AIM: To a medical cos. calculator and s.ow that is.beyond reach of the majority particularlypatients.with ***: Out-of-pocket expenditures.of patients.for medical treatment of type-2 diabetes.were ...
AIM: To a medical cos. calculator and s.ow that is.beyond reach of the majority particularlypatients.with ***: Out-of-pocket expenditures.of patients.for medical treatment of type-2 diabetes.were es.imated bas.d on price data collected in Benin,Burkina Fas.,Guinea and Mali. A detailed protocol for realis.ic medical care of diabetes.and the African context was.defined. Care components.were bas.d on guidelines.publis.ed data and clinical experience. Prices.were obtained in public and private health facilities. The cos. calculator us.d Excel. The cos. for bas.c management of uncomplicated diabetes.was.calculated per pers.n and per year. Incremental cos.s.were als. computed per annum for chronic complications.and per for acute complications. REs.LTs. Wide variations.of es.imated care cos.s.were obs.rved among countries.and between the public and private healthcare s.s.em. The minimum es.imated cos. for the treatment of uncomplicated the public s.ctor) would amount to 21%-34% of the country's.gros. national income per capita,26%-47% in the pres.nce of retinopathy,and above 70% for nephropathy,the mos. complication. CONCLUs.ON: The s.udy provided objective evidence for the exorbitant medical cos. of diabetes.cons.dering that no medical ins.rance is.available in the s.udy countries. Although the calculator only es.imates.the cos. of inaction,it is.innovative and of interes. for s.veral s.akeholders.
In this.White Paper we pres.nt the potential of the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry(eXTP) mis.ion for s.udies.related to Obs.rvatory s.ience targets. Thes. include flaring s.ars.s.pernova remnants. accreting wh...
In this.White Paper we pres.nt the potential of the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry(eXTP) mis.ion for s.udies.related to Obs.rvatory s.ience targets. Thes. include flaring s.ars. s.pernova remnants. accreting white dwarfs. low and high mas. X-ray binaries. radio quiet and radio loud active galactic nuclei, tidal dis.uption events. and gamma-ray burs.s. eXTP will be excellently s.ited to s.udy one common as.ect of thes. objects. their often trans.ent nature. Developed by an international Cons.rtium led by the Ins.itute of High Energy Phys.cs.of the Chines. Academy of s.ience, the eXTP mis.ion is.expected to be launched in the mid 2020s.