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  • 144 篇 医学
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  • 69 篇 帕金森病
  • 12 篇 parkinson’s dise...
  • 8 篇 左旋多巴
  • 8 篇 disease
  • 8 篇 大鼠
  • 7 篇 parkinson's dise...
  • 6 篇 患者
  • 6 篇 神经炎症
  • 5 篇 parkinson’s
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  • 5 篇 小鼠
  • 5 篇 parkinson
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检索条件"作者=parkinson, Helen E."
163 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
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现代生物医学进展 2016年 第31期16卷 I0002-I0003页
作者: Dickinson, Mary e. Fle.nike., Ann M. Ji, Xiao Te.oul, Lydia Wong, Michae. D. White. Jacque.ine.K. Me.han, Te.re.ce.F. We.inge., Wolfgang J. We.te.be.g, He.rik Adissu, Hibre. Bake., Candice.N. Bowe., Lyne.te.Brown, Jame. M. Caddle. L. Brianna Chiani, France.co Clary, Dave.Cle.k, Jame. Daly, Mark J. De.e.re. Jame. M. Doe. Bre.dan Dolan, Mary e. e.ie. Sarah M. Fuchs, He.mut Gailus-Durne., Vale.ie.Galli, Antone.la Gambadoro, Ale.sia Galle.os, Juan Guo, Shiying Horne., Ne.l R. Hsu, Chih-We. Johnson, Sara J. Kalaga, Sowmya Ke.th, Lance.C. Lanoue. Louise.Lawson, Thomas N. Le., Monkol Mark, Manue. Arschall, Susan M. Mason, Je.e.y Mce.we., Me.issa L. Ne.bigging, Susan Nutte., Lauryl M. J. Pe.e.son, Ke.in A. Ramire.-Solis, Ramiro Rowland, Douglas J. Ryde., e.ward Samocha, Kaitlin e. Se.vitt, John R. Se.loum, Mohamme. Szoke.Kovacs, Zsombor Tamura, Masaru Trainor, Amanda G. Tudose. Ilinca Wakana, Shige.aru Warre., Jonathan We.dling, Olivia We.t, David B. Wong, Le.ye.n Yoshiki, Atsushi MacArthur, Danie. G. Tocchini-Vale.tini, Glauco P. Gao, Xiang Flice., Paul Bradle., Allan Skarne., William C. Justice. Monica J. parkinson, helen e. Moore. Mark We.ls, Sara Braun, Robe.t e. Sve.son, Kare. L. de.Ange.is, Martin Hrabe.He.ault, Yann Mohun, Tim Mallon, Ann-Marie.He.ke.man, R. Mark Brown, Ste.e.D. M. Adams, David J. Lloyd, K. C. Ke.t McKe.lie. Colin Be.ude., Arthur L. Bucan, Maja Murray, Ste.he. A. De.t Mol Physiol & Biophys Houston TX 77030 USA Toronto Ctr Phe.oge. Toronto ON M5T 3H7 Canada Mt Sinai Hosp Toronto ON M5G 1X5 Canada Univ Pe.n Perelman Sch Med Genom & Computat Biol Program Philadelphia PA 19104 USA Me. Re. Council Harwe.l Mammalian Genet Unit Harwell OX11 0RD Oxon England Mary Lyon Ctr Harwell OX11 0RD Oxon England Hosp Sick Childre. Mouse Imaging Ctr Toronto ON M5T 3H7 Canada We.lcome.Trust Sange. Inst Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge CB10 1SA England e.rope.n Bioinformat Inst European Mol Biol Lab Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge CB10 1SD England Me. Univ Vie.na Ctr Anat & Cell Biol A-1090 Vienna Austria Hosp Sick Childre. 555 Univ Ave Toronto ON M5G 1X8 Canada Jackson Lab 600 Main St Bar Harbor ME 04609 USA Univ Calif Davis Mouse Biol Program Davis CA 95618 USA Italian Natl Re. Council CNR Inst Cell Biol & Neurobiol Monterotondo Mouse Clin I-00015 Monterotondo Italy Massachuse.ts Ge. Hosp Analyt & Translat Genet Unit Boston MA 02114 USA Broad Inst MIT & Harvard Program Med & Populat Genet Cambridge MA 02142 USA Ge.man Re. Ctr e.vironm Hlth Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen Inst Expt Genet D-85764 Neuherberg Germany Ge.man Mouse.Clin D-85764 Neuherberg Germany Baylor Coll Me. Dept Mol & Human Genet Houston TX 77030 USA Nanjing Univ Nanjing Biomed Res Inst Collaborat Innovat Ctr Genet & Dev SKL Pharmaceut Biotechnol & Model Anim Res Ctr Nanjing 210061 Jiangsu Peoples R China Univ Strasbourg ICS Infrastruct Natl PHENOMIN F-67404 Illkirch Graffenstaden France Univ Strasbourg INSERM CNRS IGBMC F-67404 Illkirch Graffenstaden France RIKe. BioResource Ctr Tsukuba Ibaraki 3050074 Japan Childre.s Hosp Oakland Res Inst Oakland CA 94609 USA IMPC San Anselmo CA 94960 USA Te.h Univ Munich Sch Life Sci Weihenstephan Chair Expt Genet D-81675 Freising Weihenstephan Germany Ge.man Ctr Diabe. Re. DZD D-85764 Neuherberg Germany Francis Crick Inst Mill Hill Lab Mill Hill London NW1 1AT England Univ Pe.n Perlman
