Agro-ecological conditions associated with the spread and persistence of highly pathogenic avian inlfuenza (HPAI) are not well understood, but the trade of live poultry is suspected to be a major pathway. Although m...
Agro-ecological conditions associated with the spread and persistence of highly pathogenic avian inlfuenza (HPAI) are not well understood, but the trade of live poultry is suspected to be a major pathway. Although market chains of live bird trade have been studied through indirect means including interviews and questionnaires, direct methods have not been used to identify movements of individual poultry. To bridge the knowledge gap on quantitative movement and transportation of poultry, we introduced a novel approach for applying telemetry to document domestic duck movements from source farms at Poyang Lake, China. We deployed recently developed transmitters that record Global Positioning System (GPS) locations and send them through the Groupe Spécial Mobile (GSM) cellular telephone system. For the ifrst time, we were able to track individually marked ducks from 3 to 396 km from their origin to other farms, distribution facilities, or live bird markets. Our proof of concept test showed that the use of GPS-GSM transmitters may provide di-rect, quantitative information to document the movement of poultry and reveal their market chains. Our ifndings provide an initial indication of the complexity of source-market network connectivity and highlight the great potential for future telemetry studies in poultry network analyses.
脓毒症是一种由感染引起的异质性疾病,感染触发了一系列复杂的局部或者全身的免疫炎症反应,引起多器官功能衰竭,发病率和病死率显著升高。由于至今仍然没有诊断脓毒症的金标准,所以脓毒症的临床诊断仍是一个难题。因此,脓毒症的临床诊断需要不断改变来满足临床和研究的要求。然而,尽管有许多新型的生物标记和筛选工具去预测脓毒症发生的风险,但是这些措施的诊断价值和有效性不足以让人满意,并且没有充分的证据去建议临床使用这些新技术。因此,脓毒症的临床诊断标准需要定期更新去适应不断产生的新证据。这篇综述旨在呈现当前脓毒症的诊断和早期识别方面的最新研究证据。临床运用不同的诊断方法的推荐意见依赖于推荐、评价、发展和评估分级体系(Grades of Recommendation Assessment,Development and Evaluation,GRADE),因为大部分的研究是观察性研究,并没有对这些方法进行可靠评估,采用的是两步推理方法。未来需要更多研究来确认或者反驳某一特殊的指标检测,同时应该直接采用相关病人的结果数据。