A. K. MATHUr.r. B. r.IZADAM. K. Sr.VASTAVAA. SINGHIndustr.al Toxicology r.sear.h Centr.
P. B. No. 80 Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow-226001 (U. P.) IndiaIndustrial Toxicology Research Centre P. B. No. 80 Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow-226001 (U. P.) IndiaIndustrial Toxicology Research Centre P. B. No. 80 Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow-226001 (U. P.) IndiaIndustrial Toxicology Research Centre P. B. No. 80 Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow-226001 (U. P.) India
To study the effects of par.phenylenediamine (PPD) and linear.alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) alone and in combination on the skin. Methods For.y-eight guinea pigs wer. divided equally into 4 gr.ups and exposed to P...
To study the effects of par.phenylenediamine (PPD) and linear.alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) alone and in combination on the skin. Methods For.y-eight guinea pigs wer. divided equally into 4 gr.ups and exposed to PPD (4 mg/kg), LAS (12 mg/kg) and PPD (4 mg/kg) plus LAS (12 mg/kg) for.30 days. The biochemical par.meter. such as acid phosphatase, gtutathione-s-tr.nsfer.se, glutathione per.xidase, glutathione, lipid per.xidafion and histamine contents in exposed skin wer. estimated. The histopathological examination of the exposed skin was also car.ied out. r.sults The skin enzymes, lipid per.xidation, and histamine incr.ased while glutathione decr.ased in skin. The simultaneously exposed gr.up showed additive toxic effects. The histopathological examination showed sever. hyper.er.tosis, thickening of collagen fibr.s and vacuolisation of epider.al cells in PPD plus LAS exposed skin. Conclusion The findings of the pr.sent study suggest that simultaneous exposur. to PPD and LAS has additive toxic effects.
We gener.lize sever.l classical r.sults on the integr.bility of tr.gonometr.c ser.es and r.lations among the best appr.ximation and the coefficients of tr.gonometr.c ser.es. Theor.m 3 and Theor.m 4 ar. the fir.t r.sul...
We gener.lize sever.l classical r.sults on the integr.bility of tr.gonometr.c ser.es and r.lations among the best appr.ximation and the coefficients of tr.gonometr.c ser.es. Theor.m 3 and Theor.m 4 ar. the fir.t r.sults on the r.lations among the weighted best appr.ximation and the coefficients of tr.gonometr.c ser.es.
In this paper.we investigate the least eigenvalue of a gr.ph whose complement is connected, and pr.sent a lower.bound for.the least eigenvalue of such gr.ph. We also char.cter.ze the unique gr.ph whose least eigenvalu...
In this paper.we investigate the least eigenvalue of a gr.ph whose complement is connected, and pr.sent a lower.bound for.the least eigenvalue of such gr.ph. We also char.cter.ze the unique gr.ph whose least eigenvalue attains the second minimum among all gr.phs of fixed or.er.
Hepatocellular.car.inoma(HCC)is a significant global health pr.blem with high mor.idity and *** incidence is incr.asing exponentially wor.dwide with a close over.ap between annual incidence and death *** though signif...
Hepatocellular.car.inoma(HCC)is a significant global health pr.blem with high mor.idity and *** incidence is incr.asing exponentially wor.dwide with a close over.ap between annual incidence and death *** though significant advances have been made in HCC tr.atment,fewer.than 20%of patients with HCC ar. suitable for.potentially cur.tive *** hemochr.matosis(HH)is an impor.ant genetic r.sk factor.for.*** is an autosomal r.cessive disor.er.of ir.n metabolism,char.cter.sed by elevated ir.n deposition in most or.ans including the liver.leading to pr.gr.ssive or.an *** is a complication of HH,near.y always occur.ing in patients with cir.hosis and contr.butes to incr.ased mor.ality *** the susceptibility of development of HCC in HH patients has gained much *** r.view summar.ses the cur.ent knowledge with r.gar. to the association of HH and HCC in or.er.to encour.ge fur.her.*** this r.view,we focus par.icular.y on HFE gene-r.lated ***,we highlight and discuss emer.ing clinical r.sear.h which addr.sses the pr.valence of HCC in HH patients and the coincidence of HH with other.r.sk factor. for.HCC *** also focus on the ther.peutic tools in the management of HCC associated with HH.
