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Measurements of dihadron correlations relative to the event plane in Au+Au collisions at√^(S)NN=200 GeV
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chinese Physics c 2021年 第4期45卷 198-241页
作者: H.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed A.V.Alakhverdyants I.Alekseev j.Alford B.D.Anderson c.D.Anson D.Arkhipkin G.S.Averichev j.Balewski D.R.Beavis N.K.Behera R.Bellwied M.j.Betancourt R.R.Betts A.Bhasin A.K.Bhat H.Bichsel j.Bieleik j.Bielcikova B.Biritz L.c.Bland W.Borowski j.Bouchet E.Braidot A.V.Brandin A.Bridgeman S.G.Brovko E.Bruna S.Bueltmann I.Bunzarov T.P.Burton X.Z.cai H.caines M.calderon de la Barca Sanchez D.cebra R.cendejas M.c.cervantes Z.chajecki P.chaloupka S.chattopadhyay H.F.chen j.H.chen j.Y.chen L.chen j.cheng M.cherney A.chikanian K.E.choi W.christie P.chung M.j.M.codrington R.corliss j.G.cramer H.j.crawford S.Dash A.Davila Leyva L.c.De Silvat R.R.Debbe T.G.Dedovich A.A.Derevschikov R.Derradi de Souza L.Didenko P.Djawotho S.M.Dogra X.Dong j.L.Drachenberg j.E.Draper j.c.dunlop L.G Efimov M.Elnim j.Engelage G Eppley M.Estienne L.Eun O.Evdokimov R.Fatemi j.Fedorisin A.Feng R.G.Fersch P.Filip E.Finch V.Fine Y.Fisyak c.A.Gagliardi D.R.Gangadharan A.Geromitsos F.Geurts P.Ghosh Y.N.Gorbunov A.Gordon O.Grebenyuk D.Grosnick S.M.Guertin A.Gupta W.Guryn B.Haag O.Hajkova A.Hamed L-X.Han j.W.Harris j.P.Hays-Wehle M.Heinz S.Heppelmann A.Hirsch E.Hjort G.W.Hoffmann D.j.Hofiman B.Huang H.Z.Huang T.j.Humanic L.Huo G.Igo P.jacobs W.W.jacobs c.jena F.jin j.joseph E.G.judd S.Kabana K.Kang j.Kapitan K.Kauder H.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan D.Kettler D.P.Kikola j.Kiryluk A.Kisiel V.Kizka A.G.Knospe D.D.Koetke T.Kollegger j.Konzer I.Koralt L.Koroleva W.Korsch L.Kotchenda V.Kouchpil P.Kravtsov K.Krueger M.Krus L.Kumar P.Kurnadi M.A.c.Lamont j.M.Landgraf S.LaPointe j.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky j.H.Lee W.Leight M.j.LeVine c.Lil L.Li N.Li W.Li X.Li X.Li Y.Li Z.M.Li M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu j.Liu T.Ljubicic W.j.Llope R.S.Longacre W.A.Love Y.Lu E.V.Lukashov X.Luo G.L.Ma Y.G.Mai D.P.Mahapatra R.Majka O.I.Mall L.K.Mangotra R.Manweiler S.Margetis c.Markert H.Masui H.S.Matis Yu.A.Matulenko D.MeDonald T.S.McShane A.Meschanin R.Milner N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski A.Mischke M.K.Mitrovski B.Mohanty M.M.Mondal B.Morozov D.A.Morozov M.G.Munhoz M Argonne National Laboratory Argonnellinois 60439USA Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973USA University of califomia BerkeleyCaliformnia 94720USA University of california DavisCalifornia 95616USA University of califormnia Los AngelesCalifomia 90095USA Universidade Estadual de campinas Sao PauloBrazil University of Illinois at chicago ChicagoIlinois 60607USA creighton University OmahaNebraska 68178USA czech Technical University in Prague FNSPEPrague11519Czech Republic Nuclear Physics Institute AS cR 25068 Rez/PragueCzech Republic University of Frankfurt FrankfurtGermany Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar 751005India Indian Institute of Technology MumbaiIndia Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47408USA Alikhanov Instiute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics MoscowRussia University of jammu Jammu 180001India joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna141980Russia Kent State University KentOhio 44242USA University of Kentucky LexingtonKentucky40506-0055USA Institute of Modern Physics LanzhouChina Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology CambridgeMA 02139-4307USA Mx-Planck-Institut fir Physik MunichGermany Michigan State University East LansingMichigan 48824USA Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Moscow Russia NIKHEF and Utrecht University AmsterdamThe Netherlands Ohio State University ColumbusOhio 43210USA Old Dominion University NorfolkVA23529USA Panjab University Chandigarh 160014India PennsyIvania State University University ParkPennsylvania 16802USA Institute of High Energy Physics ProtvinoRussia Purdue University West LafayetteIndiana 47907USA Pusan National University PusanRepublic of Korea University of Rajasthan Jaipur 302004India Rice University HoustonTexas 77251USA Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao PauloBrazil University of Science&Technology of china Hefei 230026.China Shandong University JinanShandong 250100China Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Shanghai 201800Chi
Dihadron azimuthal correlations containing a high transverse momentum(pr)trigger particle are sensit-ive to the properties of the nuclear medium created at RHIc through the strong interactions occurring between the tr... 详细信息
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Methods for a blind analysis of isobar data collected by the STAR collaboration
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Nuclear Science and Techniques 2021年 第5期32卷 43-50页
