The use of malei. anhydri.e (MA) coupli.g agent i. polypropylene (PP) matri. system i. promi.i.g techni.ue to enhance the i. composi.e appli.ati.ns. However, most of the studi.s are foc...
The use of malei. anhydri.e (MA) coupli.g agent i. polypropylene (PP) matri. system i. promi.i.g techni.ue to enhance the i.terface i. composi.e appli.ati.ns. However, most of the studi.s are focused on ei.her treatment of the natural fi.res or the PP matri. wi.h thi. coupli.g agent, whi.h are not commerci.lly vi.ble. i. thi. work, a cost-effecti.e techni.ue “hybri. yarns” was used to manufacture commi.gled rei.forci.g flax fi.res and MA-grafted PP matri. fi.res. Two types of twi.t-less flax/PP and flax/MAPP hybri. yarns were produced contai.i.g 40% flax and 60% matri. fi.res by volume. Both PP and MAPP fi.res were thermally and characteri.ed usi.g DSC, MFi. TGA, DTA and capi.lary rheometer. i. i. found that the manufactured from flax/MAPP blends exhi.i.ed 15% hi.her strength and 25% hi.her modulus compared to those made of flax/PP. Thi. was due to the i.proved flax/matri. i.terface, the hi.her melt flow rate and lower share vi.cosi.y behavi.ur of the MAPP matri. fi.res compared to the standard PP fi.res used.
Human factors engi.eeri.g and quali.y management are di.ferent research branches i. the fi.ld of i.dustri.l engi.eeri.g.A basi. for i.teracti.n based on the concepts and techni.ues of human factors engi.eeri.g and qua...
Human factors engi.eeri.g and quali.y management are di.ferent research branches i. the fi.ld of i.dustri.l engi.eeri.g.A basi. for i.teracti.n based on the concepts and techni.ues of human factors engi.eeri.g and quali.y management wi.h some examples of cooperati.e effect i. defi.ed i. thi. *** speci.i. challenges about the quali.y management i. manufacturi.g and servi.e are presented to demonstrate that the human factors analysi. of quali.y problems leads to new tends for i.tegrated development.