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86231 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
ESR1 alterations and metastasis in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer
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journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment 2019年 第5期4卷 16-31页
作者: jonathan T.Lei Xuxu Gou Sinem Seker Matthew j.ellis Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Translational Biology&Molecular Medicine Baylor College of MedicineHoustonTX 77030USA Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center Baylor College of MedicineHoustonTX 77030USA Departments of Medicine and Molecular and Cellular Biology Baylor College of MedicineHoustonTX 77030USA
Endocrine therapy is essential for the treatment of patients with estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer, however, resistance and the development of metastatic disease is common. Understanding how ER+ breast c... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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岩石矿物学杂志 2002年 第4期21卷 371-386页
作者: 张立飞 David j.ellis 艾永亮 姜文波 魏春景 北京大学地球与空间科学学院 北京100873 Department of Geology Australian National University
在新疆西天山 3类榴辉岩中均发现了超高压变质矿物:在第Ⅰ类与蓝片岩互层的榴辉岩中发现了柯石英假像;在第Ⅱ类枕状榴辉岩的绿辉石中发现了石英出溶叶片;在第Ⅲ类产于大理岩中呈透镜状的方解石/白云石榴辉岩中发现了变质成因的菱镁矿。... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
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国外畜牧学(猪与禽) 2005年 第5期25卷 41-43页
作者: 杨智满(译) 缪德年(校) 覃矜(复校) j.ellis 不详 加拿大Saskatchewan大学西部兽医学学院兽医微生物系
Ⅱ型猪圆环病毒(Porcinecircovirus-2,PCV-2)是引起断奶仔猪多系统耗损综合征(PMWS)的必要病原;然而,多种协同因素,包括传染性因子被认为是该病的充分表现所必需的。猪细小病毒(PPV)被发现于首次在悉生猪实验性复制PWMS时所用的接种物... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Apples to oranges:environmentally derived,dynamic regulation of serotonin neuron subpopulations in adulthood?
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第9期20卷 2596-2597页
作者: Christopher j.O’Connell Matthew j.Robson Department of Genetics College of MedicineHarvard UniversityBostonMAUSA james L.Winkle College of Pharmacy Division of Pharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnatiOHUSA Neuroscience Graduate Program College of MedicineUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnatiOHUSA
Traumatic brain injury(TBI)is a public health problem with an undue economic burden that impacts nearly every age,ethnic,and gender group across the globe(Capizzi et al.,2020).TBIs are often sustained during a dynamic... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Temporal dynamics of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy injuries on magnetic resonance imaging
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第11期20卷 3144-3150页
作者: Holly Flyger Samantha j.Holdsworth Alistair j.Gunn Laura Bennet Hamid Abbasi Mātai Medical Research Institute Tairāwhiti GisborneNew Zealand Department of Anatomy&Medical Imaging Faculty of Medical and Health SciencesThe University of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand Center for Brain Research The University of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand Auckland Bioengineering Institute The University of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand
Moderate to severe perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy occurs in~1 to 3/1000 live births in high-income countries and is associated with a significant risk of death or neurodevelopmental *** assessment is import... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy:perspectives on the possibility of optimizing SMN1 delivery to correct all neurological and systemic perturbations
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第7期20卷 2011-2012页
作者: Sharon j.Brown Rafael j.Yáñez-Muñoz Heidi R.Fuller School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering Keele UniversityKeeleUK Wolfson Center for Inherited Neuromuscular Disease TORCH BuildingRJAH Orthopaedic HospitalOswestryUK *** Center of Gene and Cell TherapyDepartment of Biological SciencesSchool of Life Sciences and the EnvironmentRoyal Holloway University of LondonEghamUK
Spinal muscular atrophy(SMA)is a genetic condition that results in selective lower motor neuron loss with concomitant muscle weakness and *** genetic cause of SMA was understood in 1995 when loss or impairment of the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Women in visual neural regeneration research
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第2期20卷 489-490页
作者: Tonia S.Rex David j.Calkins Vanderbilt Eye Institute Vanderbilt University Medical CenterNashvilleTNUSA
The year 2024 marks the 60^(th)anniversary of Title IX and 25 years since the New York Times revealed bias against female faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of *** take an opportunity here to examine the s... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Generation of brain vascular heterogeneity:recent advances from the perspective of angiogenesis