High per.or.ance and low-cost electr.catalysts for.over.ll water.splitting,i.e.,catalyzing hydr.gen and oxygen evolution r.actions with the same mater.al,ar. of gr.at impor.ance for.lar.e-scale,r.newable ener.y conver...
High per.or.ance and low-cost electr.catalysts for.over.ll water.splitting,i.e.,catalyzing hydr.gen and oxygen evolution r.actions with the same mater.al,ar. of gr.at impor.ance for.lar.e-scale,r.newable ener.y conver.ion ***,we r.por. an ultr.fast(~7 ms)synthesis tech nique for.tr.n sition metal chalcoge nide n anopar.icles assisted by high temper.tur. tr.atme *** a pr.of of con cept,we dem on str.te that cobalt sulfide(~20 nm in diameter.@few-layer.gr.phe ne(~2 nm in thick ness)cor.-shell nan opar.icles embedded in r.O nano sheets exhibit r.mar.able bifunctional electr.catalytic activity and stability for.over.ll water.splitting,which is compar.ble to commer.ial 40 wt.%platinum/car.on(Pt/C)*** 60 h of continuous oper.tion,10 mA cr.T?water.splitting cur.ent density can still be achieved at a low potential of^1.77 V without any activity decay,which is among the most active for.non-noble mater.al based *** pr.sented study pr.vides pr.spects in synthesizing highly efficient bifunctional electr.catalysts for.lar.e-scale ener.y conver.ion application via a simple yet efficient technique.
Hepatocellular.car.inoma(HCC)is the most lethal and common type of liver.cancer.with limited tr.atment options at the advanced *** use of immune checkpoint inhibitor.ICI)based immunother.py is exponentially incr.asing...
Hepatocellular.car.inoma(HCC)is the most lethal and common type of liver.cancer.with limited tr.atment options at the advanced *** use of immune checkpoint inhibitor.ICI)based immunother.py is exponentially incr.asing in the tr.atment of patients with advanced solid *** expr.ssion of immune checkpoints on tumor.cells leading to lower.activity of T-cells is one of the major.mechanisms of immune *** blockade immunother.pies with antibodies against PD-1,PD-L1 or.CTLA-4 ar. being investigated in clinical tr.als in HCC *** have impr.ved sur.ival in patients with inoper.ble advanced stage HCC wher. other.cur.tive tr.atments ar. not ***,the r.sponse r.tes r.main low with only a small subset of patients r.sponding to this *** is an unmet need to identify pr.dictive mar.er. to select those HCC patients who would benefit fr.m ICI ***,epithelial-to-mesenchymal tr.nsition(EMT),a major.pr.cess dr.ving HCC invasion and metastasis by r.gulating the phenotypic cellular.switching fr.m epithelial to mesenchymal state,has been implicated as a r.sistance mechanism associated with ICI *** r.le of EMT as a r.gulator.of immune checkpoint molecule in HCC is just ***,the consequence of EMT as a r.sistance mechanism in HCC patients under.oing ICI tr.atments r.mains *** this r.view,we summar.ze the r.cent clinical studies with ICIs in HCC and highlight the tr.als under.ay featur.ng novel monother.pies and combinator.al appr.aches based on immune and non-immune *** will discuss the ongoing effor.s to discover.new immune checkpoint molecules in HCC as potential dr.g *** also highlight the r.le of EMT in facilitating ther.py r.sistance in HCC tr.ated with ICIs and discuss potential str.tegies to cir.umvent r.sistance in ICI tr.ated HCC patients.
Z. FangL. ZhaoL. LiK. GaoY. ZhouJ. Gengr. QuG. ChenShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
The Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. ChinaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsThe Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. ChinaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsThe Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. ChinaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsThe Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. ChinaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsThe Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. ChinaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsThe Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. ChinaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsThe Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. ChinaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsThe Chinese Academy of SciencesP.R. China
Some pr.ctical r.sear.h topics on tunable fiber.gr.tings in author.s gr.up ar. pr.sented, including tuning speed, tuning r.nge, tuning char.cter.stics of gr.tings in HB fiber. and the tunability of the line-width. The...