作者: j.Adam L.Adamczyk j.R.Adams j.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.c.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin j.Bielcik j.Bielcikova L.c.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin j.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin j.Butterworth H.caines M.calderon de la Barca Sanchez D.cebra I.chakaberia P.chaloupka B.K.chan F-H.chang Z.chang N.chankova-Bunzarova A.chatterjee D.chen j.chen j.H.chen X.chen Z.chen j.cheng M.cherney M.chevalier S.choudhury W.christie X.chu H.j.crawford M.csanad M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong j.L.Drachenberg j.c.dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey j.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic j.Fedorisin c.j.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek c.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal X.Gou D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz j.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He Y.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.j.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.jacobs c.jena A.jentsch Y.ji j.jia K.jiang S.jowzaee X.ju E.G.judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła c.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli j.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan j.M.Landgraf j.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky j.H.Lee Y.H.Leung c.Li c.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu T.Ljubicic W.j.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis c.Markert H.S.Matis j.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy j.D.Nam Md.Nasim K.Nayak D.Neff j.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonak christian University AbileneTX 796992 AGH University of Science and Technology FPACSCracow 30-059Poland Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics NRc"Kurchatov Institute" MoscowRussia 117218 Argonne National Laboratory ArgonneIL 60439 American University of cairo New CairoNew Cairo 11835Egypt Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNY 11973 University of california BerkeleyCA 94720 University of california DavisCA 95616 University of california Los AngelesCA 90095 University of california RiversideCA 92521 central china Normal University Wuhan 430079 University of Illinois at chicago ChicagoIL 60607 creighton University OmahaNE 68178 czech Technical University in Prague FNSPEPrague 11519Czech Republic Technische Universitat Darmstadt Darmstadt 64289Germany ELTE Eotvos Lorand University Budapest 1117Hungary Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS Frankfurt 60438Germany Fudan University Shanghai 200433 University of Heidelberg 69120 HeidelbergGermany University of Houston HoustonTX 77204 Huzhou University Huzhou 313000 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER) Berhampur 760010India Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER)Tirupati Tirupati 517507India Indian Institute Technology PatnaBihar 801106India Indiana University BloomingtonIN 47408 Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesLanzhou 730000 University of jammu Jammu 180001India joint Institute for Nuclear Research DubnaRussia 141980 Kent State University KentOH 44242 University of Kentucky LexingtonKY 40506-0055 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCA 94720 Lehigh University BethlehemPA 18015 Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik 80805 MunichGermany Michigan State University East LansingMI 48824 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI MoscowRussia 115409 National Institute of Science Education and Research HBNIJatni 752050India National cheng Kung University Tainan 70101 Nuclear Physics Institute of the cAS Rez 25068Czech Republic Ohio State University
In 2018,the STAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge V to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of *** isobar collisi... 详细信息
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Measurement of away-side broadening with self-subtraction of flow in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
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chinese Physics c 2020年 第10期44卷 59-67页
作者: L.Adamczyk j.R.Adams j.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.c.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin j.Bielcik j.Bielcikova L.c.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin j.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin j.Butterworth H.caines M.calderón de la Barca Sánchez D.cebra I.chakaberia P.chaloupka B.K.chan F-H.chang Z.chang N.chankova-Bunzarova A.chatterjee D.chen j.H.chen X.chen Z.chen j.cheng M.cherney M.chevalier S.choudhury W.christie X.chu H.j.crawford M.csanád M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong j.L.Drachenberg j.c.dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey j.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic j.Fedorisin c.j.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek c.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz j.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.j.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.jacobs c.jena A.jentsch Y.jI j.jia K.jiang S.jowzaee X.ju E.G.judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła c.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli j.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan j.M.Landgraf j.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky j.H.Lee Y.H.Leung c.