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  • 1 篇 货币政策
  • 1 篇 血管紧张素转换酶
  • 1 篇 crohn's disease
  • 1 篇 accelerometer
  • 1 篇 sarcopenia
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  • 1 篇 坎地沙坦
  • 1 篇 ace抑制剂


  • 1 篇 纽约联储市场组
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  • 1 篇 sahlgrenska univ...
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  • 2 篇 peter johansson
  • 2 篇 anders brostrom
  • 1 篇 marc a. pfeffer
  • 1 篇 陈俊君
  • 1 篇 birgitta norlind...
  • 1 篇 mark varsanyi
  • 1 篇 sofie lundberg
  • 1 篇 heithem ben amar...
  • 1 篇 peter t schmidt
  • 1 篇 anoohya gandham
  • 1 篇 莉莎·莱德曼
  • 1 篇 diana c.martinez
  • 1 篇 wojciech swieszk...
  • 1 篇 robert s. mckelv...
  • 1 篇 salim yusuf mbbs...
  • 1 篇 tryggve ljung
  • 1 篇 lena emanuelsson
  • 1 篇 omar omar
  • 1 篇 duolao wang
  • 1 篇 bengt fridlund


  • 4 篇 英文
  • 3 篇 中文
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美国医学会杂志(中文版) 2006年 第5期25卷 302-306页
作者: Ca.herine Demers John J. V. McMurra. Ka.l Swedberg Ma.c a. Pfeffer Christopher B Bertil Olofsson Robert S. McKelvie Ja. OEstergren Eric L. Michelson peter a. johansson Duola. Wa.g Sa.im Yusuf, MBBS, DPhil 孙艺红(译) 胡大一(校) McMa.ter University Hamilton Ontario University of Gla.gow Glasgow Scotland Sa.lgrenska.University Hospita./Ostra G6teborg Sweden Ca.diova.cula. Division Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston Mass Duke University Medica. Center Durham NC a.tra.eneca.Resea.ch a.d Development MOlndal Sweden Ka.olinska.Hospita. Stockholm Sweden a.tra.eneca.LP Wilmington Del London School of Hygiene a.d Tropica. Medicine London England 不详
背景:血管紧张素转换酶(a.giotensin-converting enzyme,a.E)抑制剂可降低心肌梗死(myoca.dia. infa.ction,MI)的危险,但是还不清楚血管紧张素受体拮抗剂是否具有同样的效果。目的:评价血管紧张素受体拮抗剂坎地沙坦对心力衰... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
a.socia.ions of a.celerometer-determined physica. a.tivity a.d sedenta.y beha.ior with sa.copenia.a.d incident fa.ls over 12 months in community-dwelling Swedish older a.ults
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Journa. of Sport a.d Hea.th Science 2021年 第5期10卷 577-584页
作者: Da.id Scott Jona. johansson a.oohya.Ga.dha. peter R.Ebeling peter Nordstrom a.na.Nordstrom Depa.tment of Medicine School of Clinical Sciences at Monash HealthMonash UniversityClaytonVIC 3168Australia Depa.tment of Medicine a.d a.stra.ia. Institute of Musculoskeleta. Science Melbourne Medical School Western Campusthe University of MelbourneSt AlbansVIC 3021Australia Depa.tment of Public Hea.th a.d Clinica. Medicine Section of Sustainable HealthUmea UniversityUmea SE-90187Sweden Depa.tment of Community Medicine UiT the Arctic University of NorwayTromsø9010Norway Depa.tment of Community Medicine a.d Reha.ilita.ion Geriatric MedicineUmea UniversityUmea SE-90187Sweden School of Sport Sciences UiT the Arctic University of NorwayTromsø9010Norway
Purpose:This study wa. a.med to determine a.socia.ions of a.celerometer-determined time a.d bouts of sedenta.y beha.ior,light physica. a.tivity(LPa.,a.d modera.e-to-vigorous Pa.MVPa.with sa.copenia.a.d incident fa.ls ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Insomnia.is a.socia.ed to depressive symptoms in pa.ients with chronic hea.t fa.lure
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Open Journa. of Nursing 2013年 第1期3卷 33-41页
作者: peter johansson a.ders Brostrom Depa.tment of Ca.diology Linkoping University HospitalLinkopingSweden Depa.tment of Medicine a.d Ca.e Division of Cardiovascular MedicineFaculty of Health SciencesLinkoping UniversityLinkopingSweden Division of Clinica. Neurophysiology Linkoping University HospitalLinkopingSweden Depa.tment of Neuroscience a.d Locomotion Faculty of Health SciencesLinkoping UniversityLinkopingSweden
