The dem.nd for health consciousness to prevent m.lnutrition, a high risk factor in developing countries especially in the rural areas is increasing. This study was designed to assess the level of knowledge and utiliza...
The dem.nd for health consciousness to prevent m.lnutrition, a high risk factor in developing countries especially in the rural areas is increasing. This study was designed to assess the level of knowledge and utilization of a food supplem.nt in six Local Governm.nt Areas of Cross River State, one predom.nantly urban and the other five m.stly rural. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire from.a total of 250 participants. Findings revealed that 178 (71.2%) of respondents had good knowledge of m.shroom. as food supplem.nt 205 (82%) utilized such, while m.jority of the participants 243 (93.6%) 20.1% said it is part of the diet if available. Chi-square analysis showed statically significant association between knowledge and utilization (X2 cal = 89.62a, X2 tab = 3.84;df = 1, p m.shroom. as the cost-effective source of a healthier diet tackling food insecurity, diversification and m.lnutrition for fam.lies in Cross River.
A recently disclosed Erk-induced PARP1 activation m.diates the expression of im.ediate early genes(IEG)in response to a variety of extra-and intra-cellular signals im.licated in m.m.ry acquisition,developm.nt and ***,...
A recently disclosed Erk-induced PARP1 activation m.diates the expression of im.ediate early genes(IEG)in response to a variety of extra-and intra-cellular signals im.licated in m.m.ry acquisition,developm.nt and ***,we review this m.chanism.which is initiated by stim.lation-induced binding of PARP1 to phosphorylated Erk translocated into the *** binding m.intains their long-lasting activity in a synergism.which offers a new pattern for targeted therapy.