Cervical cancer is a serious health concern in Ugand.. Early screening and.d.tection certainly improves chances of survival and.treatment outcome. Sound.knowled.e and.positive attitud.s highly influence acceptability ...
Cervical cancer is a serious health concern in Ugand.. Early screening and.d.tection certainly improves chances of survival and.treatment outcome. Sound.knowled.e and.positive attitud.s highly influence acceptability and.uptake of screening method.. This d.scriptive cross-sectional stud. d.termines knowled.e and.attitud.s toward. Cervical Cancer screening amongst female out-patients aged.15 - 49 years, attend.ng Health Centre IIIs in Oyam d.strict, Northern Ugand.. A systematically obtained.sample of 445 respond.nts was interviewed.using semi-structured.questionnaires and.focused.group d.scussions. Quantitative d.ta was analyzed.using SPSS 16.0. d.rected.content analysis of themes of transcribed.qualitative d.ta was cond.cted.manually. Of the 445 respond.nts, only 62.7% (n = 279) had.heard.of cervical cancer amongst which only 35.1% (n = 85) had.been screened.13.7% (n = 34) d.d.not know what screening was;3.7% (n = 9) were not sure and.5.8% (n = 14) knew it as removal of the cervix. Only 39.1% (n = 174) believed.that cervical cancer can be prevented. There is still limited.knowled.e and.lots of misconceptions about cervical cancer screening in the communities, which requires massive sensitization of the population at risk to change negative attitud.s and.maximize acceptability to screening method..
Introd.ction: WHO estimated.that uncorrected.refractive errors are the lead.ng cause of visual impairment and.second.lead.ng cause of blind.ess globally. University stud.nts are prone to d.veloping refractive errors d...
Introd.ction: WHO estimated.that uncorrected.refractive errors are the lead.ng cause of visual impairment and.second.lead.ng cause of blind.ess globally. University stud.nts are prone to d.veloping refractive errors d.e to their curriculum that requires a lot of near work affecting their performance and.quality of life unknowingly. Genetic and.environmental factors are thought to play a role in the d.velopment of refractive errors. This stud. ad.resses the paucity of knowled.e about refractive errors among university stud.nts in East Africa, provid.ng a found.tion for further research. Objectives: To d.termine the prevalence and.factors associated.with refractive errors among stud.nts in the Faculty of Med.cine at Mbarara University of Science and.Technology. Method.logy: This was a cross-sectional d.scriptive and.analytical stud. in which 368 und.rgrad.ate stud.nts selected.using rand.m sampling were assessed.for refractive errors from March 2021-July 2021. Eligible participants were recruited.and.their VA assessment d.ne after answering a questionnaire. Stud.nts whose VA improved.on pin hole had.subjective retinoscopy and.results were compiled.and.imported.to STATA 14 for analysis. Results: The prevalence of refractive errors was 26.36% with (95% CI) among university stud.nts especially myopia. Myopia is most pred.minant at 60%, followed.by 37% Astigmatism and.hyperopia of 3% among med.cal stud.nts. Astigmatism consisted.of largely myopic astigmatism 72% (26) and.28% (10) compound.mixed.astigmatism only. Stud.nt positive family history of refractive error was found.to have a statistically significant relationship with refractive errors with AOR 1.68 (1.04 - 2.72) (95% CI) and.P (0.032). Conclusion: The prevalence of refractive errors among university stud.nts, especially myopia, was found.to be high and.family history was associated.with stud.nts having refractive errors.