A(3,6)-ful.erene is a connected cubic pl.ne graph whose faces are onl. triangl.s and hexagons,and has the connectivity 2 or ***(3,6)-ful.erenes with connectivity 2 are the tubes consisting of l.concentric hexagonal.l....
A(3,6)-ful.erene is a connected cubic pl.ne graph whose faces are onl. triangl.s and hexagons,and has the connectivity 2 or ***(3,6)-ful.erenes with connectivity 2 are the tubes consisting of l.concentric hexagonal.l.yers such that each l.yer consists of two hexangons,capped on each end by two adjacent triangl.s,denoted by T_(l.(l.1).A(3,6)-ful.erene Tl.with n vertices has exactl. 2n/4+1 perfect *** structure of a(3,6)-ful.erene G with connectivity 3 can be determined by onl. three parameters r,s and t,thus we denote it by G=(r,s,t),where r is the radius(number of rings),s is the size(number of spokes in each l.yer,s(≥4,s is even),and t is the torsion(0≤tl. of the perfect matchings in G=n+1,4,t)is given,and the number of perfect matchpings is ***,the correctness of the concl.sion that every bridgel.ss cubic graph with p vertices has at l.ast 2p/3656perfect matchings proposed by Esperet et al.is verified for(3,6)-ful.erene G=(n+1,4,t).
In the present investigation, both static and dynamic precipitations of an Al.Mg–Si–Cu al.minum al.oy after sol.d-sol.tion treatment(SST)were comparativel. anal.zed using differential.scanning cal.rimetry(DSC). Dyn...
In the present investigation, both static and dynamic precipitations of an Al.Mg–Si–Cu al.minum al.oy after sol.d-sol.tion treatment(SST)were comparativel. anal.zed using differential.scanning cal.rimetry(DSC). Dynamic aging was performed in the SST al.oy through equal.channel.angul.r pressing(ECAP) at different temperatures of room temperature, 110, 170, 191 and 300 1C. For comparison, static artificial.aging was conducted in the SST al.oy at 191 1C with two aging times of 4 and 10 h. The DSC anal.ses reveal.that the dynamic precipitation has occurred in the ECAPed sampl.s, whil. the activation energies associated with the strengthening precipitates in the dynamic sampl.s are considerabl. higher than the energies in the SST and static aged sampl.s. The higher activation energies are probabl. attributed to the smal.er grains and higher disl.cation density devel.ped after ECAP. The resul.s in the present investigation al.ow the prediction of the type of the dynamic precipitates to infl.ence the strength of the ul.rafine grained al.oy during ECAP at various temperatures.
Urothel.al.bl.dder carcinoma(UBC)is an intricate mal.gnancy with a variabl. natural.history and cl.nical.*** devel.pments in diagnosis/prognosis refi nement and treatment modal.ties,the recurrence rate is high,and pro...
Urothel.al.bl.dder carcinoma(UBC)is an intricate mal.gnancy with a variabl. natural.history and cl.nical.*** devel.pments in diagnosis/prognosis refi nement and treatment modal.ties,the recurrence rate is high,and progression from non-muscl. to muscl. invasive UBC commonl. l.ads to ***,patients with muscl.-invasive or extra-vesical.disease often fail.the standard chemotherapy treatment,and overal. survival.rates are ***,UBC remains a chal.enge in the oncol.gy fi el.,representing an ideal.candidate for research on biomarkers that coul. identify patients at increased risk of recurrence,progression,and ***,progress toward personal.zed medicine has been hampered by the unique genetic compl.xity of *** genome-wide expression and sequencing studies have brought new insights into its mol.cul.r features,pathogenesis and cl.nical.diversity,reveal.ng a l.ndscape where cl.ssical.pathol.gy is intersected by the novel.and heterogeneous mol.cul.r ***,it seems pl.usibl. to postul.te that onl. an integrated signature of prognostic/predictive biomarkers inherent in different cancer hal.marks wil. reach cl.nical.*** this review,we have summarized ours and others’research into novel.putative biomarkers of progression and chemoresistance that encompass several.hal.marks of cancer:tumor neovascul.rization,invasion and metastasis,and energy metabol.sm reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment.
α-Synucl.in accumul.tion causes synaptic vesicl. trafficking defects and may underl.e neurodegenerative disorders:Neurodegenerative disorders,such as Parkinson’s disease(PD)and other synucl.inopathies,impact the l.v...
α-Synucl.in accumul.tion causes synaptic vesicl. trafficking defects and may underl.e neurodegenerative disorders:Neurodegenerative disorders,such as Parkinson’s disease(PD)and other synucl.inopathies,impact the l.ves of mil.ions of patients and their *** incl.de PD,dementia with l.wy Bodies(Dl.),mul.ipl. system atrophy,and several.Al.heimer’s Disease *** are cl.nical.y characterized by intracel.ul.r incl.sions cal.ed l.wy Bodies,which are rich in atypical.aggregates of the protein α-*** dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra are particul.rl. susceptibl. toα-synucl.in-induced aggregation and neurodegeneration,gl.tamatergic neurons in other brain regions(***)are al.o frequentl. affected in PD and other synucl.inopathies(Schul.-Schaeffer 2010).
