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164242 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Effects of rotation and gravity on an electro-magneto-thermoelastic medium with diffusion and voids by using the Lord-shulman and dual-phase-lag models
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Applied mathematics and mechanics(English Edition) 2019年 第8期40卷 1135-1154页
作者: s.m.abo-dahab A.m.ABD-ALLA A.A.KILANY Department of mathematics Faculty of SciencesTaif UniversityTaif 888Saudi Arabia Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSouth Valley UniversityQena 83523Egypt Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversitySohag 82524Egypt
The effects of rotation and gravity on an electro-magneto-thermoelastic medium with diffusion and voids in a generalized thermoplastic half-space are studied by using the Lord-shulman (L-s) model and the dual-phase-la... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Effect of magnetic field on poroelastic bone model for internal remodeling
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Applied mathematics and mechanics(English Edition) 2013年 第7期34卷 889-906页
作者: A.m.ABD-ALLA s.m.abo-dahab Department of mathematics Faculty of Sciences Taif University Department of mathematics Faculty of Science Sohag University Department of mathematics Faculty of Science South Valley University
This paper studies the effects of the magnetic field and the porosity on a poroelastic bone model for internal remodeling. The solution of the internal bone remodeling process induced by a magnetic field is presented.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Reflection of PlaneWaves from Electro-magneto-thermoelastic Half-space with a Dual-Phase-Lag model
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Computers, materials & Continua 2016年 第2期51卷 63-79页
作者: A.m.Abd-Alla mohamed I.A.Othman s.m.abo-dahab math.Dept. Faculty of ScienceTaif University 888Saudi Arabia Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversityEgypt math.Dept. Faculty of ScienceZagazig UniversityP.O.Box 44519ZagazigEgypt math.Dept. Faculty of ScienceSouth Valley UniversityQena 83523Egypt
The aim of this paper is to study the reflection of plane harmonic waves from a semi-infinite elastic solid under the effect of magnetic field in a *** expressions for the reflection coefficients,which are the relatio... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Electromagnetic field in fiber-reinforced micropolar thermoelastic medium using four models
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Journal of Ocean Engineering and science 2020年 第3期5卷 230-248页
作者: s.m.abo-dahab A.m.Abd-Alla A.A.Kilany Dept.of mathematics Faculty of ScienceTaif University 888Saudi Arabia Dept.of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversityEgypt Dept.of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSVUQena 83523Egypt
This paper aimed to study the effect of electromagnetic field on general model of the equations of the generalized thermoelasticity reinforcement of the deformation of a micropolar generalized thermoelastic *** phenom... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Rotational Effect on the Propagation of Waves in a magneto-micropolar Thermoelastic medium
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Computers, materials & Continua 2021年 第10期69卷 205-220页
作者: A.m.Abd-Alla s.m.abo-dahab m.A.Abdelhafez A.m.Farhan Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversitySohagEgypt Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSouth Valley University83523Egypt Department of Physics Faculty of ScienceJazan UniversityJazanSaudi Arabia Department of Physics Faculty of ScienceZagazig UniversityZagazigEgypt
The present paper aims to explore how the magnetic field,ramp parameter,and rotation affect a generalized micropolar thermoelastic medium that is standardized isotropic within the *** employing normal mode analysis an... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The effect of gravity and inclined load in micropolar thermoelastic medium possessing cubic symmetry under G-N theory
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Journal of Ocean Engineering and science 2018年 第4期3卷 288-294页
作者: mohamed I.A.Othman s.m.abo-dahab Haneen A.Alosaimi Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceZagazig UniversityZagazig 44519Egypt Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceTaif UniversityTaif 888Saudi Arabia Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSouth Valley UniversityQena 83523Egypt
The problem of the micropolar thermoelastic medium under(G-N)theory of both types II,III under the effect of the gravity was *** normal mode analysis is used to obtain the solution of the physical *** are made between... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Rotational Effects on magneto-Thermoelastic stoneley, Love and RayleighWaves in Fibre-Reinforced Anisotropic General Viscoelastic media of Higher Order
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Computers, materials & Continua 2017年 第1期53卷 49-72页
作者: A.m.Abd-Alla s.m.abo-dahab Aftab Khan math.Dept. Faculty of ScienceTaif University 888Saudi Arabia math.Dept. Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversityEgypt math.Dept. Faculty of ScienceSVUQena 83523Egypt Department of mathematics COMSATSInstitute of InformationPark RoadChakshahzadIslamabadPakistan
In this paper, we investigated the propagation of magneto-thermoelastic surfacewaves in fibre-reinforced anisotropic general viscoelastic media of higher order ofnth order,including time rate of strain under the influ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
On thermoelastic problem based on four theories with the efficiency of the magnetic field and gravity
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Journal of Ocean Engineering and science 2024年 第4期9卷 338-347页
作者: A.A.Kilany A.N.Abd-alla A.m.Abd-Alla s.m.abo-dahab Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversitySohag 82524 Egypt Department of Computer science Faculty of Computers and InformationLuxor UniversityEgypt Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSouth Valley UniversityQena 83523Egypt
The fundamental objective of this paper is to study the effectiveness of magnetic field and gravity on an isotropic homogeneous thermoelastic structure based on four theories of generalized *** another meaning,the mod... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Wave Propagation model in a Human Long Poroelastic Bone under Effect of magnetic Field and Rotation
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Computers, materials & Continua 2021年 第8期68卷 1485-1504页
作者: A.m.Abd-Alla Hanaa Abu-Zinadah s.m.abo-dahab J.Bouslimi m.Omri Department of mathematics Sohag UniversitySohagEgypt Department of statistics University of JeddahCollege of ScienceJeddahSaudi Arabia Department of mathematics South Valley UniversityQena83523Egypt Department of Engineering Physics and Instrumentation National Institute of Applied Sciences and TechnologyCarthage UniversityTunisia Department of Physics Taif UniversityTaifSaudi Arabia Deanship of scientific Research King Abdulaziz UniversityJeddahSaudi Arabia
This article is aimed at describing the way rotation and magnetic field affect the propagation of waves in an infinite poroelastic cylindrical *** offers a solution with an exact closed *** authors got and examined nu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Entanglement and Entropy squeezing for moving Two Two-Level Atoms Interaction with a Radiation Field
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Computers, materials & Continua 2021年 第3期66卷 2445-2456页
作者: s.Abdel-Khalek E.m.Khalil Beida Alsubei A.Al-Barakaty s.m.abo dahab Department of mathematics Collage of ScienceTaif UniversityTaif21944Saudi Arabia Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSohag UniversitySohag82524Egypt Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceAl-Azhar UniversityCairoEgypt Department of Physics The University College at AljamoumUmm Al-Qura UniversityMakkahSaudi Arabia Department of mathematics Faculty of ScienceSouth Valley UniversityQena83523Egypt
In this paper,we analyzed squeezing in the information entropy,quantum state fidelity,and qubit-qubit entanglement in a time-dependent *** proposed model consists of two qubits that interact with a two-mode electromag... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论