The emergence of the tra.heophyte-ba.ed va.cula. system of la.d pla.ts impa.ts on the evolution of terrestria. biology, in genera., through its role in the development of pla.ts with increa.ed s...
The emergence of the tra.heophyte-ba.ed va.cula. system of la.d pla.ts ha. ma.or impa.ts on the evolution of terrestria. biology, in genera., through its role in the development of pla.ts with increa.ed sta.ure, photosynthetic output, a.d a.ility to colonize expa.ded of environmenta. ha.ita.s. Recently, considera.le progress ha. been ma.e in terms of our understa.ding of the developmenta. a.d physiologica. progra.s involved in the forma.ion a.d function of the pla.t va.cula. system. In this review, we first exa.ine the evolutiona.y events tha. ga.e rise to the tra.heophytes, followed by a.a.ysis of the genetic a.d hormona. networks tha. coopera.e to orchestra.e va.cula. development in the gymnosperms a.d a.giosperms. The two essentia.functions performed by the va.cula. system, na.ely the delivery of resources (, essentia. minera. nutrients, suga.s a.d a.ino a.ids) to the va.ious pla.t orga.s a.d provision of mecha.ica. support a.e next discussed. Here, we focus on critica. questions to structura. a.d physiologica. properties controlling the delivery of ma.eria. through the xylem a.d phloem. Recent discoveries into the role of the va.cula. system a. a. effective long-dista.ce communica.ion system a.e next a.sessed in terms of the coordina.ion of developmenta., physiologica. a.d defense-rela.ed processes, a. the whole-pla.t level. a.concerted effort ha. been ma.e to integra.e a.l these new findings into a.comprehensive picture of the sta.e-of-the-a.t in the a.ea.of pla.t va.cula. biology., a.ea. importa.t for future a.e highlighted in terms of their likely contribution both to ba.ic knowledge a.d a.plica.ions to prima.y industry.
Biocha.s ca. improve soil but ha.e been widely shown to reduce nitrogen(N)owing to their high ca.bon(C)content,which microbia. ***, biocha.s conta.n a.ounts of C tha.a.e...
Biocha.s ca. improve soil but ha.e been widely shown to reduce nitrogen(N)owing to their high ca.bon(C)content,which microbia. ***, biocha.s conta.n a.ounts of C tha. a.e not,their tota. elementa. C:N does not correspond well with impa.ts on soil *** hypothesized tha. impa.ts on soil N would rela.e to biocha. minera.iza.le-C(C_(min))content,a.d tha. C:N ra.ios of the minera.iza.le biocha. component could provide a.mea.s for predicting conditions of net soil N-minera.iza.ion *** conducted two la.ora.ory experiments,the first mea.uring biocha. C_(min)from respira.ion of la.eled ba.ley biocha.s ma.ufa.tured a. 300,500,a.d 750℃,a.d the second cha.a.terizing C_(min)by proxy mea.urements for ten biocha.s from six feedstocks a. severa. *** both experiments,soils were incuba.ed with 2%biocha. by ma.s to determine impa.ts to soil *** to expecta.ion,a.l the biocha.s increa.ed soil N-minera.iza.ion rela.ive to una.ended *** unexpected,higher tempera.ure(500 a.d 700℃)ba.ley biocha.s with less C_(min)stimula.ed more soil decomposition a.d more soil N-minera.iza.ion tha. a.350℃ba.ley ***,a.ross diverse biocha. feedstocks a.d production methods,none of the biocha. cha.a.teristics correla.ed with soil *** finding of improved soil N-minera.iza.ion a.ds complexity to the of soil N responses tha. ca. be expected in response to biocha. *** of the limited a.ility to predict soil N responses from biocha. properties,users should monitor soil N to ma.a.e soil fertility.