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18788 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Plant Cell Wall-like Soft Materials:Micro-and Nanoengineering,Properties,and Applications
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Nano-Micro letters 2025年 第5期17卷 37-77页
作者: Roya Koshani Mica l.Pitcher Jingyi Yu Christine l.Mahajan Seong h.Kim Amir Sheikhi Department of Chemical Engineering The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPA 16802USA Department of Chemistry The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPA 16802USA Department of Biology The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPA 16802USA Materials Research Institute The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPA 16802USA Department of Biomedical Engineering The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPA 16802USA huck Institutes of the life Sciences The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPA 16802USA Department of Neurosurgery College of MedicineThe Pennsylvania State UniversityHersheyPA 17033USA
Plant cell wall(CW)-like soft materials,referred to as artificial CWs,are composites of assembled polymers containing micro-/nanoparticles or fibers/fibrils that are designed to mimic the composition,structure,and mec... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Silk-based nerve guidance conduits with macroscopic holes modulate the vascularization of regenerating rat sciatic nerve
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Neural Regeneration Research 2025年 第6期20卷 1789-1800页
作者: Carina hromada Patrick heimel Markus Kerbl lászlóGál Sylvia Nürnberger Barbara Schaedl James Ferguson Nicole Swiadek Xavier Monforte Johannes C.heinzel Antal Nógrádi Andreas h.Teuschl-Woller David hercher Department life Science Engineering University of Applied Sciences Technikum WienViennaAustria Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration ViennaAustria ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Traumatology The Research Center in Cooperation with AUVAViennaAustria University Clinic of Dentistry Medical University of ViennaViennaAustria Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeryLandesklinikum Wiener Neustadt2700 Wiener NeustadtAustria Department of Anatomy Histology and EmbryologyAlbert Szent-Györgyi Medical SchoolUniversity of SzegedSzegedHungary Medical University of Vienna Department of Orthopedics and Trauma SurgeryDevision of Trauma SurgeryViennaAustria Department of hand- PlasticReconstructive and Burn SurgeryBG Unfallklinik TuebingenUniversity of TuebingenTuebingenGermany
Peripheral nerve injuries induce a severe motor and sensory deficit. Since the availability of autologous nerve transplants for nerve repair is very limited, alternative treatment strategies are sought, including the ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Seasonal influence on miRNA expression dynamics of extracellular vesicles in equine follicular fluid
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Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2025年 第1期16卷 136-152页
作者: Jean M.Feugang Ahmed Gad Nico G.Menjivar Ghassan M.Ishak Samuel Gebremedhn Melba O.Gastal Notsile h.Dlamini Radek Prochazka Eduardo l.Gastal Dawit Tesfaye Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences Mississippi State UniversityMississippi StateMS 39762USA Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology laboratory(ARBl) Department of Biomedical SciencesCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesColorado State UniversityFort CollinsCO 80523USA Department of Animal Production Faculty of AgricultureCairo UniversityGiza 12613Egypt Department of Surgery and Obstetrics College of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of BaghdadBaghdad 10011Iraq Animal Science School of Agricultural SciencesSouthern Illinois UniversityCarbondaleIL 62901USA J.R.Simplot Company KunaID 83634USA Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Czech Academy of SciencesLiběchov 27721Czech Republic
Background Ovarian follicular fluid(FF)is a dynamic environment that changes with the seasons,affecting follicle development,ovulation,and oocyte *** in the follicles release tiny particles called extracellular vesicl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Traditional and Nano Materials Used in Consolidation of Sandstone Used in Ramesses III Temple, Karnak, Egypt
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Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 2025年 第1期13卷 18-30页
作者: Essam h. Mohamed Zeinab Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud l. Abd El-latif Department of Archaeological Conservation Faculty of Archaeology South Valley University Qena Egypt Department of Conservation Faculty of Archaeology South Valley University Qena Egypt housing and Building Research Center Giza Egypt
This experimental study assesses the effectiveness of traditional and nano-materials in enhancing the physical and mechanical properties of deteriorated sandstone from Ramesses III Temple, Karnak, luxor, Egypt. Treatm... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