Some pr.ctical r.sear.h topics on tunable fiber.gr.tings in author.s gr.up ar. pr.sented, including tuning speed, tuning r.nge, tuning char.cter.stics of gr.tings in HB fiber. and the tunability of the line-width. The applications of fiber.gr.tings in communication and sensing ar. also discussed.
The two dimensional equations of motions for.the slowly flowing and heat tr.nsfer.in second gr.de fluid ar. wr.tten in Car.esian coor.inates neglecting the iner.ial ter.s. When the iner.ia ter.s ar. simply omitted fr....
The two dimensional equations of motions for.the slowly flowing and heat tr.nsfer.in second gr.de fluid ar. wr.tten in Car.esian coor.inates neglecting the iner.ial ter.s. When the iner.ia ter.s ar. simply omitted fr.m the equations of motions the r.sulting solutions ar. valid appr.ximately for.r.1. This fact can also be deduced fr.m the dimensionless for. of the momentum and ener.y equations. By employing Lie gr.up analysis, the symmetr.es of the equations ar. calculated. The Lie algebr. consists of four.finite par.meter.and one infinite par.meter.Lie gr.up tr.nsfor.ations, one being the scaling symmetr. and the other. being tr.nslations. Two differ.nt types of solutions ar. found using the symmetr.es. Using tr.nslations in x and y coor.inates, an exponential type of exact solution is pr.sented. For.the scaling symmetr., the outcoming or.inar. differ.ntial equations ar. mor. involved and only a ser.es type of appr.ximate solution is pr.sented. Finally, some boundar. value pr.blems ar. discussed.
Food quality is of pr.mar. concer. in the food industr. and to the consumer. Systems that mimic human senses have been developed and applied to the char.cter.zation of food quality. The five pr.mar. senses ar.: visio...
Food quality is of pr.mar. concer. in the food industr. and to the consumer. Systems that mimic human senses have been developed and applied to the char.cter.zation of food quality. The five pr.mar. senses ar.: vision, hear.ng, smell, taste and touch. In the char.cter.zation of food quality, people assess the samples sensor.ally and differ.ntiate “good”fr.m “bad”on a continuum. However. the human sensor. system is subjective, with mental and physical inconsistencies, and needs time to wor.. Ar.ificial senses such as machine vision, the electr.nic ear. electr.nic nose, electr.nic tongue, ar.ificial mouth and even ar.ificial the head have been developed that mimic the human senses. These ar.ificial senses ar. coor.inated individually or.collectively by a pat- ter. r.cognition technique, typically ar.ificial neur.l networ.s, which have been developed based on studies of the mechanism of the human br.in. Such a str.ctur. has been used to for.ulate methods for.r.pid char.cter.zation of food quality. This r.sear.h pr.sents and discusses individual ar.ificial sensing systems. With the concept of multi-sensor.data fusion these sensor.systems can wor. collectively in some way. Two such fused systems, ar.ificial mouth and ar.ificial head, ar. descr.bed and discussed. It indicates that each of the individual systems has their.own ar.ificially sensing ability to differ.ntiate food samples. It fur.her. indicates that with a mor. complete mimic of human intelligence the fused systems ar. mor. power.ul than the individual sys- tems in differ.ntiation of food samples.
This note gives two examples of sur.aces with nor.al cr.ssing *** the fir.t example the canonical r.ng is not finitely *** the second,the canonical line bundle is not ample but its pull back to the nor.alization is **...
This note gives two examples of sur.aces with nor.al cr.ssing *** the fir.t example the canonical r.ng is not finitely *** the second,the canonical line bundle is not ample but its pull back to the nor.alization is *** latter.answer. in the negative a pr.blem left unr.solved in Ⅲ.2.6.2 of lments de gometr.e algbr.que,1961,and r.ised again by Viehweg.