


  • 27 篇 期刊文献


  • 27 篇 电子文献
  • 0 种 纸本馆藏



  • 22 篇 医学
    • 22 篇 临床医学
  • 4 篇 工学
    • 3 篇 材料科学与工程(可...
    • 1 篇 地质资源与地质工...
  • 1 篇 农学
    • 1 篇 作物学
    • 1 篇 园艺学


  • 3 篇 stroke
  • 2 篇 multiple
  • 2 篇 corrosion
  • 2 篇 infarction
  • 2 篇 tract
  • 2 篇 white
  • 2 篇 brain
  • 2 篇 sclerosis
  • 2 篇 low
  • 2 篇 matter
  • 2 篇 fatigue
  • 2 篇 vitamin
  • 2 篇 quality
  • 1 篇 small for size g...
  • 1 篇 caloric
  • 1 篇 rheological
  • 1 篇 lesions
  • 1 篇 mmse
  • 1 篇 silent
  • 1 篇 carotid artery p...


  • 5 篇 neurology depart...
  • 3 篇 faculty of medic...
  • 2 篇 department of cl...
  • 2 篇 ministry of heal...
  • 2 篇 department of ra...
  • 2 篇 department of in...
  • 2 篇 department of ne...
  • 2 篇 gulf medical uni...
  • 2 篇 department of ne...
  • 2 篇 gulf medical uni...
  • 1 篇 radiation oncolo...
  • 1 篇 department of ne...
  • 1 篇 psychiatry depar...
  • 1 篇 department of pl...
  • 1 篇 internal medicin...
  • 1 篇 department of su...
  • 1 篇 department of me...
  • 1 篇 geology departme...
  • 1 篇 radiology depart...
  • 1 篇 department of bi...


  • 12 篇 mohamed hamdy ib...
  • 6 篇 taha kamel allou...
  • 5 篇 kiran kumar
  • 4 篇 janhavi sirsat
  • 4 篇 shivram kumar
  • 3 篇 mohammed hamdy i...
  • 3 篇 mohamed khalid
  • 2 篇 sameh saied ali
  • 2 篇 mohammed khalid
  • 2 篇 hassan barakat
  • 2 篇 ibrahim khalifa
  • 2 篇 sonia lamichhane
  • 2 篇 alyaa fadhil
  • 2 篇 mahmoud haroun i...
  • 2 篇 nahed salah el-d...
  • 2 篇 ghada samir el-s...
  • 2 篇 hosam ahmed azmy
  • 2 篇 marwa adel shaab...
  • 2 篇 rifah anwar assa...
  • 2 篇 himanshi singh