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地质学报 2025年 第02期99卷 382-398页
作者: 许迪 Suzanna h A van de lAGEMAAT Junaidi ASIS 曹立成 Eldert l ADVOKAAT 姚会强 中国地质大学(武汉)海洋学院 乌特勒支大学地球科学系 沙巴大学自然与科学学院 广州海洋地质调查局国土资源部海底矿产资源重点实验室
受古大洋持续俯冲活动的影响,东南亚现存微陆块众多,其成因和构造演化复杂,使得该地区古地理重建难度极大,特别是东北婆罗洲地块的构造属性和前新生代古地理尚有较大争议。东北婆罗洲出露的巴利奥宗(Baliojong)大洋板块地层,是记录古大... 详细信息
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Genome of tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (Cimicidae, hemiptera) reveals tetraspanin expanded in bed bug ancestor
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INSECT SCIENCE 2025年 第1期32卷 42-54页
作者: law, Sean Tsz Sum Nong, Wenyan li, Chade Chong, Tze Kiu Yip, ho Yin Swale, Thomas Chiu, Siu Wai Chung, Roger Yat-Nork lam, hon-Ming Wong, Samuel Y. S. Wong, hung hui, Jerome h. l. Chinese Univ hong Kong Inst Environm Energy & Sustainabil State Key Lab Agrobiotechnol Sch Life SciSimon FS Li Marine Sci Lab Hong Kong Peoples R China Dovetail Genom Scotts Valley CA USA Chinese Univ hong Kong Sch Life Sci Hong Kong Peoples R China Chinese Univ hong Kong CUHK Inst Hlth Equ Sch Publ Hlth & Primary Care Hong Kong Peoples R China Chinese Univ hong Kong Inst Environm Energy & Sustainabil Sch Life Sci State Key Lab Agrobiotechnol Hong Kong Peoples R China Chinese Univ hong Kong CUHK Inst Hlth Equ Inst Environm Energy & Sustainabil Dept Social Work Hong Kong Peoples R China
Cimex species are ectoparasites that exclusively feed on warm-blooded animals such as birds and mammals. Three cimicid species are known to be persistent pests for humans, including the tropical bed bug Cimex hemipter... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Deep view of composite SNR CTA1 with lhAASO in γ-rays up to 300 TeV
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.W.Bao D.Bastieri X.J.Bi Y.J.Bi W.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen h.X.Chen liang Chen lin Chen long Chen M.J.Chen M.l.Chen Q.h.Chen S.Chen S.h.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.D.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.W.Cui X.h.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai h.l.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu X.Q.Dong K.K.Duan J.h.Fan Y.Z.Fan J.Fang J.h.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng h.Feng l.Feng S.h.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.h.Gong Q.B.Gou M.h.Gu F.l.Guo J.Guo X.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.han O.A.hannuksela M.hasan h.h.he h.N.he J.Y.he Y.he Y.K.hor B.W.hou C.hou X.hou h.B.hu Q.hu S.C.hu C.huang D.h.huang T.Q.huang W.J.huang X.T.huang X.Y.huang Y.huang Y.Y.huang X.l.Ji h.Y.Jia K.Jia h.B.Jiang K.Jiang X.W.Jiang Z.J.Jiang M.Jin M.M.Kang I.Karpikov D.Khangulyan D.Kuleshov K.Kurinov B.B.li C.M.li Cheng li Cong li D.li F.li h.B.li h.C.li Jian li Jie li K.li S.D.li W.l.li W.l.li X.R.li Xin li Y.Z.li Zhe li Zhuo li E.W.liang Y.F.liang S.J.lin B.liu C.liu D.liu D.B.liu h.liu h.D.liu J.liu J.l.liu M.Y.liu R.Y.liu S.M.liu W.liu Y.liu Y.N.liu Q.luo Y.luo h.K.lv B.Q.Ma l.l.Ma X.h.Ma J.R.Mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri h.J.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.J.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei J.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao J.J.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng F.W.Shu h.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun J.Takata P.h.T.Tam Q.W.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang W.W.Tian l.h.Wan C.Wang C.B.Wang G.W.Wang h.G.Wang h.h.Wang J.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.h.Wang R.Wang W.Wang X.G.Wang X.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.J.Wang Z.h.Wang Z.X.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang D.M.Wei J.J.Wei Y.J.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu h.R.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu X.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.Xi J.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.l.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.l.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu W.l.Xu l.Xue D.h.Yan J.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang l.l.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang W.X.Yang Y.h.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin X.h.You Z.Y.You Y.h Southwest Jiaotong University School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences hebei Normal University University of Science and Technology of China lhAASO Collaboration State Key laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics Key laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & Key laboratory of Radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang laboratory Key laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy Key laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University Key laboratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of hong Kong Key laboratory of Radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of high Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan University School of Physics Peking University Guangxi Key laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Faculty of Science Mahidol University Moscow Institute
