Diabetes is a chronic and debilitating disease,which is associated with a range of complications putting tremendous burden on medical,economic and socio-technological infrastructure *** the higher authorities of healt...
Diabetes is a chronic and debilitating disease,which is associated with a range of complications putting tremendous burden on medical,economic and socio-technological infrastructure *** the higher authorities of health services are facing the excruciating cumulative reasons of diabetes as a very imperative worldwide issue in the 21st *** study aims to relook at the misapplication of the processed radio frequency that frailties in the pancreas within and around the personal body boundary *** administered sensor data were obtained at laboratory experiments from the selected specimens on dogs and cats in light and dark *** study shows the frequent urine flow speed varies with sudden infection due to treated wireless sensor networks in active open *** overweight and obese persons are increasingly affected in diabetes with comprehensive urinary pressure due to continuous staying at dark *** findings replicate the increasing tide of diabetes *** study also represents the difficulties of physicians to provide adequate diabetic management according to their expectancy due to insecure personal area network control *** sensor network is indispensable for healthcare but such network is at risk to health security due to digitalized poisoning within GPS *** study recommends the anti-radiation integrated system policy with user’s security alternative approach to inspire dealing with National Health Policy and Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
Background: EEG could be normal or atypical in spite of suggestive clinical features and positive measles Ab of SSPE cases which could have typical EEG pattern after Benzodiazepine. Objectives: The purpose of the pres...
Background: EEG could be normal or atypical in spite of suggestive clinical features and positive measles Ab of SSPE cases which could have typical EEG pattern after Benzodiazepine. Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to find out the necessity of administration of benzodiazepine during EEG recording of SSPE cases as well as to compare the efficacy of diazepam and midazolam in eliciting EEG pattern. Methodology: This double blind, parallel, single centered, non-randomized clinical trial was conducted in the Department of Pediatric Neurology at National Institute of Neurosciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh from July 2014 to June 2015 for a period of 1 (one) year. All the clinical and investigational suspected cases of sub-acute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) children in both sexes were included as study population. Others neurodegenerative diseases including Wilson’s disease were excluded from this study. Patients were divided into two groups named as group A who were given diazepam and the other group B was given midazolam in IV during EEG recording. The clinical outcomes were measured and were recorded in a pre-designed data sheet. Result: The characteristic typical periodic slow wave complex (PSWC) was found only in 8 (30.8%) patients among the 26 (100.0%) before intervention with benzodiazepines. The remaining 18 (69.2%) had non-typical PSWC of which 10 (38.5%) were normal, 3 (11.5%) with atypical PSWC and 5 (19.2%) were with other EEG findings. After intervention with benzodiazepines, 23 (88.5%) had shown typical PSWC and only 3 (11.5%) had non-typical PSWC. Among the typical PSWC cases after intervention, 8 (30.8%) had normal EEG initially, 5 (19.2%) had other EEG finding, 2 (7.7%) had non-typical PSWC and 8 (30.8%) had typical PSWC from the beginning. Of the 3 (11.5%) of the non-typical PSWC of intervention group, 2 (7.7%) had shown no changes in EEG from the beginning and 1 (3.8%) had shown other EEG finding. The difference between before and after int