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检索条件"作者=javier DELBARCO-TRILLO Robert E. JOHNSTON"
20 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
e.fe.t of losing a fight on late. agonistic be.avior toward unfamiliar conspe.ifics in male.Syrian hamste.s
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Curre.t Zoology 2011年 第4期57卷 449-452页
作者: javier delbarco-trillo robert e. johnston Come.l Unive.sity Department of Psychology Uris Hall Ithaca NY 14853 USA
In many spe.ie., agonistic inte.actions re.ult in social re.ationships that are.stable.ove. time. In Syrian hamste.s, two unfamiliar male. that are.place. toge.he. will fight vigorously and a cle.r winne./lose. re.ati... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Photome.ric obse.vations of thre. high mass X-ray binarie. and a se.rch for variations induce. by orbital motion
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Re.e.rch in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2011年 第8期11卷 947-964页
作者: Gordon e. Sarty Bogumil Pile.ki Danie. e. Re.chart Ke.in M. Ivarse. Joshua B. Haislip Me.issa C. Nyse.ande. Aaron P. LaCluyze.He.e. M. johnston robert R. Shobbrook Lászl L. Kiss Kinwah Wu De.artme.ts of Psychology and Physics University of Saskatchewan9 Campus DriveSaskatoonSaskatchewan S7N 5A5Canada Warsaw Unive.sity Obse.vatory Al. Ujazdowskie 400-478 WarsawPoland Unive.sidad de.Conce.cion Departamento de AstronomaCasilla 160-CConcepcionChile De.artme.t of Physics and Astronomy University of North Carolina-Chapel HillCB 3255Phillips HallChapel HillNC 27599-3255USA School of Physics A28 University of SydneyNew South Wales 2006Australia Konkoly Obse.vatory H-1525 BudapestP.O. Box 67Hungary Mullard Space.Scie.ce.Laboratory University College LondonHolmbury St. MaryDorkingSurrey RH5 6NTUnited Kingdom
We.se.rche. for long pe.iod variation in V-band, It-band and RXTe.X-ray light curve. of the.High Mass X-ray Binarie. (HMXBs) LS 1698 / RX J1037.5-5647, HD 110432 / 1H 1249-637 and HD 161103 / RX J1744.7-2713 in an a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Ge.e.ic and e.vironme.tal control of fruit maturation,dry matte. and firmne.s in apple.Malus×dome.tica Borkh.)
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Horticulture.Re.e.rch 2014年 第1期1卷 98-109页
作者: David Chagne.Daya Dayatilake.robert Diack Murray Olive. Hilary Ire.and Amy Watson Susan e.Gardine. Jason W johnston robert J Schaffe. Stuart Tustin The.Ne. Ze.land Institute.for Plant&Food Re.e.rch Limite.(Plant&Food Re.e.rch) Palmerston North Research CentrePalmerston NorthNew Zealand Plant&Food Re.e.rch Hawke’s Bay Research CentreHavelock NorthNew Zealand Plant&Food Re.e.rch Motueka Research CentreMotuekaNew Zealand Plant&Food Re.e.rch Mount Albert Research CentreAucklandNew Zealand School of Biological Scie.ce. University of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand
For any give. ge.otype.the.e.vironme.t in which an apple.is grown can influe.ce.the.prope.tie. of the.fruit *** the.e.has be.n e.te.sive.re.e.rch on the.me.hanism of the.ge.e.ic control of fruit quality traits,le.s e.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
CALLISTO facilitie. in Pe.u:spe.trome.e. commissioning and obse.vations of type.solar radio bursts
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Re.e.rch in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2021年 第6期21卷 329-336页
作者: javier Alonso Re.gifo Ve.onica Loaiza-Tacuri Jose.Bazo Walte. robert Gue.ara Day Se.cion FIsica Departamento de CienciasPontificia Universidad Catolica del PeruAv.Universitaria 1801Lima 32Peru Dire.tion de.Astroflsica Comision National de Investigacion y Desarrollo AeroespacialCONIDALuis Felipe Villaran 1069LimaPeru Obse.vatorio National Rua General Jose Cristino7720921-400 Sao CristovaoRio de JaneiroRJBrazil Facultad de.Cie.cias Ffsicas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San MarcosP.O.Box 14-149Lima 14Peru
The.Astrophysics Dire.torate.of CONIDA has installe. two radio spe.trome.e. stations be.onging to the.e.CALLISTO ne.work in Lima,*** the.r strate.ic location ne.r the.e.uator,it is possible.to obse.ve.the.Sun e.e.ly t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Multiple.color patche. and parasite. in Sce.oporus occide.talis:diffe.e.tial re.ationships by se. and infe.tion
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Curre.t Zoology 2018年 第6期64卷 703-711页
作者: Rodrigo Me.IA-PALMA Dhanashre. PARANJPe.Se.da Re.Ue.A javier MARTINe. robert D COOPe. Pauline.BLAIMONT Santiago Me.INO Barry SINe.VO De.artme.t of e.ologia e.olutiva Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-CSICJose Gutierrez Abascal 2.Madrid E-28006Spain De.artrne.t of e.ology and e.olutionary Biology University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz1156High StSanta CruzCA 95064USA De.artme.t of Zoologia Facultad de CienciasUniversidad de GranadaGranada E-18071Spain Are. Parasitologia Department of Biomedicina y BiotecnologiaArea de ParasitologiaFacultad de FarmaciaUniversidad de Alcala de HenaresAlcala de HenaresMadrid E-28871Spain
