Hea. tra.sfer a.d hydrodyna.ics of two pha.e closed thermosyphon (TPCT) is studied using finite difference method of Strea. function a.d vorticity. The ma.hema.ica. model is formed for both va.or pha.e a.d liquid fi...
Hea. tra.sfer a.d hydrodyna.ics of two pha.e closed thermosyphon (TPCT) is studied using finite difference method of Strea. function a.d vorticity. The ma.hema.ica. model is formed for both va.or pha.e a.d liquid film in a.non-dimensiona. form. The momentum a.d energy equa.ions a. pa.a.olic equa.ions ha.e been solved by mea.s of the loca.ly one-dimensiona. scheme of a.a. Sa.a.skii. The Poisson equa.ion for the strea. function ha. been a.proxima.ed on the ba.is of the discrete scheme "cross". The obta.ned system of a.gebra.c equa.ions ha. been solved by the successive over rela.a.ion method. The effect of the Ra.leigh number on the velocity a.d tempera.ure fields in the doma.n of interest a.d on the a.era.e Nusselt number a. the solid-fluid interfa.es is investiga.ed. It wa. found tha. increa.e in the Ra.leigh number lea.s to the increment of both the a.era.e Nusselt number a.d the strea. function in the va.or zone.