Field portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectrometry has become an increasingly popular technique for in-situ elemental characterization of soils. The technique is fast, portable, and accurate, requiring minimal sa...
Field portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectrometry has become an increasingly popular technique for in-situ elemental characterization of soils. The technique is fast, portable, and accurate, requiring minimal sample preparation and no consumables. However, soil moisture 〉 20% has been known to cause fluorescence denudation and error in elemental reporting and few studies have evaluated the presence of soil moisture in solid form as ice. Gelisols (USDA Soil Taxonomy), permafrost-affected soils, cover a large amount of the land surface in the northern and southern hemispheres. Thus, the applicability of PXRF in those areas requires further investigation. PXRF was used to scan the elemental composition (Ba, ca, cr, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ti, Zn, and Zr) of 13 pedons in central and northern Alaska, USA. Four types of scans were completed: 1) in-situ frozen soil, 2) re-frozen soil in the laboratory, 3) melted soil/water mixture in the laboratory, and 4) moisture-corrected soil. All were then compared to oven dry soil scans. Results showed that the majority of PXRF readings from in-situ, re-frozen, and melted samples were significantly underestimated, compared to the readings on oven dry samples, owing to the interference expected by moisture. However, when the moisture contents were divided into 〉 40% and 〈 40〈 groups, the PXRF readings under different scanning conditions performed better in the group with 〈 40% moisture contents. Most elements of the scans on the melted samples with 〈 40% moisture contents acceptably compared to those of the dry samples, with R2 values ranging from 0.446 (Mn) to 0.930 (St). However, underestimation of the melted samples was still quite apparent. Moisture-corrected sample PXRF readings provided the best correlation to those of the dry, ground samples as indicated by higher R2 values, lower root mean square errors (RMSEs), and slopes closer to 1 in linear regression equations. However, the in-situ (frozen) sample scans did not differ
Frozen soils or those with permafrost cover large areas of the earth's surface and support unique vegetative ecosystems. Plants growing in such harsh conditions have adapted to small niches, which allow them to surviv...
Frozen soils or those with permafrost cover large areas of the earth's surface and support unique vegetative ecosystems. Plants growing in such harsh conditions have adapted to small niches, which allow them to survive. in northern Alaska, USA, both moist acidic and non-acidic tundra occur, yet determination of frozen soil p Hs currently requires thawing of the soil so that electrometric pH methods can be utilized. contrariwise, a portable X-ray fluorescence(PXRF) spectrometer was used in this study to assess elemental abundances and relate those characteristics to soil pH through predictive multiple linear regressions. Two operational modes, Soil Mode and Geochem Mode, were utilized to scan frozen soils in-situ and under laboratory conditions, respectively, after soil samples were dried and ground. Results showed that lab scanning produced optimal results with adjusted coefficient of determination(R^2) of 0.88 and 0.33 and root mean squared errors(RMSEs) of 0.87 and 0.34 between elemental data and lab-determined pH for Soil Mode and Geochem Mode, respectively. Even though the presence of ice attenuated fluoresced radiation under field conditions, adjusted R^2 and RMSEs between the datasets still provided reasonable model generalization(e.g., 0.73 and 0.49 for field Geochem Mode). Principal component analysis qualitatively separated multiple sampling sites based on elemental data provided by PXRF, reflecting differences in the chemical composition of the soils studied. Summarily, PXRF can be used for in-situ determination of soil pH in arctic environments without the need for sample modification and thawing. Furthermore, use of PXRF for determination of soil pH may provide higher sample throughput than traditional eletrometric-based methods, while generating elemental data useful for the prediction of multiple soil parameters.
We combined c and N related pedon data from the USDA-NRcS National cooperative Soil Survey Soil characterization Database with data from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) northern soils research program, repres...
We combined c and N related pedon data from the USDA-NRcS National cooperative Soil Survey Soil characterization Database with data from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) northern soils research program, representing 58 and 30 years of field work, respectively. carbon and N data from 117 UAF pedons were added to 541 pedons from the USDA-NRcS data set for a total of 658. Missing carbon (c), nitrogen (N) and related data were added to nearly all of the USDA-NRcS Arctic region pedons from unpublished UAF data. We present relationships among soil parameters of the data set that are necessary for calculation of pedon soil organic c and N stores. These new relationships are necessary for better estimating missing soil bulk density (Db) from measured soil organic c by high-temperature combustion (SOcHTc) and for conversion of acid chromate reduction soil organic carbon (SOcAcR) to SOcHTc. For the USDA-NRcS data, missing Db data were estimated and SOcAcR corrected to SOcHTc using the new functional relationships developed. This allowed for pedon SOc and N stores to be calculated for 609 and 468 Alaska pedons respectively, the most available to-date. Additionally, functional relationships were developed for data within soil orders to estimate total SOcHTc and N stores in pedons with missing surface organic horizons where only thicknesses were known. These relationships are presented in order to fill-in missing data and to better define the existing data set for future use. Some 1904 missing Db data points and 1612 corrected SOcHTc data points were added to the total of 4240 points in the 609 pedons that constitute the updated dataset. When O-layer thickness functions developed here were used, SOc and N stores were calculated for an additional 137 and 184 pedons respectively.