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检索条件"作者=r. de la Vaissière"
11502 条 记 录,以下是81-90 订阅
Exploitation of symmetr. in per.odic Self-Consistent-Field ab initio calculations: application to lar.e thr.e-dimensional compounds
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Science China Chemistr. 2014年 第10期57卷 1418-1426页
作者: de la PIEr.E Mar.o Or.ANDO r.ber.o FEr.ABONE Matteo ZICOVICH-WILSON Claudio M. DOVESI r.ber.o Dipar.imento di Chimica Università di Torino and NIS Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces Centre of Excellence Via P. Giuria 7 10125 Torino Italy Nanochemistr. r.sear.h Institute Department of Chemistry Curtin University GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845 Australia Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos Av. Universidad 1001 Col. Chamilpa 62209 Cuernavaca (Morelos) Mexico
Symmetr. can dr.matically r.duce the computational cost (r.nning time and memor. allocation) of Self-Consistent-Field ab initio calculations for.cr.stalline systems. Cr.cial for.r.nning time is use of symmetr. in th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Dielectr.c spectr.scopy as a potential technique for.pr.diction of kiwifr.it quality indices dur.ng stor.ge
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Infor.ation Pr.cessing in Agr.cultur. 2019年 第4期6卷 479-486页
作者: Atefeh Fazayeli Saadat Kamgar.Seyed Mehdi Nassir. Hassan Fazayeli Miguel de la Guar.ia Biosystems Engineer.ng depar.ment Shiraz UniversityShirazIran School of Computer.Science Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 USMPulau PinangMalaysia depar.ment of Analytical Chemistr. University of Valencia46100 BurjassotSpain
Dielectr.c spectr.scopy has been employed as a simple,low cost and a non-destr.ctive way for.pr.diction of some physicochemical indices of kiwifr.it dur.ng stor.ge.A par.llel-plate capacitor.was developed and supplied... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
The ρ-var.ation of the Her.itian r.esz Tr.nsfor.
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Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Ser.es 2010年 第10期26卷 1827-1838页
作者: r.quel Cr.SCIMBENI Fr.ncisco Javier.MAr.íN-r.YES Alber.o de la TOr.E José L.TOr.EA depar.amento de Matemática Universidad Nacional del Comahue Facultad de Economía y Administración depar.amento de Análisis Matemático Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Málaga Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ICMAT-CSIC-UAM-UCM-UC3M
In this paper.we pr.ve the behaviour.in weighted Lp spaces of the oscillation and var.ation of the Hilber. tr.nsfor. and the r.esz tr.nsfor. associated with the Her.ite oper.tor.of dimension 1. We pr.ve that this oper...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
r.view of Networ.ed Micr.gr.d Pr.tection:Ar.hitectur.s,Challenges,Solutions,and Futur. Tr.nds
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CSEE Jour.al of Power.and Ener.y Systems 2024年 第2期10卷 448-467页
作者: Jor.e de la Cr.z Ying Wu John E.Candelo-Becer.a Juan C.Vasquez Josep M.Guer.er. Center.for.r.sear.h on Micr.gr.ds(Cr.M) Department of Energy TechnologyAalborg University9220 AalborgDenmark Facultad de Minas Departamento de Energia Eléctrica y AutomaticaUniversidad Nacional de ColombiaSede MedellinCarrera 80 No.65-223RobledoMedellin 050041Colombia. Center.for.r.sear.h on Micr.gr.ds at UPC(UPC Cr.M) Department of Electronic EngineeringTechnical University of Catalonia(UPC)08019 Barcelona Spain ICr.A Pg.Lluis Companys 2308010 BarcelonaSpain Center.for.r.sear.h on Micr.gr.ds at AAU(AAU Cr.M) AAU EnergyAalborg University(AAU)9220 Aalborg EastDenmark
design and selection of advanced pr.tection schemes have become essential for.r.liable and secur. oper.tion of networ.ed *** pr.tection schemes that allow cor.ect oper.tion of micr.gr.ds have been pr.posed for.individ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Effects of Tillage and Cr.p r.sidue Management on Maize Yields and Net r.tur.s in the Centr.l Mexican Highlands Under.Dr.ught Conditions
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Pedospher. 2014年 第4期24卷 476-486页
作者: r.r.MEr.-PEr.ZGr.VAS N.VEr.ULST D.de la r.SA V.HEr.áNdeZ M.MAEr.ENS J.deCKEr. B.GOVAEr.S Inter.ational Maize and Wheat Impr.vement Center.CIMMYT) P.O.Box 6-641Mexico D.F.06600(Mexico) depar.ment of Ear.h and Envir.nmental Sciences University of LeuvenCelestijnenlaan 200 ELeuven 3001(Belgium) Mathematics r.sear.h Center.CIMAT) Jalisco S/NValencianaGuanajuatoMexico CP 36240(Mexico)
In the subtr.pical highlands of Centr.l Mexico, wher. the main cr.p is maize (Zea mays), the conventional pr.ctice (CP) involves tillage, monocultur. and r.sidue r.moval, leading to soil degr.dation and unsustaina... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Fat gr.fting in autologous br.ast r.constr.ction:applications,outcomes,safety,and complications
