The global physical and biogeochemical environment has been substantially altered in response to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases from human *** 2023,the sea surface temperature(SST)and upper 2000 m ocean heat c...
The global physical and biogeochemical environment has been substantially altered in response to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases from human *** 2023,the sea surface temperature(SST)and upper 2000 m ocean heat content(OHC)reached record *** 0–2000 m OHC in 2023 exceeded that of 2022 by 15±10 ZJ(1 Zetta Joules=1021 Joules)(updated IAP/CAS data);9±5 ZJ(NCEI/NOAA data).The Tropical Atlantic Ocean,the Mediterranean Sea,and southern oceans recorded their highest OHC observed since the *** with the onset of a strong El Niño,the global SST reached its record high in 2023 with an annual mean of~0.23℃ higher than 2022 and an astounding>0.3℃ above 2022 values for the second half of *** density stratification and spatial temperature inhomogeneity indexes reached their highest values in 2023.
The ocean’s thermal inertia is a major contributor to irreversible ocean changes exceeding time scales that matter to human *** fact is a challenge to societies as they prepare for the consequences of climate change,...
The ocean’s thermal inertia is a major contributor to irreversible ocean changes exceeding time scales that matter to human *** fact is a challenge to societies as they prepare for the consequences of climate change,especially with respect to the *** the authors review the requirements for human actions from the ocean’s *** the near term(∼2030),goals such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)will be *** longer times(∼2050–2060 and beyond),global carbon neutrality targets may be met as countries continue to work toward reducing *** adaptation and mitigation plans need to be fully implemented in the interim,and the Global Ocean Observation System should be sustained so that changes can be continuously *** the longer-term(after∼2060),slow emerging changes such as deep ocean warming and sea level rise are committed to continue even in the scenario where net zero emissions are ***,climate actions have to extend to time scales of hundreds of *** these time scales,preparation for“high impact,low probability”risks—such as an abrupt showdown of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation,ecosystem change,or irreversible ice sheet loss—should be fully integrated into long-term planning.