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检索条件"作者=ju H.park"
12731 条 记 录,以下是61-70 订阅
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生态学报 2025年 第4期45卷 1925-1937页
作者: 戴声佩 居为民 赵志忠 海南师范大学地理与环境科学学院/海南省热带海岛地表过程与环境变化重点实验室 海口571158 中国热带农业科学院科技信息研究所/海南省热带作物信息技术应用研究重点实验室 海口571101 南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所 南京210023
稻田甲烷(Ch_(4))排放通量的研究是当前陆地生态系统碳循环研究的重要组成部分和热点问题之一。利用2016年江苏句容生态实验站稻麦轮作农田生态系统涡度相关原位观测数据,分析了稻田Ch_(4)排放通量昼夜变化特征及其主要影响因子(总初级... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Polyaniline and multi-walled carbon nanotube composite electrode for rechargeable battery
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中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版 2012年 第S3期22卷 717-721页
作者: Yu-Jeong LIM Min-Young park Sang-Keol LEE Won-Ki LEE Nam-ju JO Department of Polymer Science & Engineering Pusan National University hankook Tire Co.Ltd. Department of Polymer Engineering Pukyong National University
The multi-walled carbon nanotube was introduced into the polymer matrix (PANI) to improve the electric conductivity as well as mechanical properties of the original polymer ***/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) com... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Biomass growth characteristics of 13-year-old Pinus densiflora *** *** a post-fire plantation on different contour conditions in Samcheuk,Korea
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Journal of Mountain Science 2016年 第7期13卷 1238-1244页
作者: Lee ju-hyoung Lee Do-hyung Kim Do-hyun park Jin-hwa KimJae-hee Department of Forest Resources Yeungnam UniversityGyeongsan 712-749Republic of Korea Useful Plant Resources Center Korea National ArboretumYangpgeong-gun 12519Republic of Korea Korea Forest Welfare Institute Therapy-ro 209Bonghyeon-myeonYeongju-siGyeongsangbuk-doRepublic of Korea Department of forest genetic resources National Institute of Forest Science57HoegiroDongdaemun-guSeoul 02455Republic of Korea
We used preliminary data to estimate the growth volume of artificially reforested Pinus densiflora in a post-fire area on three different contour conditions. We compared the growth of P. densiflora on a south-facing s... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
hOS1 Facilitates the Phytochrome B-Mediated Inhibition of PIF4 Function during hypocotyl Growth in Arabidopsis
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Molecular Plant 2017年 第2期10卷 274-284页
作者: ju-heon Kim hyo-jun Lee Jae-hoon jung Sangmin Lee Chung-Mo park Department of Chemistry Seoul National University Seoul 08826 Korea Sainsbury Laboratory University of Cambridge Cambridge CB2 1LR UK Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute Seoul National University Seoul 08826 Korea These authors contributed equally to this article Present address: SK Innovation Daejeon 34124 Korea
Upon exposure to light, developing seedlings undergo photomorphogenesis, as illustrated by inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, cotyledon opening, and leaf greening. During hypocotyl photomorphogenesis, light signals a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Neuromorphic devices based on fluorite-structured ferroelectrics
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InfoMat 2022年 第12期4卷 1-32页
作者: Dong hyun Lee Geun hyeong park Se hyun Kim ju Yong park Kun Yang Stefan Slesazeck Thomas Mikolajick Min hyuk park Department of Materials Science and Engineering&Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center College of EngineeringSeoul National UniversitySeoulRepublic of Korea Research Institute of Advanced Materials Seoul National UniversitySeoulRepublic of Korea NaMLab gGmbh DresdenGermany Institute of Engineering Research Seoul National UniversitySeoulRepublic of Korea
A continuous exponential rise has been observed in the storage and processing of the data that may not curtail in the foreseeable *** required data processing speed and power consumption are restricted by the buses be... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Ultra-flexible semitransparent organic photovoltaics
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npj Flexible Electronics 2023年 第1期7卷 274-282页
作者: hanbee Lee Soyeong Jeong Jae-hyun Kim Yong-Ryun Jo hyeong ju Eun Byoungwook park Sung Cheol Yoon Jong h.Kim Seung-hoon Lee Sungjun park Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ajou UniversitySuwon 16499Republic of Korea Department of Chemistry and Centre for Processable Electronics Imperial College LondonWhite City W120BZUK Department of Intelligence Semiconductor Engineering Ajou UniversitySuwon 16499Republic of Korea Advanced Photonics Research Institute(APRI) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST)Gwangju 61005Republic of Korea Division of Molecular Science and Technology Ajou UniversitySuwon 16499Republic of Korea Division of Advanced Materials Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology(KRICT)Daejeon 34114Republic of Korea Division of Advanced materials Engineering Kongju National University1223-24 Cheonan-daeroSeobuk-guCheonan-siChungcheongnam-doRepublic of Korea