Parasite. ge.e.ally have.a ne.ative.influe.ce.on the.color e.pre.sion of the.r *** se.e.tion the.ry pre.icts re.istant high-quality individuals should show inte.se.coloration,whe.e.s susce.tible.low-quality individual... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Improving re.ractive.outcome. in cataract surge.y: A global pe.spe.tive
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World Journal of Ophthalmology 2014年 第4期4卷 140-146页
作者: Pe.ros Aristode.ou Nathanie. e.Knox Cartwright John M Sparrow robert L johnston De.artme.t of Ophthalmology University of BristolBristol Eye HospitalBristol BS1 2LXUnited Kingdom Vitre.us Re.ina Macula Clinic Limassol 3025 Cyprus We.t of e.gland e.e.Unit Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation TrustExeter EX2 5DWUnited Kingdom Glouce.te.shire.Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Cheltenham GL53 7AN United Kingdom
This re.ie. summarise. the.curre.t e.ide.ce.base.and provide. guide.ine. for obtaining good re.ractive.outcome. following cataract surge.y. Important background information is also provide.. In summary, the.re.uire.e.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
e.IDe.: A Mobile.Application to Contain Coronavirus Dise.se.2019
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e.He.lth Te.e.ommunication Syste.s and Ne.works 2020年 第4期9卷 49-59页
作者: Goe.z robert Uwe.Grosche.Anna Katrina javier Bolivar I-Optic Computing Wollongong Australia Inde.e.de.t Re.e.rche. Quezon City Philippines
With the.spre.d of COVID-19 across the.globe. almost 33 million pe.ple.be.ame.sick and almost 1 million have.die. (WHO). The.gove.nme.t of the.Philippine., along with the.gove.nme.t of othe. countrie. de.lare. move.e.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
e.IDe.: A Te.hnology-e.able. COVID-19 e.imination Strate.y
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e.He.lth Te.e.ommunication Syste.s and Ne.works 2020年 第4期9卷 60-69页
作者: Goe.z robert Uwe.Grosche.Sanam Shah Anna Katrina javier Bolivar I-Optic Computing Wollongong Australia e.ole.de. Haute. e.ude. e. Sante.Publique.(e.e.P) Paris France Inde.e.de.t Re.e.rche. Quezon City Philippines
Background: The.nove. Coronavirus dise.se.2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly e.olve. into a global e.e.ge.cy with far-re.ching conse.ue.ce.. Multiple.mode.s pre.ict mounting morbidity and mortality in the.abse.ce.of appropri... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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中国建筑装饰装修 2011年 第1期 82-87页
作者: W.Ke.ne.h Wise.an robert johnston Marion e.LaRue.Ge.e.Kinoshita Larry Hube.t Kang Cannon De.ign City or Richmond De.e. Le.pe. Photography
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
A longitudinal surgical syste.s stre.gthe.ing re.e.rch program for me.ical stude.ts:the.e.ploration of a mode. for global he.lth e.ucation
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Global He.lth Re.e.rch and Policy 2021年 第1期6卷 149-157页
作者: Gre.ory L.Pe.k Jose.h S.Hanna e.in M.Scott Dhaval Me.ta Zina Mode. De.sha Sarma e.izabe.h e.Ginalis Zachary Be.lant Fe.nando Fe.re.a javier e.cobar Carlos A.Ordoñe. Carlos Morale. Vice.te.H.Gracias De.artme.t of Surge.y Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School125 Paterson Street-Suite 6300New BrunswickNJ 08901USA Rutge.s School of Public He.lth PiscatawayNJUSA De.artme.t of Surge.y University of Massachusetts Medical SchoolWorcesterMAUSA De.artme.t of e.e.-ge.cy Me.icine New York Presbyterian-Brooklyn Methodist HospitalNew YorkNYUSA De.artme.t of Orthopae.ic Surge.y Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA De.artme.t of e.e.ge.cy Me.icine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterBostonMAUSA De.artme.t of Ne.rological Surge.y Rutgers Biomedical and Health SciencesNew BrunswickNJUSA De.artme.t of Pe.iatrics New York Presbyterian-Columbia University Medical CenterNew YorkNYUSA De.artme.t of Orthopae.ic Surge.y UPMC Hamot Medical CenterPittsburghPAUSA Rutge.s Biome.ical and He.lth Sci-e.ce. Rutgers UniversityNew BrunswickNJUSA De.artme.t of Surge.y Universidad del ValleCaliColombia De.artme.t of Surge.y Universidad de AntioquiaMedellínColombia
Background:In re.ponse.to the.stagge.ing global burde. of conditions re.uiring e.e.ge.cy and e.se.tial surge.y,the.de.e.opme.t of inte.national surgical syste. stre.gthe.ing(SSS)is fundame.tal to achie.ing unive.sal,t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论