  • 27 篇 英文
检索条件"作者=ibrahim hamdy Ezzat Abdelhafez"
27 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Mental health research in the Arab region in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:a scoping review
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General Psychiatry 2022年 第2期35卷 85-91页
作者: Mohamed Hussein Mahmoud Osman Hassan ibrahim hamdy ezzat abdelhafez Sami Ouanes Eiman Al-Janahi Yuri Zoghbi Ovais Wadoo Mental Health Services Hamad Medical CorporationDohaAd DawhahQatar Department of Neurosurgery Hamad Medical CorporationDohaAd DawhahQatar College of Medicine Qatar UniversityDohaAd DawhahQatar Department of Psychiatry College of MedicineQatar UniversityDohaAd DawhahQatar
Background The ongoing pandemic has led to a global surge in coronavius disease 2019(COVID-19)-related mental health ***,most related publications come from Western countries or China,and their findings cannot alwrays... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Corrosion and corrosion-fatigue behavior of magnesium metal matrix composites for bio-implant applications:A review
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Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 2023年 第4期11卷 1125-1161页
作者: Hassan Delavar Amirhossein Jabbari Mostahsan hamdy ibrahim School of Mechanical Engineering Iran University of Science and TechnologyTehranIran Department of Mechanical Engineering Sharif University of TechnologyTehranIran Mechanical Engineering Department University of Tennessee at ChattanoogaChattanoogaTN 37403USA
Recently,the topic of bioresorbable metals,with much focus on magnesium for bone implant applications,has been an area of considerable ***,it could be argued that magnesium is the most promising biodegradable material... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Preserving apple(Malus domestica ***)fruit bioactive substances using olive wastes extract-chitosan film coating
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Information Processing in Agriculture 2017年 第1期4卷 90-99页
作者: ibrahim Khalifa Hassan Barakat hamdy A.El-Mansy Soliman A.Soliman Food Technology Department Faculty of AgricultureBenha UniversityMoshtohor13736 QaliuobiaEgypt Food Science and Human Nutrition Department College of Agriculture and Veterinary MedicineQassim UniversityBuraidahSaudi Arabia
Apple fruits have components of therapeutic *** components,to a great extent,decline or decompose during post-harvest that negatively affect fruit *** fruit-filming has proved useful in maintaining these *** study aim... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Microstructure, Corrosion, and Fatigue Properties of Alumina-Titania Nanostructured Coatings
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Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology 2011年 第3期1卷 101-106页
作者: Ahmed ibrahim Abdel Salam hamdy 不详
Air Plasma spray process was used to deposit a conventional and nanostructured Al2O3-13 wt% TiO2 coatings on a stainless steel substrates. Morphology of the powder particles, microstructure and phase composition of th... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Small for size syndrome difficult dilemma: Lessons from 10 years single centre experience in living donor liver transplantation
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World Journal of Hepatology 2017年 第21期9卷 930-944页
作者: Hany Shoreem Emad hamdy Gad Hosam Soliman Osama Hegazy Sherif Saleh Hazem Zakaria Eslam Ayoub Yasmin Kamel Kalid Abouelella Tarek ibrahim ibrahim Marawan Hepatobiliary Surgery Department National Liver InstituteMenoufiya Univer-sity Anesthesia Department National Liver InstituteMenoufiya University
AIM To analyze the incidence, risk factors, prevention, treatment and outcome of small for size syndrome(SFSS) after living donor liver transplantation(LDLT). METHODS Through-out more than 10 years: During the period ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Deploying an Interactive GIS System for Facility and Asset Management: Case Study-Ministry of Education, Kuwait
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Journal of Geographic Information System 2015年 第2期7卷 191-201页
作者: hamdy ibrahim El-Gamily Khalid Al-Rasheed GIS Section Systems and Software Development Department (SSDD) Science and Technology Sector (STS) Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Kuwait City Kuwait National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) Cairo City Egypt Civil Engineer Department College of Engineering Kuwait University Kuwait City Kuwait
Geographical Information System (GIS) can be considered the core of the Interactive Facilities Management Environment (iFaME) framework in managing different facilities on the building bases. This study aims at buildi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Seismic Imaging and Reservoir Architecture of Sub-Marine Channel Systems Offshore West Nile Delta of Egypt
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Open Journal of Geology 2014年 第12期4卷 718-735页
作者: Essam Sharaf ibrahim Korrat hamdy Seisa Eslam Esmaiel Geology Department Faculty of Science Mansoura University Mansoura Egypt Department of Production Management PETRONAS (PICL) Egypt Helwan Egypt
Offshore Nile Delta gas reservoirs are dominated by slope-channel systems of Plio-Pleistocene age. High-quality, three-dimensional seismic imaging has significantly helped in defining the geomorphology and architectur... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Physico-Chemical, Organolyptical and Microbiological Characteristics of Substituted Cupcake by Potato Processing Residues
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Food and Nutrition Sciences 2015年 第1期6卷 83-100页
作者: ibrahim Khalifa Hassan Barakat hamdy A. El-Mansy Soliman A. Soliman Department of Food Science Faculty of Agriculture Benha University 13736 Moshtohor Qaliuobia Egypt
Utilization of potato processing residues to produce a low caloric cupcake in present study was targeted. The functional properties of wheat flour (WF 72%) and dried potato peel varieties [Hermus (PPH) and Russet (PPR... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Case Report on Epilepsy with Cough Aura
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Neuroscience & Medicine 2015年 第1期6卷 1-4页
作者: Mohamed hamdy ibrahim Ahmed El Mansory Shivram Kumar Janhavi Sirsat Department of Neurology GMC Hospital Ajman UAE Department of Pulmonology GMC Hospital Ajman UAE Gulf Medical University Ajman UAE
The case study is aimed at providing a more thorough analysis of a case of Epilepsy presented with an unusual aura of cough. The study hopes to generate an interest for further studies into the topic and focuses on ab... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Vitamin D Level in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Could Vitamin D Level Be Routine Investigation for Multiple Sclerosis Patients?
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Neuroscience & Medicine 2014年 第5期5卷 201-204页
作者: Mohamed hamdy ibrahim Taha Kamel Alloush Mohamed Khalid Abdul Rahim Neurology Department Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University Cairo Egypt Internal Medicine Department Gulf Medical University Ajman United Arab of Emirates
Objectives: To study the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis patients. Patients and Methods: It is a case control cross matching age related study done on totally 40 subjects (2... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论