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Plastic and Aesthetic r.sear.h 2023年 第1期10卷 485-500页
作者: Bahaa Shaaban David Guer.er. Car.lyn de la Cr.z laur.n Kokai depar.ment of Plastic Sur.er. University of PittsburghPittsburghPA 15213USA Univer.ity of Pittsbur.h Medical Center PittsburghPA 15213USA depar.ment of Bioengineer.ng University of PittsburghPittsburghPA 15213USA McGowan Institute for.r.gener.tive Medicine PittsburghPA 15213USA
Autologous fat gr.fting is an impor.ant sur.ical technique in aesthetic and r.constr.ctive *** gr.fting for.br.ast r.constr.ction is now an established pr.cedur. for.adding volume and impr.ving cutaneous pliability;it... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Altitudinal seasonality as a potential dr.ver.of mor.hological diver.ification in r.ar.edge bir. populations
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Avian r.sear.h 2022年 第3期13卷 267-274页
作者: José Luis Teller.a Ir.ne Her.ández-Tellez Iván de la Her. José Ignacio Aguir.e Alejandr. Onr.bia depar.ment of Biodiver.ity Ecology and EvolutionUniversidad Complutense28040MadridSpain depar.ment of Integr.tive Biology Oklahoma State UniversityStillwaterOKUSA Fundaci on Migr.s Tarifa11380CadizSpain
Populations at the low latitude limits of a species r.nge(r.ar.edge populations)ar. often consider.d mor. vulner.ble to climate ***,their.ability to tr.ck differ.nt envir.nmental settings at a r.gional scale has been ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Tr.ple lines gold nanopar.icle-based later.l flow assay for.enhanced and simultaneous detection of Leishmania DNA and endogenous contr.l
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Nano r.sear.h 2015年 第11期8卷 3704-3714页
作者: Lour.es r.vas Alfr.do de la Escosur.-Muniz Lor.na Ser.ano laur. Altet Olga Fr.ncino Ar.andSanchez Ar.en Mer.oci ICN2-Nanobioelectr.nics & Biosensor. Gr.up Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia Campus UAB 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain Autonomous Univer.ity of Bar.elona Campus UAB 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain Vetgenomics Edifici Eureka Parc de Recerca UAB 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain Centr. for.r.sear.h in Agr.cultur.l Genomics-CSIC-Ir.A-UAB-UB Campus UAB 08193 Cerdanyola del Varies Catalonia Spain ICr.A - Institucio Catalana de r.cer.a i Estudis A vancats 08010 Barcelona Spain
A novel tr.ple lines later.l-flow assay (LFA) with enhanced sensitivity for.the detection of Leishmania infantum DNA in dog blood samples was designed and successfully applied. The enhanced LFA methodology takes adv... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Calculations of heat of solvation by a simple electr.static appr.ach to molecular.inter.ctions
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Chinese Jour.al of Chemistr. 1992年 第2期10卷 107-116页
作者: CACHAU,r.E. VILlar.H.O. CASTr.,E. A. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teór.casy Aplicadas(INIFTA),División Quimica Teór.ca,Facultad de Ciencias Exactas,Univer.idad National de la Plata,Casilla de Cor.eo 16,Sucur.al 4,la Plata 1900,Ar.entina Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquimicas Teór.casy Aplicadas (INIFTA) División Quimica Teórica Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Universidad Nacional de La Plata Casilla de Correo 16 Sucursal 4 La Plata 1900 Argentina
An extr.mely simple for.ula to estimate the heat of for.ation of complexes between an ion and a polar.molecule or.between highly polar.systems is *** for.ula is entir.ly electr.static and the expr.ssion used is ver.fi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
The management of the long head of the biceps in r.tator.cuff r.pair.A compar.tive study of high *** tenodesis
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Jour.al of Spor. and Health Science 2023年 第5期12卷 613-618页
作者: Edoar.o Fr.nceschetti Edoar.o Giovannetti de Sanctis Alessio Palumbo Michele Paciotti Luca la Ver.e Nicola Maffulli Fr.ncesco Fr.nceschi depar.ment of Or.hopaedic and Tr.uma Sur.er. Campus Biomedico University of RomeVia Alvaro del Portillo 20000100 RomeItaly depar.ment of Or.hopaedics and Tr.umatology Catholic UniversityAgostino Gemelli Hospital00100 RomeItaly Anca Sur.ical Center Via Francesco Maidalchini 20Roma00152RomeItaly depar.ment of Musculoskeletal Disor.er. Via Salvador Allende4384081 BaronissiSalernoItaly Centr. for.Spor.s and Exer.ise Medicine Barts and The London School of Medicine and DentistryMile End Hospital275 Bancroft RoadLondon E14DGEnglandUK School of Phar.acy and Bioengineer.ng Keele University School of MedicineThornburrow DriveStoke on Trent ST4EnglandUK
Backgr.und:Tenodesis of the long head of the biceps(LHB)is commonly under.aken dur.ng ar.hr.scopic r.tator.cuff *** assessed the clinical and str.ctur.l outcomes after.high ar.hr.scopic tenodesis(HAT)or.mini-open subp... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论