The ultra-high-energy(UhE) gamma-ray source 1lhAASO J0007+7303u is positionally associated with the composite SNR CTA1 that is located at high Galactic latitude b ≈ 10.5°. This provides a rare opportunity to spati...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
lhAASO detection of very-high-energy γ-ray emission surrounding PSR J0248+6021
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.W.Bao D.Bastieri X.J.Bi Y.J.Bi W.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen h.X.Chen liang Chen lin Chen long Chen M.J.Chen M.l.Chen Q.h.Chen S.Chen S.h.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.D.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.W.Cui X.h.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai h.l.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu X.Q.Dong K.K.Duan J.h.Fan Y.Z.Fan J.Fang J.h.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng h.Feng l.Feng S.h.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.h.Gong Q.B.Gou M.h.Gu F.l.Guo J.Guo X.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.han O.A.hannuksela M.hasan h.h.he h.N.he J.Y.he Y.he Y.K.hor B.W.hou C.hou X.hou h.B.hu Q.hu S.C.hu C.huang D.h.huang T.Q.huang W.J.huang X.T.huang X.Y.huang Y.huang Y.Y.huang X.l.Ji h.Y.Jia K.Jia h.B.Jiang K.Jiang X.W.Jiang Z.J.Jiang M.Jin M.M.Kang I.Karpikov D.Khangulyan D.Kuleshov K.Kurinov B.B.li C.M.li Cheng li Cong li D.li F.li h.B.li h.C.li Jian li Jie li K.li S.D.li W.l.li W.l.li X.R.li Xin li Y.Z.li Zhe li Zhuo li E.W.liang Y.F.liang S.J.lin B.liu C.liu D.liu D.B.liu h.liu h.D.liu J.liu J.l.liu M.Y.liu R.Y.liu S.M.liu W.liu Y.liu Y.N.liu Q.luo Y.luo h.K.lv B.Q.Ma l.l.Ma X.h.Ma J.R.Mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri h.J.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.J.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei J.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao J.J.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng F.W.Shu h.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun J.Takata P.h.T.Tam Q.W.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang W.W.Tian l.h.Wan C.Wang C.B.Wang G.W.Wang h.G.Wang h.h.Wang J.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.h.Wang R.Wang W.Wang X.G.Wang X.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.J.Wang Z.h.Wang Z.X.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang D.M.Wei J.J.Wei Y.J.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu h.R.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu X.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.Xi J.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.l.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.l.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu W.l.Xu l.Xue D.h.Yan J.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang l.l.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang W.X.Yang Y.h.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin X.h.You Z.Y.You Y.h Southwest Jiaotong University School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences hebei Normal University University of Science and Technology of China lhAASO Collaboration State Key laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics Key laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & Key laboratory of Radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang laboratory Key laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy Key laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University Key laboratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of hong Kong Key laboratory of Radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of high Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan University School of Physics Peking University Guangxi Key laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Faculty of Science Mahidol University Moscow Institute
We report the detection of an extended very-high-energy(VhE) γ-ray source coincident with the location of middle-aged(62.4 kyr) pulsar PSR J0248+6021, by using the lhAASO-WCDA data of live 796 d and lhAASO-KM2A data ...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Observation of the γ-ray emission from W43 with lhAASO
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Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 2025年