Introduction: Insomnia.a.d depressive symptoms a.e common a.ong pa.ients with chronic hea.t fa.lure (HF). a.m: The a.m wa. to describe the preva.ence of insomnia.a.d depressive symptoms, a. well a. to exa.ine the a.so... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ma.nesium impla.t degra.a.ion provides immunomodula.ory a.d proa.giogenic effects a.d a.tenua.es peri-impla.t fibrosis in soft tissues
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Bioa.tive Ma.eria.s 2023年 第8期26卷 353-369页
作者: Heithem Ben a.a.a.Dia.a.C.Ma.tinez Furqa. a.Sha. a.na.johansson Loo Lena.Ema.uelsson Birgitta.Norlindh Regine Willumeit-Römer Toma.z Plocinski Wojciech Swieszkowski a.ders Pa.mquist Oma. Oma. peter Thomsen Depa.tment of Bioma.eria.s Institute of Clinical SciencesSahlgrenska AcademyUniversity of GothenburgGothenburgSweden Bioma.eria.s Group Materials Design DivisionFaculty of Materials Science and EngineeringWarsaw University of TechnologyWarsawPoland Institute of Meta.lic Bioma.eria.s Helmholtz-Zentrum HereonGeesthachtGermany
Impla.ts ma.e of ma.nesium(Mg)a.e increa.ingly employed in pa.ients to a.hieve osteosynthesis while degra.ing in *** Mg impla.ts a.d Mg^(2+)ha.e been suggested to possess a.ti-infla.ma.ory properties,the clinica.ly ob... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Undia.nosed obstructive sleep a.nea.in hypertensive outpa.ients in prima.y ca.e—a.socia.ions with sleep compla.nts, depressive symptoms a.d globa. perceived hea.th
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Open Journa. of Nursing 2013年 第6期3卷 445-452页
作者: a.ders Brostrom Ola.Sunnergren Kristofer a.estedt peter johansson Per Nilsen Bengt Fridlund Eva.Sva.borg Depa.tment of Nursing Science School of Health SciencesJonkoping UniversityJonkopingSweden Depa.tment of Clinica. Neurophysiology Linkoping University HospitalLinkopingSweden Depa.tment of Clinica. a.d Experimenta. Medicine Division of Clinical NeurophysiologyFaculty of Health SciencesLinkoping UniversityLinkopingSweden Depa.tment of ENT Ryhov HospitalJonkopingSweden School of Hea.th a.d Ca.ing Sciences Faculty of HealthSocial Work and Behavioural SciencesLinnaeus UniversityKalmarSweden Depa.tment of Medicine a.d Hea.th Sciences Division of Nursing SciencesFaculty of Health SciencesLinkoping UniversityLinkopingSweden Depa.tment of Ca.diology Linkoping University HospitalLinkopingSweden. Depa.tment of Medicine a.d Hea.th Sciences Division of Cardiovascular MedicineFaculty of Health SciencesLinköping UniversityLinkopingSweden Division of Hea.th Ca.e a.a.ysis Faculty of Health SciencesDepartment of Health and SocietyLinkoping UniversityLinkopingSweden
Objective: 1) To describe the preva.ence of undia.nosed obstructive sleep a.nea.(OSa. a.d depressive symptoms in hypertensive men a.d women below 65 yea.s of a.e, a.d 2) to describe the a.socia.ion of OSa.to subjectiv... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Recta. nitric oxide a. bioma.ker in the trea.ment of infla.ma.ory bowel disea.e: Responders versus nonresponders
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World Journa. of Ga.troenterology 2006年 第21期12卷 3386-3392页
作者: Tryggve Ljung Sofie Lundberg Ma.k Va.sa.yi Ca.ha.ina.johansson peter T Schmidt Ma. Herulf Jon O Lundberg Per M Hellstr(o|¨)m Depa.tment of Ga.troenterology a.d Hepa.ology Ka.olinska.University Hospita. Site SolnaStockholmSweden Depa.tment of Physiology a.d Pha.ma.ology Ka.olinska.Institutet StockholmSweden
a.M: To explore recta. nitric oxide (NO) a. bioma.ker of trea.ment response in ulcera.ive colitis (UC) a.d Crohn's disea.e (CD), a.d exa.ine rela.ionships between recta. NO, mucosa. expression of NO syntha.es ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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金融市场研究 2018年 第12期78卷 86-89页
作者: 道格·布雷 米歇尔·德·普特 多布里斯拉夫·杜波夫 迈克尔·弗莱明 彼得·约翰逊 柯林·琼斯 弗兰克·基恩 迈克尔·普利亚 莉莎·莱德曼 托尼·罗德里格斯 欧·莎哈尔 陈俊君(编译) 纽约联储市场组 美联储理事会货币事务司货币与金融市场 美联储理事会货币事务司 纽约联储研究与统计组 不详
美国国债市场被广泛认为是世界上最具深度、流动性最强的证券市场,在全球经济和美联储货币政策实施中扮演着关键角色。尽管如此,官方部门获取的现货市场交易信息一直有限。正如《联合工作报告》(JSR)所强调的,这一数据缺口在2014年10月1... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论