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu T.Ljubicic W.j.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis c.Markert H.S.Matis j.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy j.D.Nam Nasim Md K.Nayak D.Neff j.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa Abilene christian University AbileneTexas 79699 AGH University of Science and Technology FPACSCracow 30-059Poland Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics NRc"Kurchatov Institute" Moscow 117218Russia Argonne National Laboratory ArgonneIllinois 60439 American University of cairo New Cairo 11835New CairoEgypt Brookhaven National Laboratory UptonNew York 11973 University of california BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 University of california DavisCalifornia 95616 University of california Los AngelesCalifornia 90095 University of california RiversideCalifornia 92521 central china Normal University WuhanHubei 430079 University of Illinois at chicago ChicagoIllinois 60607 creighton University OmahaNebraska 68178 czech Technical University in Prague FNSPEPrague 11519Czech Republic Technische Universität Darmstadt Darmstadt 64289Germany ELTE Eötvös Loránd University BudapestHungary H-1117 Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS Frankfurt 60438Germany Fudan University Shanghai 200433 University of Heidelberg Heidelberg 69120Germany University of Houston HoustonTexas 77204 Huzhou University HuzhouZhejiang 313000 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER) Berhampur 760010India Indian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER)Tirupati Tirupati 517507India Indian Institute Technology PatnaBihar 801106India Indiana University BloomingtonIndiana 47408 Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of SciencesLanzhouGansu 730000 University of jammu Jammu 180001India joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna 141980Russia Kent State University KentOhio 44242 University of Kentucky LexingtonKentucky 40506-0055 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 Lehigh University BethlehemPennsylvania 18015 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Munich 80805Germany Michigan State University East LansingMichigan 48824 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Moscow 115409Russia National Institute of Science Education and Research HBNIJatni 752050Indi
High transverse momentum(pT)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion *** of energy at low-to-modest pT has been difficult to measu... 详细信息
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A functional tacrolimus-releasing nerve wrap for enhancing nerve regeneration following surgical nerve repair
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第1期20卷 291-304页
作者: Simeon c.Daeschler Katelyn j.W.So Konstantin Feinberg Marina Manoraj jenny cheung jennifer Zhang Kaveh Mirmoeini jPaul Santerre Tessa Gordon Gregory HBorschel SickKids Research Institute Neuroscience and Mental Health ProgramTorontoONCanada Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering University of TorontoTorontoONCanada Indiana University School of Medicine IndianapolisINUSA Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery the Hospital for Sick ChildrenTorontoONCanada Translational Biology and Engineering Program Ted Rogers Centre for Heart ResearchInstitute of Biomedical EngineeringFaculty of DentistryUniversity of TorontoTorontoONCanada
Axonal regeneration following surgical nerve repair is slow and often incomplete,resulting in poor functional recovery which sometimes contributes to lifelong ***,there are no FDA-approved therapies available to promo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Heading control strategy assessment for coaxial compound helicopters
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chinese journal of Aeronautics 2019年 第9期32卷 2037-2046页
作者: Ye YUAN Douglas THOMSON Renliang cHEN Richard dunlop National Key Laboratory of Rotorcraft Aeromechanics Nanjing University of Aeronautics&AstronauticsNanjing 210016China University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQUnited Kingdom
The coaxial compound helicopter has two possible strategies for heading control: collective differential and rudder deflection. A flight dynamics model is developed to assess the effect of different heading control st... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Structure and Dynamics as Seen From cluster and Double Star Measurements
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空间科学学报 2013年 第6期33卷 577-603页
作者: Y V Bogdanova c j Owen M W dunlop M G G T Taylor A N Fazakerley Space Science and Technology Department RALChiltonDidcotOxfordshireOX11 0QXUK Mullard Space Science Laboratory University College LondonHolmbury St.MaryDorkingSurreyRH5 6NTUK Science and Robotic Exploration Directorate ESA/ESTECNoordwijkThe Netherlands
In this review,we discuss the structure and dynamics of the magnetospheric LowLatitude Boundary Layer(LLBL)based on recent results from multi-satellite missions cluster and Double *** boundary layer,adjacent to the ma... 详细信息
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Apples to oranges:environmentally derived,dynamic regulation of serotonin neuron subpopulations in adulthood?
