Over the past 70 years,the w.rld has w.tnessed extraordinary grow.h in crop productivity,enabled by a suite of technological advances,including higher yielding crop varieties,im.roved farm.m.nagem.nt,synthetic agroche...
Over the past 70 years,the w.rld has w.tnessed extraordinary grow.h in crop productivity,enabled by a suite of technological advances,including higher yielding crop varieties,im.roved farm.m.nagem.nt,synthetic agrochem.cals,and agricultural *** this"Green Revolution"intensified crop production,and is credited w.th reducing fam.ne and m.lnutrition,its benefits w.re accom.anied by several undesirable collateral effects(Pingali,2012).These include a narrow.ng of agricultural biodiversity,stem.ing from.increased m.noculture and greater reliance on a sm.ller num.er of crops and crop varieties for the m.jority of our *** reduction in diversity has created vulnerabilities to pest and disease epidem.cs,clim.te variation,and ultim.tely to hum.n health(Harlan,1972).
Thousands of resting state functional m.gnetic resonance im.ging(RS-f m.I)articles have been published on brain *** precise localization of abnorm.l brain activity,a voxel-level com.arison is *** of the large num.er o...
Thousands of resting state functional m.gnetic resonance im.ging(RS-f m.I)articles have been published on brain *** precise localization of abnorm.l brain activity,a voxel-level com.arison is *** of the large num.er of voxels in the brain,m.ltiple com.arison correction(m.C)m.st be perform.d to reduce false positive rates,and a sm.ller P value(usually including either liberal or stringent m.C)is w.dely recom.ended[1].