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15 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Research and development of the back-end electronics for the two-dimensional improved resistive plate chambers in CMS upgrade
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Radiation Detection Technology and Methods 2021年 第2期5卷 181-191页
作者: p.Cao Z-A.Liu J.Zhao H.Kou J.Tao J.Song W.Gong N.Wang A.Samalan M.Tytgat N.Zaganidis G.A.Alves F.Marujo F.Torres.Da.S.ilva.De.Araujo E.M.Da Costa D.De Jesus Damiao H.Nogima A.Santoro S.Fonseca De Souza A.Aleksandrov R.Hadjiiska p.Iaydjiev M.Rodozov M.Shopova G.Sultanov M.Bonchev A.Dimitrov L.Litov B.pavlov p.petkov A.petrov S.J.Qian C.Bernal A.Cabrera J.Fraga A.Sarkar S.Elsayed Y.Assran M.El Sawy M.A.Mahmoud Y.Mohammed X.Chen C.Combaret M.Gouzevitch G.Grenier I.Laktineh L.Mirabito K.Shchablo I.Bagaturia D.Lomidze I.Lomidze V.Bhatnagar R.Gupta p.Kumari J.Singh V.Amoozegar B.Boghrati M.Ebraimi R.Ghasemi M.Mohammadi Najafabadi E.Zareian M.Abbrescia R.Aly W.Elmetenawee N.De Filippis A.Gelmi G.Iaselli S.Leszki F.Loddo I.Margjeka G.pugliese D.Ramos L.Benussi S.Bianco D.piccolo S.Buontempo A.Di Crescenzo F.Fienga G.De Lellis L.Lista S.Meola p.paolucci A.Braghieri p.Salvini p.Montagna C.Riccardi p.Vitulo B.Francois T.J.Kim J.park S.Y.Choi B.Hong K.S.Lee J.Goh H.Lee J.Eysermans C.Uribe Estrada I.pedraza H.Castilla-Valdez A.Sanchez-Hernandez C.A.Mondragon Herrera D.A.perez Navarro G.A.Ayala Sanchez S.Carrillo E.Vazquez A.Radi A.Ahmad I.Asghar H.Hoorani S.Muhammad M.A.Shah I.Crotty Department of physics and Astronomy Ghent UniversityProeftuinstraat 869000 GhentBelgium Centro Brasileiro pesquisas Fisicas R.Dr.Xavier Sigaud150-UrcaRio de JaneiroRJ 22290-180Brazil Dep.de Fisica Nuclear e Altas Energias Instituto de FisicaUniversidade do Estado do Rio de JaneiroRua Sao Francisco Xavier524BR-Rio de Janeiro 20559-900RJBrazil Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Inst.for Nucl.Res.and Nucl.EnergyTzarigradsko shaussee Boulevard 721784 SofiaBulgaria Faculty of physics University of Sofia5 James Bourchier Boulevard1164 SofiaBulgaria School of physics Peking UniversityBeijing 100871China Institute of High Energy physics UCAS/CAS19(B)Yuquan RoadShijingshan DistrictBeijing 100049China Universidad de Los Andes Apartado Aereo 4976Carrera 1Eno.18A 10BogotaCOColombia Egyptian Network for High Energy physics Academy of Scientific Research and Technology101 Kasr El-Einy St.CairoEgypt The British University in Egypt(BUE) P.O.Box 43Elsherouk CitySuez Desert RoadCairo 11837Egypt Suez University Elsalam CitySuez-Cairo RoadSuez 43522Egypt Department of physics Faculty of ScienceBeni-Suef UniversityBeni-SuefEgypt Center for High Energy physics Faculty of ScienceFayoum UniversityEl-Fayoum 63514Egypt Univ Lyon Univ Claude Bernard Lyon 1CNRS/IN2P3IP2I LyonUMR 582269622 VilleurbanneFrance Georgian Technical University 77 Kostava Str.Tbilisi 0175Georgia Department of physics Panjab UniversityChandigarh 160014India School of particles and Accelerators Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM)P.O.Box 19395-5531TehranIran School of Engineering Damghan UniversityDamghan ***Iran INFN Sezione di BariVia Orabona 470126 BariItaly INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati(LNF)Via Enrico Fermi 4000044 FrascatiItaly INFN Sezione di NapoliComplesso Univ.Monte S.AngeloVia Cintia80126 NaplesItaly INFN Sezione di PaviaVia Bassi 6PaviaItaly INFN Sezione di Pavia and University of PaviaVia Bassi 6PaviaItaly Hanyang University 222 Wangsimni-roSageun-dongSeongdong
purpose To complement and ensure redundancy in the endcap muon system of the Compact Muon Solenoid(CMS)detector and to extend the Resistive plate Chamber(RpC)system coverage,improved RpCs(iRpCs)with either orthogonal ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
R&D of back-end electronics for improved resistive plate chambers for the phase 2 upgrade of the CMS end-capmuon system
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Radiation Detection Technology and Methods 2022年 第3期6卷 306-316页
