植物基因组的变化能够充分体现人类对其驯化的历史过程。番茄是植物生物学和果实发育研究的重要模式物种之一,但是人类长期驯化对番茄基因组的影响仍是未知的。本研究通过对收集于世界各地360份番茄变异组的深入分析,鉴定了1160多万个SNPs变异位点,获得了该作物最全面的遗传变异图谱。基于番茄系统发生树的构建和群体结构分析,发现番茄群体分为3个亚群,即醋栗番茄、樱桃番茄和普通栽培番茄,提出了醋栗番茄经过樱桃番茄最终驯化为大果栽培番茄的两步驯化(Domestication and Impr.vement)理论。通过番茄遗传多样性分析,发现了5个单果质量QTL属于驯化阶段选择基因,1 3个单果质量QTL属于改良阶段选择基因。通过加工番茄和鲜食番茄的群体分化分析,发现了含有控制可溶性固形物和果实硬度的QTLs位点。利用全基因组关联分析(Gw.S),鉴定了控制番茄果皮颜色的关键变异位点,为番茄品质育种提供了基因组数据支撑。现代育种中野生抗病基因被广泛应用到栽培番茄中,研究发现r.因的利用导致了大片段的外源渗入(例如:Tm-2,Chr.9,≈50 Mb),导致了严重的连锁累赘。全面分析了番茄的群体结构、遗传多样性、基因组进化历程和群体分化等最基本的生物学命题,提出栽培番茄是经过驯化和改良两个历史过程形成,为番茄生物学研究、基因克隆及遗传改良等提供理论指导。
The Cir.ular.Electr.n Positr.n Collider.CEPC)is a lar.e scientific pr.ject initiated and hosted by China,foster.d thr.ugh extensive collabor.tion w.th inter.ational *** complex compr.ses four.acceler.tor.:a 30 GeV Lin...
The Cir.ular.Electr.n Positr.n Collider.CEPC)is a lar.e scientific pr.ject initiated and hosted by China,foster.d thr.ugh extensive collabor.tion w.th inter.ational *** complex compr.ses four.acceler.tor.:a 30 GeV Linac,a 1.1 GeV Damping r.ng,a Booster.capable of achieving ener.ies up to 180 GeV,and a Collider.oper.ting at var.ing ener.y modes(Z,w.h,and tt).The Linac and Damping r.ng ar. situated on the sur.ace,w.ile the subter.anean Booster.and Collider.ar. housed in a 100 km cir.umfer.nce under.r.und tunnel,str.tegically accommodating futur. expansion w.th pr.visions for.a potential Super.Pr.ton Pr.ton Collider.SPPC).The CEPC pr.mar.ly ser.es as a higgs *** its baseline design w.th synchr.tr.n r.diation(Sr.pow.r.of 30 Mw.per.beam,it can achieve a luminosity of 5×10^(34)cm^(-2)s^(-1)per.inter.ction point(IP),r.sulting in an integr.ted luminosity of 13 ab^(-1)for.tw. IPs over.a decade,pr.ducing 2.6 million higgs *** the Sr.pow.r.to 50 Mw.per.beam expands the CEPC's capability to gener.te 4.3 million higgs bosons,facilitating pr.cise measur.ments of higgs coupling at sub-per.ent levels,exceeding the pr.cision expected fr.m the hL-LhC by an or.er.of *** Technical Design r.por.(TDr.follow. the Pr.liminar. Conceptual Design r.por.(Pr.-CDr.2015)and the Conceptual Design r.por.(CDr.2018),compr.hensively detailing the machine's layout,per.or.ance metr.cs,physical design and analysis,technical systems design,r.D and pr.totyping effor.s,and associated civil engineer.ng ***,it includes a cost estimate and a pr.liminar. constr.ction timeline,establishing a fr.mew.r. for.for.hcoming engineer.ng design phase and site selection *** is anticipated to begin ar.und 2027-2028,pending gover.ment appr.val,w.th an estimated dur.tion of 8 *** commencement of exper.ments and data collection could potentially be initiated in the mid-2030s.