Observational studies between magnesium int- ake and risk of type 2 diabetes yielded inconsistent results. We conducted a system literature search of PubMed database through March 2015 for prospective cohort studies o...
Observational studies between magnesium int- ake and risk of type 2 diabetes yielded inconsistent results. We conducted a system literature search of PubMed database through March 2015 for prospective cohort studies of magnesium intake and type 2 diabetes risk. Study-specific results were pooled in a random-effects model. Subgroup and sensitivity analysis were performed to assess the potential sources of heterogeneity and the robustness of the pooled estimation. Generalized least squares trend estimation was used to investigate the dose-response relationship. A total of 15 papers with 19 analyses were identified with 539,735 participants and 25,252 incident diabetes cases. Magnesium intake was associated with a significant lower risk of type 2 diabetes (RR: 0.77; 95% Ch 0.71-0.82) for the highest compared with lowest category. This association was not significantly modified by the pre-specified study characteristics. In the dose-response analysis, a magnesium intake increment of 100 mg/day was associated with a 16% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk (RR: 0.84; 95% Ch 0.80-0.88). A nonlinear relationship existed between magnesium intake and type 2 diabetes (P-nonlinearity=0.003). This meta-analysis further verified a protective effect of magnesium intake on type 2 diabetes in a nonlinear dose-response manner.
Buoyancy-driven flows are prevalent in a wide range of geophysical and astrophysical systems. In this review, we focus on threepivotal effects that significantly influence the dynamics and transport properties of buoy...
Buoyancy-driven flows are prevalent in a wide range of geophysical and astrophysical systems. In this review, we focus on threepivotal effects that significantly influence the dynamics and transport properties of buoyancy-driven flows and may have impli-cations for natural systems. These effects pertain to the role of boundary conditions, the impact of rotation, and the effect offinite size. Boundary conditions represent how the fluid flow interacts with different kinds of surfaces. Rotation, as the Earth’srotation in geophysical systems or the whirling of astrophysical systems, introduces Coriolis and centrifugal forces, leading tothe profound vortical structure and distinct transport property. Finite size, representing geometrical constraints, influences thebehavior of buoyancy-driven flows across varying geometrical settings. This review aims to provide a holistic understanding ofthe intricate interplay of these factors, offering insights into the complex natural phenomena from the perspectives of the threeeffects.
We report the discovery of two r-process-enhanced stars with [Fe/H]>-0.6 dex selected from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) *** candidate stars have been selected from the LAMOST m...
We report the discovery of two r-process-enhanced stars with [Fe/H]>-0.6 dex selected from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) *** candidate stars have been selected from the LAMOST medium-resolution(R~ 7500) spectroscopic survey,and the follo wed-up high signal-to-noise ratio and high-resolution(R~31,500) spectra are obtained with the ARC Echelle Spectrograph mounted on the3.5 m telescope at the Apache Point Observatory,which allow us for the determination of stellar atmospheric parameters and abundances of 20 *** these three r-process-enhanced candidate stars,TYC 1710-933-1 and TYC 2858-372-1 have [Eu/Fe] higher than 0.3 dex and [Ba/Eu] lower than 0.0 dex,thus,can be identified as new r-process-enhanced *** 2858-372-1 shows similar r+s-process pattern to the *** 1710-933-1 presents enhancement of the r-process elements of Nd and *** work indicates that the enrichment mechanisms of the heavy neutron-capture elements are complicated for metal-rich stars.
孕产妇脑静脉及静脉窦血栓形成(cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis,CVST)是妊娠与分娩相关的神经急症事件的主要内容之一,处在这一特殊生理期的人群CVST发生率数倍于正常人群。如能准确把握对这一特殊群体患者CVST的早期认知,及时...
孕产妇脑静脉及静脉窦血栓形成(cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis,CVST)是妊娠与分娩相关的神经急症事件的主要内容之一,处在这一特殊生理期的人群CVST发生率数倍于正常人群。如能准确把握对这一特殊群体患者CVST的早期认知,及时精准诊断和治疗将会显著降低孕产妇CVST患者的病死率和致残率。