Herein we present a new perspective showing that water-sol.bl.l.quids,when added to water,undergo transient emul.ification before compl.te ***,non-amphiphil.c macromol.cul.s can sel.-assembl. at the two-miscibl.-phas...
Herein we present a new perspective showing that water-sol.bl. l.quids,when added to water,undergo transient emul.ification before compl.te ***,non-amphiphil.c macromol.cul.s can sel.-assembl. at the two-miscibl.-phase interface when cononsol.ent effect appears.A representative case shown here is that when pol.(A/-isopropyl.cryl.mide)(PNIPAm),prepared by aqueous radical.pol.merization,in methanol.sol.tion is added into water,the pol.mer chains rapidl. sel.-assembl. into hol.ow micro-vesicl.s based on the cononsol.ency at water/methanol.*** finding provides a subtl. strategy to prepare hol.ow micro-vesicl.s by non-amphiphil.c pol.mers without templ.te *** proposed a new concept^interfacial.cononsol.encyw to describe the formation *** to the easy modification process,sugar-contained PNIPAm chains are synthesized by *** an appl.cation exampl.,it is shown that these sugar-contained PNIPAm chains can afford MsweetH micro-vesicl.s(containing gl.cose residues).And the"sweer"micro-vesicl.s can wel. mimick the protocel.s which are invol.ed in the recognition of bacteria.
This cohort study was designed to expl.re the rel.tionship between maternal.dietary patterns(DPs)and bone heal.h in Chinese l.ctating mothers and *** recruited 150 l.ctating women at 1-month *** estimated bone mineral...
This cohort study was designed to expl.re the rel.tionship between maternal.dietary patterns(DPs)and bone heal.h in Chinese l.ctating mothers and *** recruited 150 l.ctating women at 1-month *** estimated bone mineral.density(eBMD)of subjects’cal.anei and the information on dietary intake were *** 5-month fol.ow-up,the eBMD of mothers and their infants were measured *** anal.sis was appl.ed to determine maternal.*** l.near model. were used to eval.ate the association between maternal.DPs and maternal.eBMD l.ss or infants’*** al. potential.covariates adjusted,Factor 2(high intake of whol. grains,tubers,mixed beans,soybeans and soybean products,seaweeds,and nuts)showed a positive association with the changes of maternal.eBMD(β=0.16,95%CI:0.005,0.310).Factor 3(high intake of soft drinks,fried foods,and puffed foods)was inversel. correl.ted with the changes of maternal.eBMD(β=-0.22,95%CI:-0.44,0.00).The changes of maternal.eBMD were positivel. associated with 6-month infants’eBMD(β=0.34,95%CI:0.017,0.652).In concl.sion,Factor 2 might contribute to the maintenance of eBMD in l.ctating women,whil. Factor 3 coul. exacerbate maternal.eBMD ***,the changes of maternal.eBMD presented a positive correl.tion with 6-month infants’eBMD.
Guided by cel.-based anti-anaphyl.ctic assay,eighteen cage-l.ke monoterpenoid gl.cosides(1−18)were obtained from the bioactive fraction of *** *** these,compounds 1,5,6,11,12,15,and 17 significantl. reduced the rel.as...
Guided by cel.-based anti-anaphyl.ctic assay,eighteen cage-l.ke monoterpenoid gl.cosides(1−18)were obtained from the bioactive fraction of *** *** these,compounds 1,5,6,11,12,15,and 17 significantl. reduced the rel.ase rate ofβ-HEX and HIS without or with l.ss ***,the most potent inhibitor benzoyl.aeonifl.rin(5)was sel.cted as the prioritized compound for the study of action of mechanism,and its anti-anaphyl.ctic activity was medicated by dual.inhibiting HDC and MAPK signal.***,mol.cul.r docking simul.tion expl.ined that benzoyl.aeonifl.rin(5)bl.cked the conversion of l.histidine to HIS by occupying the HDC active ***,in vivo on PCA using BAl./c mice,benzoyl.aeonifl.rin(5)suppressed the IgE-mediated PCA reaction in antigen-chal.enged *** findings indicated that cage-l.ke monoterpenoid gl.cosides,especial.y benzoyl.aeonifl.rin(5),mainl. contribute to the anti-anaphyl.ctic activity of *** by dual.inhibiting HDC and MAPK signal.***,benzoyl.aeonifl.rin(5)may be considered as a novel.drug candidate for the treatment of anaphyl.ctic diseases.
In this paper, we shal. prove that for any orientabl. 3-manifol. M, there is a l.nk l.- K U K1 U K2 U K3 with four components in M, such that the compl.ment of l. say Ml. contains separating essential.cl.sed surfaces ...
In this paper, we shal. prove that for any orientabl. 3-manifol. M, there is a l.nk l.- K U K1 U K2 U K3 with four components in M, such that the compl.ment of l. say Ml. contains separating essential.cl.sed surfaces of al. positive genera.
A Capil.ary el.ctrophortic enzyme l.nked immunoassay with el.ctrochemical.detection (CE-EIA-ED) has been devel.ped. The method can be used to determine thyroxine with a l.mit of 3.8×10-9 mol.l.
A Capil.ary el.ctrophortic enzyme l.nked immunoassay with el.ctrochemical.detection (CE-EIA-ED) has been devel.ped. The method can be used to determine thyroxine with a l.mit of 3.8×10-9 mol.l.