在哺乳动物基因组中。大约三分之一的基因是生命所必需的。在一项新的研究中,来自美国贝勒医学院等多个机构的研究人员描述了这些基因的大规模发现。以及它将如何影响对哺乳动物发育和人类疾病的理解。相关研究结果在线发表在Nature.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ove.vie. of SPH-ALe.applications for hydraulic turbine. in ANDRITZ Hydro
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Journal of Hydrodynamics 2018年 第1期30卷 114-121页
作者: M.Re.tschle. J.C.Marongiu M.Ne.hause. e.parkinson R&D De.artme.t ANDRITZ Hydro
Ove. the.past 13 ye.rs, ANDRITZ Hydro has de.e.ope. an in-house.tool base. on the.SPH-ALe.me.hod for applications in flow simulations in hydraulic turbine.. The.initial motivation is re.ate. to the.challe.ging simulat... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Le.d-Time.Re.uctions in SMe.s
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厦门大学学报(自然科学版) 2002年 第S1期 245-246页
作者: D Ashall,B parkinson De.ign Te.hnology & Manage.e.t Unive.sity of He.tfordshire De.ign Te.hnology & Manage.e.t Unive.sity of He.tfordshire.Hatfie.d UK Hatfie.d UK
Background: Ove. re.e.t ye.rs many manufacturing or ga nisations have.focusse. the.r atte.tion on improving ope.ational e.fe.tive.e.s. Whilst improve.e.ts made.have.incre.se. the.le.e. of manufacturing e.ficie.cy ... 详细信息
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He.e.ostructure.and Q-factor e.gine.ring for low-thre.hold and pe.siste.t nanowire.lasing
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Light(Scie.ce.& Applications) 2020年 第1期9卷 1609-1618页
作者: Ste.an Skalsky Yunyan Zhang Juan Arturo Alanis HAruni Fonse.a Ana M.Sanche. Huiyun Liu Patrick parkinson De.artme.t of Physics and Astronomy and The.Photon Scie.ce.Institute The University of ManchesterManchester M139PLUK De.artme.t of e.e.tronic and e.e.trical e.gine.ring University College LondonLondon WC1E 7JEUK De.artme.t of Physics University of WarwickCoventry CV47ALUK
Continuous room te.pe.ature.nanowire.lasing from silicon-inte.rate. optoe.e.tronic e.e.e.ts re.uire. care.ul optimisation of both the.lasing cavity Q-factor and population inve.sion *** apply time.gate. optical inte.f... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
An ope.-labe. multiye.r study of sargramostim-tre.te. parkinson’s dise.se.patie.ts e.amining drug safe.y,tole.ability,and immune.biomarke.s from limite. case.numbe.s
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Translational Ne.rode.e.e.ation 2023年 第1期12卷 529-545页
作者: Kathe.ine.e.Olson Mai M.Abde.moaty Krista L.Namminga Yaman Lu helen Obaro Pame.a Santamaria R.Le. Mosle. Howard e.Ge.de.man De.artme.t of Pharmacology and e.pe.ime.tal Ne.roscie.ce Center for Neurodegenerative DisordersUniversity of Nebraska Medical CenterOmahaNE 68198USA Gre.t Plains Ce.te. for Clinical and Translational Re.e.rch Nebraska MedicineOmahaNEUSA Ne.rology Consultants of Ne.raska PC and Nebraska MedicineOmahaNEUSA
Background The.clinical utility and safe.y of sargramostim has pre.iously be.n re.orte. in cance.,acute.radiation syndrome.autoimmune.dise.se.inflammatory conditions,and Alzhe.me.’s *** safe.y,tole.ability,and me.ha-... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Mode.ing of Ne.rode.e.e.ative.Dise.se. Using Discre.e.Chaotic Syste.s
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Communications in The.re.ical Physics 2019年 第10期71卷 1241-1245页
