10, and.It.4k-333-2 respect.vely. Polyphenol was also found.t. be absent.in It.7k-243-1-10. Mucuna has t.e highest.phyt.c acid.level (7.8867 ± 0.011) while Fereged. has t.e lowest.phyt.c acid.level (2.9810 ± 0.004). Ot.li has t.e highest.ant.-t.ypsin level (12.001 ± 0.0013). t.is st.d. showed.varying levels of ant.-nut.ient. on t.e respect.ve bean samples when unprocessed.but.d.creased.marginally aft.r malt.ng. It.was keenly not.d.t.at.values d.rived. eit.er before and.aft.r malt.ng were not.significant.y d.fferent.(P ≤ 0.05) from each ot.er. In all, t.is st.d. had.furt.er shown t.at.malt.ng process enhanced.removal of ant.-nut.ient. which invariably would.lead.t. availabilit. of nut.ient.for animal and.human consumpt.on.
Object.ve:t. assess t.e neuroprot.ct.ve effect. of aqueous ext.act.of Garcinia kola on neurot.xin ad.inist.red.malnourished.mice ad.pt.ng hist.logical ***:t.e st.d. was carried.out.using t.irt.-t.o ad.lt.malnourished....
Object.ve:t. assess t.e neuroprot.ct.ve effect. of aqueous ext.act.of Garcinia kola on neurot.xin ad.inist.red.malnourished.mice ad.pt.ng hist.logical ***:t.e st.d. was carried.out.using t.irt.-t.o ad.lt.malnourished.mice which were rand.mly assigned.int. four groups(n=8):A,B,C and.*** A served.as cont.ol,while t.e ot.er groups served.as t.e experiment.l *** in group A were fed.malnourished.d.et.ad.libit.m and.given wat.r *** in group B were ad.inist.red.wit. 3-Nit.opropionic acid.3-NP)(neurot.xin)only at.20 rag/kg bod. weight.group C were given only Garcinia kola ext.act.,and.group d.were pre-t.eat.d.wit. Garcinia kola ext.act. at.200 mg/kg for seven d.ys prior t. ad.inist.at.on of neurot.xin at.20 mg/kg bod. *** t.ree d.ys of neurot.xins ad.inist.at.on in t.e relevant.groups,t.e brains were excised.and.fixed.in formal calcium for hist.logical ***:t.e st.d. showed.t.at.hippocampal and.cerebellar neurons of animals in group B exhibit.d.some cellular d.generat.on and.blood.vessel blockage,which were not.seen in groups A,C and.*** violet.st.ining was least.int.nse in group B t.an in groups A,C and.*** t.e fact.t.at.animals in group d.has equal ad.inist.at.on of 3-Nit.opropionic acid.concent.at.on,t.ere were no t.aces of neural d.generat.on as it.was evid.nced.in group ***:It.is conclud.d.t.at.Garcinia kola has prot.ct.ve effect. on t.e neurons of t.e hippocampus and.cerebellum of malnourished.mice.
t.e work aims t.d.velop a process for freezing d.salinat.on of seawat.r on cold.walls. t.e experiment. were performed.wit. wat.r/NaCl solut.ons of d.fferent.concent.at.ons and.wit. samples of seawat.r. t.e pilot.crys...
t.e work aims t. d.velop a process for freezing d.salinat.on of seawat.r on cold.walls. t.e experiment. were performed.wit. wat.r/NaCl solut.ons of d.fferent.concent.at.ons and.wit. samples of seawat.r. t.e pilot.cryst.llizer consist. of a cooled.t.be immersed.in a cylind.ical d.uble jacket.d.t.nk cont.ining wat.r t. be t.eat.d. t.e complet. process of d.salinat.on is cond.ct.d.in t.o st.ps: t.e freezing st.p, lead.ng t. t.e cryst.llizat.on of t.e ice layer and.t.e sweat.ng st.p, which consist. of purifying t.e ice layer in d.pt. by melt.ng t.e impure zones. t.e syst.mat.c st.d. of t.e influence of operat.ng paramet.rs has highlight.d.t.e import.nt.role of t.e cooling ramp and.salinit. of t.e solut.on on t.e purit. of t.e ice prod.ced. In t.e absence of st.rring, t.e t.mperat.re of t.e d.uble jacket.also has a not.ceable effect.on t.e purit. of t.e ice d.e t. t.mperat.re grad.ent., and.consequent.y, convect.on current. t.at.may result.in t.e solut.on. t.e result. of t.is work show t.e feasibilit. of t.e t.chnique and.give a good.ind.cat.on of operat.ng cond.t.ons t.at.can be used.t. prod.ce d.inking wat.r.