作者: H.Kou Z.-A.Liu J.Zhao J.Song Q.Hou W.Diao p.Cao W.Gong N.Wang A.Samalan M.Tytgat M.El Sawy G.A.Alves F.Marujo E.A.Coelho F.Torres Da Silva De Araujo E.M.Da Costa H.Nogima A.Santoro S.Fonseca De Souza D.De Jesus Damiao M.Thiel M.Barroso Ferreira Filho K.Mota Amarilo A.Aleksandrov R.Hadjiiska p.Iaydjiev M.Rodozov M.Shopova G.Sultanov A.Dimitrov L.Litov B.pavlov p.petkov A.petrov E.Shumka S.J.Qian C.Avila D.Barbosa A.Cabrera A.Florez J.Fraga J.Reyes Y.Assran M.A.Mahmoud Y.Mohammed I.Laktineh G.Grenier M.Gouzevitch L.Mirabito K.Shchablo C.Combaret W.Tromeur G.Galbit A.Luciol X.Chen I.Bagaturia I.Lomidze Z.Tsamalaidze V.Amoozegar B.Boghrati M.Ebraimi E.Zareian M.Mohammadi Najafabadi M.Abbrescia G.Iaselli G.pugliese F.Loddo N.De Filippis R.Aly D.Ramos W.Elmetenawee S.Leszki I.Margjeka D.paesani L.Benussi S.Bianco D.piccolo S.Meola S.Buontempo F.Carnevali L.Lista p.paolucci F.Fienga A.Braghieri p.Salvini p.Montagna C.Riccardi p.Vitulo E.Asilar J.Choi T.J.Kim S.Y.Choi B.Hong K.S.Lee H.Y.Oh J.Goh I.Yu C.Uribe Estrada I.pedraza H.Castilla-Valdez R.L.Fernandez A.Sanchez-Hernandez E.Vazquez M.Ramirez-Garcia N.Zaganidis A.Radi H.Hoorani S.Muhammad A.Ahmad I.Asghar M.A.Shah W.A.Khan J.Eysermans I.Crotty on behalf of the CMS Muon Group Department of physics and Astronomy Ghent UniversityProeftuinstraat 869000 GhentBelgium UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles Avenue Franklin Roosevelt50-1050 BruxellesBelgium Centro Brasileiro pesquisas Fisicas R.Dr.Xavier Sigaud150UrcaRio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro 22290-180Brazil Department de Fisica Nuclear e Altas Energias Instituto de FisicaUniversidade do Estado do Rio de JaneiroRua Sao Francisco Xavier524Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro 20559-900Brazil Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Nuclear Researches and Nuclear EnergyTzarigradsko Shaussee Boulevard 721784 SofiaBulgaria Faculty of physics University of Sofia5 James Bourchier Boulevard1164 SofiaBulgaria School of physics Peking UniversityBeijing 100871China State Key Laboratory of particle Detection and Electronics Institute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences B325Main BuildingNo.19(A)Yuquan RoadShijingshan DistrictBeijing 100049China Universidad de Los Andes Carrera 1No.18A-12BogotáColombia Egyptian Network for High Energy physics Academy of Scientific Research and Technology101 Kasr El-Einy St.CairoEgypt Suez University SuezCairo RoadElsalam CitySuez 43522Egypt Center for High Energy physics(CHEp-FU) Faculty of ScienceFayoum UniversityEl-Fayoum 63514Egypt Univ Lyon Univ Claude Bernard Lyon 1CNRS/IN2P3IP2I LyonUMR 582269622 VilleurbanneFrance Georgian Technical University 77 Kostava Str.0175 TbilisiGeorgia School of particles and Accelerators Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM)P.O.Box 19395-5531 TehranIran School of Engineering Damghan UniversityDamghan ***Iran INFN Sezione di BariVia Orabona 470126 BariItaly INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati(LNF)Via Enrico Fermi 4000044 FrascatiItaly INFN Sezione di NapoliComplesso University Monte S.AngeloVia Cintia80126 NapoliItaly Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione UniversitàDegli Studi di Napoli Federico II80126 NapoliI
purpose The Large Hadron Collider(LHC)at European Organization for Nuclear Research is planned to be upgraded to the high luminosity *** the luminosity makes muon triggering reliable and offline reconstruction very ***... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Influence of high- and low-volume liver surgery in gallbladder carcinoma
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014年 第48期20卷 18445-18451页
作者: Thorsten Oliver Goetze Vittorio paolucci Department of Surgery Ketteler-Krankenhaus 63071 Offenbach Germany
AIM: To clarify whether the performance of liver resections (LR) for incidental gallbladder carcinoma (IGBC)’s depends more on the experience of the hospitals in liver surgery than on complying with the guidelines in... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
I dipinti dei Musei Vaticani
I dipinti dei Musei Vaticani
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作者: Antonio paolucci.