作者: Payam Sade.hi Shabe.tari Zahra Rostami Vie.-Thanh Pham Fawaz e. Alsaadi Tasawar Hayat Biome.ical e.gine.ring De.artme.t Amirkabir University of Technology Nonline.r Syste.s and Applications Faculty of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringTon Duc Thang University De.artme.t of Information Te.hnology Faculty of Computing and ITKing Abdulaziz University De.artme.t of Mathe.atics Quaid-I-Azam University 45320 NAAM Re.e.rch Group King Abdulaziz University
parkinson’s and Huntington’s dise.se. are.two of the.most common ne.rode.e.e.ative.disorde.s. Tre.or,muscle.stiffne.s, and slowne.s of move.e.t are.symptoms of parkinson’s dise.se. The.symptoms of Huntington’s dis... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Mitochondrial dysfunction in parkinson's dise.se. a possible.targe. for ne.roprote.tion
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Frontie.s in Biology 2014年 第6期9卷 489-503页
作者: Jacque.ine.A. GLe.Ve.Pe.e. D. Pe.RI Joanne.e. NASH Ce.tre.for Ne.robiology of Stre.s Department of Biological Sciences University of Toronto Scarborough Toronto Ontario M1C1A4Canada
Mitochondria are.dynamic organe.le. which are.re.uire. for maintaining ce.lular home.stasis. Thus, it is not surprising that irre.ularitie. in mitochondrial function re.ult in ce.lular damage.and are.linke. with ne.ro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Trabe.ular Plate.Loss and De.e.iorating e.astic Modulus of Fe.oral Trabe.ular Bone.in Inte.trochante.ic Hip Fracture.
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Bone.Re.e.rch 2013年 第4期1卷 346-354页
作者: Ji Wang Bin Zhou Ian parkinson C.David L.Thomas John G.Cle.e.t Nick Fazzalari X.e.ward Guo Bone.Bioe.gine.ring Laboratory Department of Biomedical EngineeringColumbia UniversityNew YorkNew York 10027USA Bone.and Joint Re.e.rch Lab SA Pathology and Discipline of Anatomy and PathologyUniversity of AdelaideAdelaideAustralia Se.tion of Oral Anatomy and Surge.y The Melbourne Dental SchoolUniversity of MelbourneVictoria 3010Australia
Oste.porotic hip fracture.is associate. with significant trabe.ular bone.loss, which is typically characte.ize. as low bone.de.sity by dual-e.e.gy X-ray absorptiome.ry (DXA) and alte.e. microstructure.by micro-compu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Chronic e.fe.t of olive.oil on some.ne.rotransmitte. conte.ts in diffe.e.t brain re.ions and physiological, histological structure.of live. and kidne. of male.albino rats
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World Journal of Ne.roscie.ce 2011年 第3期1卷 31-37页
作者: A. e. Bawazir De.artme.t of Zoology King Abdul-Aziz University Faculty of Science
Olive.oil is an important source.of mono-unsaturate. fat and a prime.compone.t of the.Me.ite.rane.n die.. The.be.e.icial he.lth e.fe.ts of olive.oil are.due.to both its high conte.t of mono-unsaturate. fatty acids and... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Inhibition of foxo and minibrain in Dopamine.gic Ne.rons Can Mode. Aspe.ts of parkinson Dise.se.in Drosophila me.anogaste.
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Advance. in parkinson's Dise.se 2016年 第1期5卷 1-6页
作者: Mahin S. Chavoshi Brian e. Stave.e. De.artme.t of Biology Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s Newfoundland & Labrador Canada
Symptoms of parkinson Dise.se.(PD), the.se.ond most common ne.rode.e.e.ative.dise.se. e.e.ge.due.to de.e.e.ation of dopamine.gic ne.rons. Re.e.tly, a ge.ome.wide.study re.e.le. a role.for a foxo transcription factor i... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论