Image restoration is often solved by minimizing an energy function consisting of a data-fidelity term and a regularization term.A regularized convex term can usually preserve the image edges well in the restored *** t...
Image restoration is often solved by minimizing an energy function consisting of a data-fidelity term and a regularization term.A regularized convex term can usually preserve the image edges well in the restored *** this paper,we consider a class of convex and edge-preserving regularization functions,i.e.,multiplicative half-quadratic regularizations,and we use the Newton method to solve the correspondingly reduced systems of nonlinear *** each Newton iterate,the preconditioned conjugate gradient method,incorporated with a constraint preconditioner,is employed to solve the structured Newton equation that has a symmetric positive definite coefficient matrix. The eigenvalue bounds of the preconditioned matrix are deliberately derived,which can be used to estimate the convergence speed of the preconditioned conjugate gradient *** use experimental results to demonstrate that this new approach is efficient, and the effect of image restoration is reasonably well.
In this paper, we study two variational blind deblurring models for a single linage,The first model is to use the total variation prior in both image and blur, while the second model is to use the flame based prior in...
In this paper, we study two variational blind deblurring models for a single linage,The first model is to use the total variation prior in both image and blur, while the second model is to use the flame based prior in both image and blur. The main contribution of this paper is to show how to employ the generalized cross validation (GCV) method efficiently and automatically to estimate the two regularization parameters associated with the priors in these two blind motion deblurring models. Our experimental results show that the visual quality of restored images by the proposed method is very good, and they are competitive with the tested existing methods. We will also demonstrate the proposed method is also very efficient.
In this paper,we study to use nonlocal bounded variation(NLBV)techniques to decompose an image intensity into the illumination and reflectance *** considering spatial smoothness of the illumination component and nonlo...
In this paper,we study to use nonlocal bounded variation(NLBV)techniques to decompose an image intensity into the illumination and reflectance *** considering spatial smoothness of the illumination component and nonlocal total variation(NLTV)of the reflectance component in the decomposition framework,an energy functional is *** establish the theoretical results of the space of NLBV functions such as lower semicontinuity,approximation and *** essential properties of NLBV functions are important tools to show the existence of solution of the proposed energy *** results on both grey-level and color images are shown to illustrate the usefulness of the nonlocal total variation image decomposition model,and demonstrate the performance of the proposed method is better than the other testing methods.
In this paper,we propose a multiphase fuzzy region competition model for texture image *** the functional,each region is represented by a fuzzy membership function and a probability density function that is estimated ...
In this paper,we propose a multiphase fuzzy region competition model for texture image *** the functional,each region is represented by a fuzzy membership function and a probability density function that is estimated by a nonparametric kernel density *** overall algorithm is very efficient as both the fuzzy membership function and the probability density function can be implemented *** apply the proposed method to synthetic and natural texture images,and synthetic aperture radar *** experimental results have shown that the proposed method is competitive with the other state-of-the-art segmentation methods.
Graph neural networks have been shown to be very effective in utilizing pairwise relationships across ***,there have been several successful proposals to generalize graph neural networks to hypergraph neural networks ...
Graph neural networks have been shown to be very effective in utilizing pairwise relationships across ***,there have been several successful proposals to generalize graph neural networks to hypergraph neural networks to exploit more com-plex *** particular,the hypergraph collaborative networks yield superior results compared to other hypergraph neural net-works for various semi-supervised learning *** collaborative network can provide high quality vertex embeddings and hyperedge embeddings together by formulating them as a joint optimization problem and by using their consistency in reconstructing the given *** this paper,we aim to establish the algorithmic stability of the core layer of the collaborative network and provide generaliz--ation *** analysis sheds light on the design of hypergraph filters in collaborative networks,for instance,how the data and hypergraph filters should be scaled to achieve uniform stability of the learning *** experimental results on real-world datasets are presented to illustrate the theory.
In this paper,we study the low-rank matrix completion problem with Poisson observations,where only partial entries are available and the observations are in the presence of Poisson *** propose a novel model composed o...