Ultra-flexible organic photovoltaics(OPVs)are promising candidates for next-generation power sources owing to their low weight,transparency,and ***,obtaining ultra-flexibility under extreme repetitive mechanical stres... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Research on flexible display at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
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npj Flexible Electronics 2017年 第1期1卷 47-59页
作者: Jihun park Sanghyun heo Kibog park Myoung hoon Song ju-Young Kim Gyouhyung Kyung Rodney Scott Ruoff Jang-Ung park Franklin Bien School of Materials Science and Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST)Ulsan Metropolitan City 44919Republic of Korea School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST)Ulsan Metropolitan City 44919Republic of Korea Department of Physics Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST)Ulsan Metropolitan City 44919Republic of Korea School of Design and human Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST)Ulsan Metropolitan City 44919Republic of Korea Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials Institute for Basic Science(IBS)Ulsan 44919Republic of Korea Department of Chemistry Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST)Ulsan 44919Republic of Korea
Displays represent information visually,so they have become the fundamental building block to visualize the data of current electronics including ***,electronics have been advanced toward flexible and wearable electro... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Redox Charge Transfer Kinetics and Reversibility of VO_(2) in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Electrolytes of Na-Ion Storage
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Energy & Environmental Materials 2022年 第4期5卷 1222-1228页
作者: Sul Ki park Kang ho Shin Puritut Nakhanivej harpalsinh h.Rana ho Seok park School of Chemical Engineering College of EngineeringSungkyunkwan University2066Seobu-roJangan-guSuwon-si Gyeonggi-do 440-746Republic of Korea Department of Engineering University of CambridgeCambridge CB30FSUK Department of health Sciences and Technology Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Sciences and Technology(SAIHST)Sungkyunkwan University2066SeoburoJangan-guSuwon 440-746South Korea SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology(SAINT) Sungkyunkwan University2066SeoburoJangan-guSuwon 440-746South Korea
The deep understanding about the electrochemical behavior of the nanostructured electrode in electrolytes provides crucial insights for the rational design of electrode for sodium(Na)-ion storage system(NIS).here,we r... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Methane Emission from Rice Fields:Necessity for Molecular Approach for Mitigation
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Rice science 2024年 第2期31卷 159-178页
作者: Sujeevan RAJENDRAN hyeonseo park Jiyoung KIM Soon ju park Dongjin ShIN Jong-hee LEE Young hun SONG Nam-Chon PAEK Chul Min KIM Department of horticulture Industry Wonkwang UniversityIksan 54538Korea Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center Gyeongsang National UniversityJinju 52828Korea Department of Southern Area Crop Science National Institute of Crop ScienceMiryang 50424Korea Department of Agricultural Biotechnology Seoul National UniversitySeoul 08826Korea Department of Plant Science Plant Genomics and Breeding InstituteResearch Institute of Agriculture and Life SciencesSeoul National UniversitySeoul 08826Korea
Anthropogenic methane emissions are a leading cause of the increase in global averagetemperatures,often referred to as global *** soils play a significant role in methaneproduction,where the anaerobic conditions promo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Optimal design of V-type ultrasonic motor
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Journal of Central South University 2010年 第6期17卷 1247-1250页
作者: JEONG S S park C h park T G School of Mechatronics Changwon National UniversityChangwon 641773Korea
V-type ultrasonic linear motor fabricated using a simple punching technique was proposed to utilize as an actuator of small precision *** stator of the motor is composed of a thin elastic body and four ceramics attach... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论