Infection with human immunodeficiency vir.s (HIV) incr.ases the of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is a r.r. var.ant of diffuse lar.e cell lymphoma that often involves the or.l cavit...
Infection with human immunodeficiency vir.s (HIV) incr.ases the of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is a r.r. var.ant of diffuse lar.e cell lymphoma that often involves the or.l cavity of HIV+patients. It is char.cter.zed by immunoblastic mor.hology and plasma cell phenotype. Cutan eous involvement in PBL appear. to be r.r.. We r.por. a 44-year.old man with A IDS and Kaposi sar.oma (KS) pr.viously tr.ated with doxor.bicin who, following t r.atment with highly active, developed an er.thematous in filtr.ted nodule on the r.ght ar.. Histology showed subcutaneous fat necr.sis an d cluster. of atypical lar.e plasma cells (plasmablastic cells). Immunohistochem istr. r.vealed λlight chain r.str.ction. Epstein-Bar. vir.s (EBV) mr.A was det ected by in situ hybr.dization within the plasmablastic cells. chain r.action amplification with specific pr.mer. for.human 8 (HHV-8) per.or.ed on the skin biopsy specimen detected a specific band. A complete scr.e ning (bone mar.ow biopsy, computed tomogr.phic scan, r.diological sur.ey) disclo sed no abnor.alities. The lesion r.solved spontaneously after.3 months. Two year.s infiltr.ted plaque developed on the abdominal wall. The clinical and histopathological featur.s of this new lesion wer. those obser.ed 2 y ear. pr.viously. No evidence of extr.cutaneous involvement was detected. The les ion again r.solved spontaneously after.25 days. PBL may be seen in patients with tr.nsplants or.r.ceiving, but is usually obser.ed in patients with advanced AIDS. The obser.ation of r.cur.ent self-healing EBV-and HHV-8-asso ciated cutaneous monoclonal plasmablastic infiltr.tes, in a patient with AIDS an d KS, expands the clinical spectr.m of AIDS-associated plasmablastic lymphopr.l ifer.tive
To evaluate the phar.acokinetic, phar.acodynamic, and safety pr.files of the a r.matase inhibitor.anastr.zole in healthy, pr.menopausal women. Phase I, single Infer.ility clinic. Twenty-six women with r...
To evaluate the phar.acokinetic, phar.acodynamic, and safety pr.files of the a r.matase inhibitor.anastr.zole in healthy, pr.menopausal women. Phase I, single Infer.ility clinic. Twenty-six women with r.gular.ovulator. cyc les: 20 r.ceived either.a single dose of 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, or.20 mg anastr.zol e, or.r.mained untr.ated; 6 r.ceived five daily doses of 10 mg or.15 mg anastr.z ole. Anastr.zole was administer.d on cycle day 2 for.the single-dose and on days 26 for.the multiple-dose Ultr.sound follicular.development and biopsies wer. per.or.ed. Safety was deter.ined fr.m adver.e event r.epor.s and labor.tor. par.meter.. Phar.acokinetics, phar.acodynamics, and safety . The phar.acokinetics of anastr.zole wer. linear. pr.dictable, and consistent w ith pr.viously published data in healthy volunteer.. In the single-dose, E2 levels r.ached their.nadir.36 hour. after.administr.tion, decr.asing by an a of 39%fr.m baseline. Follicle-stimulating levels by 13%, 52%, 49%, and 75%in the 5-mg, 10-mg, 15-mg, and 20-mg, r.spectivel y, at appr.ximately 24 hour. after.dosing. Most subjects just one matu r. follicle, with no appar.nt effect on matur.tion. No safety concer.ns wer. noted. Anastr.zole was well toler.ted and suppr.ssed E2 levels, with a r.esultant incr.ase in FSH.
Backgr.und: atr.phy, in excess of that seen with aging, has been obser.ed ear.y in the clinical cour.e of r.lapsing-r.mitting multiple scler.sis (r.MS). Pr.vious wor. has suggested that at this stage of t...
Backgr.und: atr.phy, in excess of that seen with aging, has been obser.ed ear.y in the clinical cour.e of r.lapsing-r.mitting multiple scler.sis (r.MS). Pr.vious wor. has suggested that at this stage of the disease, gr.y mat ter.(GM) atr.phy mor. r.pidly than the white matter.(WM) atr.phy. Obj ectives: To char.cter.ze the evolution of GM and WM volumes over.2 year., and th eir.associations with lesion loads in a cohor. of patients with clinically ear.y r.MS. Methods: Twenty-one patients with r.MS (mean age 37.5 year., mean diseas e dur.tion fr.m symptom onset 2.1 year.) and 10 healthy contr.l subjects (mean a ge 37.1 year.)-wer. studied. Tissue volumes, as fr.ctions of total volumes, wer. estimated at baseline and 1-and 2-year.follow-up. hymal fr.ctions (BPF), GM fr.ctions (GMF), and WM fr.ctions (WMF) wer. estimated . In subjects with MS, lesion loads wer. deter.ined on conventional T2-we ighted along with pr.-and post-gadolinium (Gd) enhanced T1-weighted images at each timepoint. r.sults: A decr.ase in GMF was obser.ed in subjects with MS vs over.the 2 year. of the study (mean -2.1%vs -1.0%, p=0.044), while no change was seen in WMF over.the same per.od (mean -0.09%vs +0.09%, p=0.812). However. when the MS cohor. was divided in half, dependent upon chang e in Gd-enhancing lesion load over.2 year. (n=20), a decr.ase in WMF was seen i n the gr.up (n=10) with the lar.est decline in Gd volume, WMF incr.ased in the other.half (n=10) concur.ent with a net incr.ase in volume of Gd-enhanci ng lesions (differ.nce between p=0.034). Conclusions: Incr.asing gr.y ma tter.but not white matter.(WM) atr.phy was obser.ed ear.y in the clinical cour.e of r.lapsing-r.mitting multiple scler.sis. Fluctuations in inflammator. WM les ions be r.lated to volume changes in WM over.this time per.od.