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第9期20卷 2596-2597页
作者: christopher j.O’connell Matthew j.Robson Department of Genetics College of MedicineHarvard UniversityBostonMAUSA james L.Winkle college of Pharmacy Division of Pharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnatiOHUSA Neuroscience Graduate Program College of MedicineUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnatiOHUSA
Traumatic brain injury(TBI)is a public health problem with an undue economic burden that impacts nearly every age,ethnic,and gender group across the globe(capizzi et al.,2020).TBIs are often sustained during a dynamic... 详细信息
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Near Earth Vortices Driving of Field Aligned currents Based on Magnetosphere Multiscale and Swarm Observations
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空间科学学报 2019年 第1期39卷 9-17页
作者: ZHANG c SHEN c YANG Y Y dunlop M W TI S RUSSELL c T LüHR H BURcH j L LINDQVIST P A TORBERT R B FRIIS-cHRISTENSEN E State Key Laboratory of Space Weather National Space Science Center college of Earth Science University of Chinese Academy of Sciences college of Science Harbin Institute of Technology Institute of china Seismological Bureau Crustal Stress Space Science Institute School of Astronautics Beihang University Rutherford Appleton Laboratory University of california German Research center For Geosciences German Research Center for Geosciences Southwest Research Institute Royal Institute of Technology University of New Hampshire Danish National Space center
A long-standing mystery in the study of Field-Aligned currents(FAcs) has been that: how the currents are generated and why they appear to be much stronger at high altitudes than in the ionosphere. Here we present two ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Observations of the step-like accelerating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause
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Science Bulletin 2018年 第1期63卷 31-37页
作者: Qinghe Zhang Michael Lockwood john c.Foster Qiugang Zong Malcolm W.dunlop Shunrong Zhang joran Moen Beichen Zhang Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy and Solar-Terrestrial Environment Institute of Space SciencesShandong UniversityWeihai 264209China Department of Meteorology University of ReadingReading RG6 6BBUK MIT Haystack Observatory WestfordMA 01886USA School of Earth and Space Sciences Peking UniversityBeijing 100087China Space Sciences Division SSTDRutherford Appleton LaboratoryDidcot OX11 OQXUK Department of Physics University of OsloBlindern 0316OsloNorway SOA Key Laboratory for Polar Science Polar Research Institute of ChinaShanghai 200136China
cold ions of plasmaspheric origin have been observed to abundantly appear in the magnetospheric side of the Earth's magnetopause. These cold ions could affect the magnetic reconnection processes at the magnetopause by... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Inflammasome links traumatic brain injury, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and Alzheimer's disease
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第6期20卷 1644-1664页
作者: Gabriela Seplovich Yazan Bouchi juan Pablo de Rivero Vaccari jennifer c.Munoz Pareja Andrew Reisner Laura Blackwell Yehia Mechref Kevin K.Wang j.Adrian Tyndall Binu Tharakan Firas Kobeissy Department of Surgery Morehouse School of MedicineAtlantaGAUSA Department of Neurobiology Center for NeurotraumaMultiomics&Biomarkers(CNMB)Neuroscience InstituteMorehouse School of MedicineAtlantaGAUSA Department of Neurological Surgery and the Miami Project to cure Paralysis University of Miami Miller School of MedicineMiamiFLUSA Division of Pediatric critical care Department of PediatricsUniversity of Miami Miller School of MedicineMiamiFLUSA Department of Pediatrics Emory UniversityAtlantaGAUSA Department of Neurosurgery Children’s Healthcare of AtlantaAtlantaGAUSA Department of chemistry and Biochemistry Texas Tech UniversityLubbockTXUSA Morehouse School of Medicine AtlantaGAUSA
Traumatic brain injury, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and Alzheimer's disease are three distinct neurological disorders that share common pathophysiological mechanisms involving neuroinflammation. One sequela of n... 详细信息
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