来源: 南通市图书馆图书 评论
On the Necessary Grid Resolution for Verified Calculation of premixed Laminar Flames
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Communications in Computational physics 2010年 第7期8卷 304-326页
作者: Ashraf N.Al-Khateeb Joseph M.powers Samuel paolucci Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering University of Notre DameNotre DameIndiana 46556-5637USA
We consider the grid resolution necessary to resolve combustion in a mixture of calorically imperfect ideal gases described by detailed kinetics and multicomponent *** the steady premixed laminar flame as a paradigm,t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Walking training after stroke: improvements keeping our feet on the ground
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中国现代神经疾病杂志 2013年 第4期13卷 263-265页
作者: Giovanni Morone Augusto Fusco Marco losa Stefano paolucci Clinical Laboratory of Experimental Neurorehabilitation IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation Rome 00179 Italy
Stroke is one of the principal causes of morbidity and mortality in adults in the developed world and the leading cause of disability in all industrialized countries. Rehabilitation's efforts are tended to avoid long-... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Size and dispersion of urticating setae in three species of processionary moths
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Integrative Zoology 2014年 第3期9卷 320-327页
作者: Edoardo pETRUCCO TOFFOLO Daniel ZOVI Chiara pERIN paolo paolucci Alain ROQUES Andrea BATTISTI Helmuth HORVATH Department of Agronomy Food Natural Resources Animals and Environment-Entomology University of PadovaLegnaroItaly INRA National Institute for Agricultural ResearchForest Zoology(UR 0633)OrleansFrance Faculty of physics Aerosol and Environmental PhysicsUniversity of ViennaViennaAustria
Larvae of the processionary moths of the palaearctic region bear urticating setae that are released against ver­tebrate predators,especially insectivorous birds.A few species are pests of forest and urban trees and,co... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Human cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection in inflammatory bowel disease:Need for mucosal viral load measurement
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World Journal of Gastroenterology 2015年 第6期21卷 1915-1926页
作者: Rachele Ciccocioppo Francesca Racca Stefania paolucci Giulia Campanini Lodovica pozzi Elena Betti Roberta Riboni Alessandro Vanoli Fausto Baldanti Gino Roberto Corazza Centre for the Study and Cure of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinica Medica I IRCCS San Matteo Hospital Foundation University of Pavia SS Virologia Molecolare - SC Virologia e Microbiologia Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Servizio di Endoscopia Digestiva Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Servizio di Anatomia patologica Fondazione IRCCS policlinico San Matteo
AIM:To evaluate the best diagnostic technique and risk factors of the human Cytomegalovirus(HCMV)and Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)infection in inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).METHODS:A cohort of 40 IBD patients(17 refractor... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Vineyards genetic monitoring and Vernaccia di San Gimignano wine molecular fingerprinting
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Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2014年 第2期5卷 142-154页
作者: Monica Scali paolucci Elisa Bigliazzi Jacopo Cresti Mauro Rita Vignani Department of Life Science University of Siena Siena Italy Serge-genomics s. r. l. Department of Life Science University of Siena Siena Italy
The definition of the genetic profile of Vernaccia di San Gimignano (VSG) in the areas of production is an essential step for both the implementation of a plan of analytical traceability and the evaluation of the biol... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Genetic Traceability of Cinta Senese pig (<i>Sus scrofa domesticus</i>L.): A Study of the Meat and processed products by Microsatellite Markers
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2015年 第8期6卷 712-726页
作者: Monica Scali Rita Vignani Marco Quintetti Jacopo Bigliazzi Elisa paolucci Mauro Cresti Department of Life Science University of Siena Siena Italy Serge-Genomics S.r.L. Siena Italy
Traceability based on DNA analysis is attracting increasing interest due to the crisis of confidence that consumers show towards the products of animal origin. The present work discusses a genetic traceability system ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论