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第7期20卷 2013-2014页
作者: Nathanael j.Lee Ryota L.Matsuoka Department of Neurosciences Lerner Research InstituteCleveland ClinicClevelandOHUSA Department of Molecular Medicine Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of MedicineCase Western Reserve UniversityClevelandOHUSA
Heterogeneous proper t i es of vascular endothelial cells in the brain:The brain displays large energy dynamics and consumption,and this high level of metabolic demands is fulfilled by a continuous supply of glucose a... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Experimental Methods and Colliders
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Chinese Physics C 2016年 第10期40卷 429-516页
作者: C.Patrignani K.Agashe G.Aielli C.Amsler M.Antonelli D.M.Asner H.Baer Sw.Banerjee R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer j.j.Beatty V.I.Belousov j.Beringer S.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebel E.Blucher G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerri D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.S.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de jong G.Dissertori B.A.Dobrescu M.D'Onofrio M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Dwyer P.Eerola S.Eidelman j.ellis j.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-j.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta A.A.Godizov M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart S.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes A.Hebecker B.Heltsley j.j.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa j.Hisano A.Hcker j.Holder A.Holtkamp j.Huston T.Hyodo K.Irwin j.D.jackson K.F.johnson M.Kado M.Karliner U.F.Katz S.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav j.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-j.Lin C.Lippmann T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.S.Lugovsky S.B.Lugovsky A.Lusiani Y.Makida F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.j.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni j.Matthews U.-G.Meiβner D.Milstead R.E.Mitchell P.Molaro K.Mnig F.Moortgat M.j.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason S.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir K.A.Olive S.Pagan Griso j.Parsons j.A.Peacock M.Pennington S.T.Petcov V.A.Petrov A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt S.Raby j.Rademacker G.Raffelt B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald S.Roesler S.Rolli A.Romaniouk L.j.Rosenberg j.L.Rosner G.Rybka R.A.Ryutin C.T.Sachrajda Y.Sakai G.P.Salam S.Sarkar F.Sauli O.Schneider K.Scholberg A.j.Schwartz D.Scott V.Sharma S.R.Sharpe T.Shutt M.Silari T.Sjstrand P.Skands T.Skwarnicki j.G.Smith G.F.Smoot S.Spanier H.Spieler C.Spiering A.Stahl S.L.Stone Y.Sumino T.Sumiyoshi M.j.Syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi K.Terashi j.Terning R.S.Thorne L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Trnqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia R.Van de Water N.Varelas G Particle Data Group Universita di Bologna and INFN Dip.Scienze per la Qualita della Vita University of Maryland Department of Physics College Park Universit degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics Universitt Bern Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Oklahoma University of Louisville Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Department of Physics The Ohio State University COMPAS Group Institute for High Energy Physics Max-Planck-Institute of Physics Department of Physics University of Washington Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Fakultt fr Physik Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of Chicago Department of Physics Columbia University High Energy Physics Group Blackett Laboratory Imperial College jefferson Lab Department of Physics University of Virginia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of Chicago Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Sussex Department of Physics Northern Illinois University Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California Michigan State University Dept.of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics Royal Holloway University of London INFN-Sezione di Napoli Complesso Universitario Monte Sant'Angelo Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques International Center for Advanced Studies(ICAS) UNSAM Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern University Department of Physics University of Colorado at Boulder Nikhef P.O.Box 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam Institute for Particle Physics ETH Zurich University of Liverpool Department of Physics Oliver Lodge Lab Physikalisches Institut Universitt Bonn Helsinki Institute of Physics University of Helsinki Department of Physics Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosib
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and *** data from previous editions,plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers,we list,evaluate,and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discover... 详细信息
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Kinematics,Cross-Section Formulae,and Plots
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Chinese Physics C 2016年 第10期40卷 560-597页
作者: C.Patrignani K.Agashe G.Aielli C.Amsler M.Antonelli D.M.Asner H.Baer Sw.Banerjee R.M.Barnett T.Basaglia C.W.Bauer j.j.Beatty V.I.Belousov j.Beringer S.Bethke H.Bichsel O.Biebel E.Blucher G.Brooijmans O.Buchmueller V.Burkert M.A.Bychkov R.N.Cahn M.Carena A.Ceccucci A.Cerri D.Chakraborty M.-C.Chen R.S.Chivukula K.Copic G.Cowan O.Dahl G.D'Ambrosio T.Damour D.de Florian A.de Gouvea T.DeGrand P.de jong G.Dissertori B.A.Dobrescu M.D'Onofrio M.Doser M.Drees H.K.Dreiner D.A.Dwyer P.Eerola S.Eidelman j.ellis j.Erler V.V.Ezhela W.Fetscher B.D.Fields B.Foster A.Freitas H.Gallagher L.Garren H.-j.Gerber G.Gerbier T.Gershon T.Gherghetta A.A.Godizov M.Goodman C.Grab A.V.Gritsan C.Grojean D.E.Groom M.Grnewald A.Gurtu T.Gutsche H.E.Haber K.Hagiwara C.Hanhart S.Hashimoto Y.Hayato K.G.Hayes A.Hebecker B.Heltsley j.j.Hernandez-Rey K.Hikasa j.Hisano A.Hcker j.Holder A.Holtkamp j.Huston T.Hyodo K.Irwin j.D.jackson K.F.johnson M.Kado M.Karliner U.F.Katz S.R.Klein E.Klempt R.V.Kowalewski F.Krauss M.Kreps B.Krusche Yu.V.Kuyanov Y.Kwon O.Lahav j.Laiho P.Langacker A.Liddle Z.Ligeti C.-j.Lin C.Lippmann T.M.Liss L.Littenberg K.S.Lugovsky S.B.Lugovsky A.Lusiani Y.Makida F.Maltoni T.Mannel A.V.Manohar W.j.Marciano A.D.Martin A.Masoni j.Matthews U.-G.Meiβner D.Milstead R.E.Mitchell P.Molaro K.Mnig F.Moortgat M.j.Mortonson H.Murayama K.Nakamura M.Narain P.Nason S.Navas M.Neubert P.Nevski Y.Nir K.A.Olive S.Pagan Griso j.Parsons j.A.Peacock M.Pennington S.T.Petcov V.A.Petrov A.Piepke A.Pomarol A.Quadt S.Raby j.Rademacker G.Raffelt B.N.Ratcliff P.Richardson A.Ringwald S.Roesler S.Rolli A.Romaniouk L.j.Rosenberg j.L.Rosner G.Rybka R.A.Ryutin C.T.Sachrajda Y.Sakai G.P.Salam S.Sarkar F.Sauli O.Schneider K.Scholberg A.j.Schwartz D.Scott V.Sharma S.R.Sharpe T.Shutt M.Silari T.Sjstrand P.Skands T.Skwarnicki j.G.Smith G.F.Smoot S.Spanier H.Spieler C.Spiering A.Stahl S.L.Stone Y.Sumino T.Sumiyoshi M.j.Syphers F.Takahashi M.Tanabashi K.Terashi j.Terning R.S.Thorne L.Tiator M.Titov N.P.Tkachenko N.A.Trnqvist D.Tovey G.Valencia R.Van de Water N.Varelas G Particle Data Group Universita di Bologna and INFN Dip.Scienze per la Qualita della Vita University of Maryland Department of Physics College Park Universit degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics Universitt Bern Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences Lab.Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Oklahoma University of Louisville Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Department of Physics The Ohio State University COMPAS Group Institute for High Energy Physics Max-Planck-Institute of Physics Department of Physics University of Washington Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Fakultt fr Physik Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of Chicago Department of Physics Columbia University High Energy Physics Group Blackett Laboratory Imperial College jefferson Lab Department of Physics University of Virginia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of Chicago Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Sussex Department of Physics Northern Illinois University Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California Michigan State University Dept.of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics Royal Holloway University of London INFN-Sezione di Napoli Complesso Universitario Monte Sant'Angelo Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques International Center for Advanced Studies(ICAS) UNSAM Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern University Department of Physics University of Colorado at Boulder Nikhef P.O.Box 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam Institute for Particle Physics ETH Zurich University of Liverpool Department of Physics Oliver Lodge Lab Physikalisches Institut Universitt Bonn Helsinki Institute of Physics University of Helsinki Department of Physics Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosib
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and *** data from previous editions,plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers,we list,evaluate,and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discover... 详细信息
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