In this paper,we study the low-rank matrix completion problem with Poisson observations,where only partial entries are available and the observations are in the presence of Poisson *** propose a novel model composed of the kullback-Leibler(kL)divergence by using the maximum likelihood estimation of Poisson noise,and total variation(TV)and nuclear norm *** the nuclear norm and TV constraints are utilized to explore the approximate low-rankness and piecewise smoothness of the underlying matrix,*** advantage of these two constraints in the proposed model is that the low-rankness and piecewise smoothness of the underlying matrix can be exploited simultaneously,and they can be regularized for many real-world image *** upper error bound of the estimator of the proposed model is established with high probability,which is not larger than that of only TV or nuclear norm *** the best of our knowledge,this is the first work to utilize both low-rank and TV constraints with theoretical error bounds for matrix completion under Poisson *** numerical examples on both synthetic data and real-world images are reported to corroborate the superiority of the proposed approach.
Tensor robust principal component analysis has received a substantial amount of attention in various *** existing methods,normally relying on tensor nuclear norm minimization,need to pay an expensive computational cos...
Tensor robust principal component analysis has received a substantial amount of attention in various *** existing methods,normally relying on tensor nuclear norm minimization,need to pay an expensive computational cost due to multiple singular value decompositions at each *** overcome the drawback,we propose a scalable and efficient method,named parallel active subspace decomposition,which divides the unfolding along each mode of the tensor into a columnwise orthonormal matrix(active subspace)and another small-size matrix in *** a transformation leads to a nonconvex optimization problem in which the scale of nuclear norm minimization is generally much smaller than that in the original *** solve the optimization problem by an alternating direction method of multipliers and show that the iterates can be convergent within the given stopping criterion and the convergent solution is close to the global optimum solution within the prescribed *** results are given to demonstrate that the performance of the proposed model is better than the state-of-the-art methods.
In[3],Chan and Wong proposed to use total variational regularization for both images and point spread functions in blind *** experimental results show that the detail of the restored images cannot be *** this paper,we...
In[3],Chan and Wong proposed to use total variational regularization for both images and point spread functions in blind *** experimental results show that the detail of the restored images cannot be *** this paper,we consider images in Lipschitz spaces,and propose to use Lipschitz regularization for images and total variational regularization for point spread functions in blind *** experimental results show that such combination of Lipschitz and total variational regularization methods can recover both images and point spread functions quite well.
In this paper,we analyze the spectra of the preconditioned matrices arising from discretized multi-dimensional Riesz spatial fractional diffusion *** finite difference method is employed to approximate the multi-dimen...
In this paper,we analyze the spectra of the preconditioned matrices arising from discretized multi-dimensional Riesz spatial fractional diffusion *** finite difference method is employed to approximate the multi-dimensional Riesz fractional derivatives,which generates symmetric positive definite ill-conditioned multi-level Toeplitz *** preconditioned conjugate gradient method with a preconditioner based on the sine transform is employed to solve the resulting linear ***,we prove that the spectra of the preconditioned matrices are uniformly bounded in the open interval(12,32)and thus the preconditioned conjugate gradient method converges linearly within an iteration number independent of the discretization ***,the proposed method can be extended to handle ill-conditioned multi-level Toeplitz matrices whose blocks are generated by functions with zeros of fractional *** theoretical results fill in a vacancy in the *** examples are presented to show the convergence performance of the proposed preconditioner that is better than other preconditioners.
Node importance or centrality evaluation is an important methodology for network *** this paper,we are interested in the study of objects appearing in several *** common objects are important in network-network intera...
Node importance or centrality evaluation is an important methodology for network *** this paper,we are interested in the study of objects appearing in several *** common objects are important in network-network interactions via object-object *** main contribution of this paper is to model multiple networks where there are some common objects in a multivariate Markov chain framework,and to develop a method for solving common and non-common objects’stationary probability distributions in the *** stationary probability distributions can be used to evaluate the importance of common and non-common objects via network-network *** experimental results based on examples of co-authorship of researchers in different conferences and paper citations in different categories have shown that the proposed model can provide useful information for researcher-researcher interactions in networks of different conferences and for paperpaper interactions in networks of different categories.