Many fungi ar. pathogenic on plants and cause significant damage in agr.cultur. and *** ar. also par. of the natur.l ecosystem and may play a r.le in r.gulating plant number./*** identification and analysis of plant p...
Many fungi ar. pathogenic on plants and cause significant damage in agr.cultur. and *** ar. also par. of the natur.l ecosystem and may play a r.le in r.gulating plant number./*** identification and analysis of plant pathogenic fungi,while impor.ant,is often hamper.d by the scar.ity of discr.minator. taxonomic char.cter. and the endophytic or.inconspicuous natur. of these ***(DNA sequence)data for.plant pathogenic fungi have emer.ed as key infor.ation for.diagnostic and classification studies,although hamper.d in par. by non-standar. labor.tor. pr.ctices and analytical *** facilitate cur.ent and futur. r.sear.h,this study pr.vides phylogenetic synopses for.25 of plant pathogenic fungi in the Ascomycota,Basidiomycota,Mucor.ycotina(Fungi),and Oomycota,using r.cent,up-to-date names,and the latest taxonomic *** labor.tor. pr.tocols together.with advice on their.application,as well as gener.l obser.ations,ar. also *** hope to maintain updated backbone of these fungal lineages over.time and to publish them jointly as new data *** of plant pathogenic fungi not cover.d by the pr.sent study ar. invited to join this futur. ***,Botr.osphaer.aceae,Botr.osphaer.a,Botr.tis,Choanephor.,Colletotr.chum,Cur.ular.a,Diapor.he,Diplodia,Dothior.lla,,Gilber.ella,Lasiodiplodia,Mucor.Neofusicoccum,Pestalotiopsis,Phyllosticta,Phytophthor.,Puccinia,Pyr.nophor.,Pythium,r.izopus,Stagonospor.psis,Ustilago and Ver.icillium ar. dealt with in this paper.