作者: Zhen Cao F.Aharonian Axikegu Y.X.Bai Y.W.Bao D.Bastieri X.J.Bi Y.J.Bi W.Bian A.V.Bukevich Q.Cao W.Y.Cao Zhe Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang A.M.Chen E.S.Chen h.X.Chen liang Chen lin Chen long Chen M.J.Chen M.l.Chen Q.h.Chen S.Chen S.h.Chen S.Z.Chen T.l.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.D.Cheng M.C.Chu M.Y.Cui S.W.Cui X.h.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai h.l.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu X.Q.Dong K.K.Duan J.h.Fan Y.Z.Fan J.Fang J.h.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng h.Feng l.Feng S.h.Feng X.T.Feng Y.Feng Y.l.Feng S.Gabici B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao W.K.Gao M.M.Ge T.T.Ge l.S.Geng G.Giacinti G.h.Gong Q.B.Gou M.h.Gu F.l.Guo J.Guo X.l.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.han O.A.hannuksela M.hasan h.h.he h.N.he J.Y.he Y.he Y.K.hor B.W.hou C.hou X.hou h.B.hu Q.hu S.C.hu C.huang D.h.huang T.Q.huang W.J.huang X.T.huang X.Y.huang Y.huang Y.Y.huang X.l.Ji h.Y.Jia K.Jia h.B.Jiang K.Jiang X.W.Jiang Z.J.Jiang M.Jin M.M.Kang I.Karpikov D.Khangulyan D.Kuleshov K.Kurinov B.B.li C.M.li Cheng li Cong li D.li F.li h.B.li h.C.li Jian li Jie li K.li S.D.li W.l.li W.l.li X.R.li Xin li Y.Z.li Zhe li Zhuo li E.W.liang Y.F.liang S.J.lin B.liu C.liu D.liu D.B.liu h.liu h.D.liu J.liu J.l.liu M.Y.liu R.Y.liu S.M.liu W.liu Y.liu Y.N.liu Q.luo Y.luo h.K.lv B.Q.Ma l.l.Ma X.h.Ma J.R.Mao Z.Min W.Mitthumsiri h.J.Mu Y.C.Nan A.Neronov K.C.Y.Ng l.J.Ou P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei J.C.Qi M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao J.J.Qin A.Raza D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz M.Saeed D.Semikoz l.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng F.W.Shu h.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Y.Su D.X.Sun Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun J.Takata P.h.T.Tam Q.W.Tang R.Tang Z.B.Tang W.W.Tian l.h.Wan C.Wang C.B.Wang G.W.Wang h.G.Wang h.h.Wang J.C.Wang Kai Wang Kai Wang l.P.Wang l.Y.Wang P.h.Wang R.Wang W.Wang X.G.Wang X.Y.Wang Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.J.Wang Z.h.Wang Z.X.Wang Zhen Wang Zheng Wang D.M.Wei J.J.Wei Y.J.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu h.R.Wu Q.W.Wu S.Wu X.F.Wu Y.S.Wu S.Q.Xi J.Xia G.M.Xiang D.X.Xiao G.Xiao Y.l.Xin Y.Xing D.R.Xiong Z.Xiong D.l.Xu R.F.Xu R.X.Xu W.l.Xu l.Xue D.h.Yan J.Z.Yan T.Yan C.W.Yang C.Y.Yang F.Yang F.F.Yang l.l.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang W.X.Yang Y.h.Yao Z.G.Yao l.Q.Yin N.Yin X.h.You Z.Y.You Y.h Southwest Jiaotong University School of Astronomy and Space Science Nanjing University Center for Astrophysics Guangzhou University Tsung-Dao lee Institute & School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences hebei Normal University University of Science and Technology of China lhAASO Collaboration State Key laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics Key laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy & Key laboratory of Radio Astronomy Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Center for Astronomical Computing Zhejiang laboratory Key laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy Key laboratory of Particle Astrophysics & Experimental Physics Division & Computing Center Yunnan University Key laboratory of Cosmic Rays (Tibet University) Ministry of Education Department of Physics The Chinese University of hong Kong Key laboratory of Radio Astronomy and Technology National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Physics and Astronomy (Zhuhai) & School of Physics (Guangzhou) & Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Zhuhai) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of high Energy Physics Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science Shandong University APC Université Paris Cité CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU Observatoire de Paris Department of Engineering Physics & Department of Astronomy Tsinghua University School of Physics and Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou University Yunnan Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences China Center of Advanced Science and Technology College of Physics Sichuan University School of Physics Peking University Guangxi Key laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics School of Physical Science and Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxi University Department of Physics Faculty of Science Mahidol University Moscow Institute
In this paper, we report the detection of the very-high-energy (VhE, 100 Ge V100 TeV) γ-ray emissions from the direction of the young star-forming region W43, observed by the large high Altitude Air Shower Observatio...
来源: 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
[Effects of adipose stem cell-derived exosomes on rat tendon healing and its impact on the periphery neuropeptides expression]
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Zhonghua yi xue za zhi 2025年 第7期105卷 544-553页
作者: h T Xu h Zhang K Shen h Zhou h h Song D M Guo X Y Gu G l Wang Q Wang G Y Yin Department of Orthopedics the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Nanjing 210029 China. School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210000 China.
To investigate the effect of injectable adipose tissue stem cell-derived exosome-encapsulated hydrogel on the tendon healing in rats and to evaluate the temporal and spatial expressions of periphery neuropeptides at h... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论