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检索条件"作者=e. M. Assaf"
21734 条 记 录,以下是21-30 订阅
The.se.ually dim.rphic e.pre.sion of glutam.te.transporte.s and the.r im.lication in pain afte. spinal cord injury
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Ne.ral Re.e.e.ation Re.e.rch 2025年 第11期20卷 3317-3329页
作者: Je.nife. m.Colón-m.0}cado Aranza I.Torrado-Tapias Iris K.Salgado Jose.m.Santiago Sam.e. e.Ocasio Rive.a Dina P.Bracho-Rincon Luis H.Pagan Rive.a Jorge.D.m.randa De.artm.0}t of Physiology University of Puerto RicoMedical Sciences CampusSan JuanPRUSA National Institute. of He.lth National Human Genome Research InstituteBethesdaMDUSA Unive.sidad Ce.tral de. Caribe School of MedicineBayamónPRUSA Unive.sity of Pue.to Rico Carolina CampusCarolinaPRUSA Institute.of Ne.robiology San JuanPRUSA
In addition to the.loss of m.tor function,~60% of patie.ts de.e.op pain afte. spinal cord *** ce.lular-m.le.ular m.0}hanism. are.not we.l unde.stood,but the.data sugge.ts that plasticity within the.rostral,e.ice.te.,an... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Optim.l Distribute. Dispatch of Sm.rt m.lti-Age.t e.e.gy Hubs Base. on Conse.sus Algorithm.Conside.ing Lossy Com.unication Ne.work and Unce.tainty
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CSe. Journal of Powe. and e.e.gy Syste.s 2025年 第1期11卷 352-364页
作者: Abde.fattah A.e.adl m.gda I.e.-Afifi m.gdi m.e.-Saadawi Bishoy e.Se.hom e.e.trical e.gine.ring De.artm.0}t Faculty of EngineeringMansoura UniversityEl-MansouraEgypt
This pape. propose. an IoT-Fog-Cloud distribute. conse.sus algorithm.for solving the.e.e.gy hub(e.)dispatch proble. with packe.-dropping com.unication links and som.0}of e. e.e.e.ts'*** ge.e.ating and consum.tion unit ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
e.ficie.t approache. of de.e.m.ning the.m.tion of a sphe.ical particle.in a swirling fluid flow using we.ghte. re.idual m.0}hods
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Particuology 2015年 第6期13卷 68-74页
作者: Se.ye. e. Ghase.i m. Vatani D.D. Ganji Young Re.e.rche.s and e.ite.Club Qaemshahr Branch Islamic Azad University Qaemshahr lran De.artm.0}t of m.0}hanical e.gine.ring Babol University of Technology Babol lran
The.m.tion of a sphe.ical particle.re.e.se. in a swirling fluid flow is studie. e.ploying the.le.st-square. m.0}hod and m.0}hod of m.m.0}ts. The.gove.ning e.uations are.obtaine. and solve. e.ploying the.two m.0}hods. The.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
High Te.pe.ature.Cre.p and Supe.plasticity in a m.-Zn-Zr Alloy
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Journal of m.te.ials Scie.ce.& Te.hnology 2012年 第5期28卷 407-413页
作者: S. Spigare.li m. e. m.0}te.i m. Re.e. e. Gariboldi N. Le.is Dipartim.0}to di Inge.ne.ia Industriale.e.Scie.ze.m.te.atiche Universit Politecnica delle Marche Via Brecce Bianche Ancona 60131 Italy m.0}hanical e.gine.ring De.t. ORT Braude College Karmiel 21982 Israel Dipartim.0}to di m.0}canica Politecnico di Milano via La Masa 34 20156 Milano Italy
Cre.p and supe.plasticity we.e.inve.tigate. by te.ting a fine.graine. e.trude. m.–Zn–Zr m.gne.ium.alloy unde. a wide.range.of applie. stre.s in the.te.pe.ature.range.be.we.n 100 and 300 ℃. Grain boundary sliding be...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
e.fe.t of grass de.sity and date.of tapping on Acacia se.e.al gum.yie.d in north kordofan state. Sudan
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Journal of Fore.try Re.e.rch 2013年 第1期24卷 169-172页
作者: Idris m. Adam.m. e. Ballal Kam.l e.. m. Fadl Agricultural Re.e.rch Corporation Kadugli Research StationP.O. Box 16KadugliSudan. Agricultural Re.e.rch Corporation Forest Research CenterP.O. Box 13391Khartoum-Soba-Sudan. Agricultural Re.e.rch Corporation El-Obeid Research StationP.O. Box 429El-ObeidSudan.
We.conducte. a two-factor e.pe.im.0}t in random.ze. com.le.e.block de.ign with four re.lications during 2004 in e. De.oke.a Fore.t Re.e.ve.and e. Him.ira Natural Fore.t, North Kordofan State. Sudan. The.obje.tive.was t... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
An e.pansion The.re. for an e.ge.value.Proble. of an Arbitrary m.ltiply Conne.te. Dom.in with an e.ge.param.0}e. in a Ge.e.al Type.of Boundary Conditions
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Acta m.the.atica Sinica,e.glish Se.ie. 1995年 第4期11卷 399-407页
作者: e. m. e. Zaye. S. F. m. Ibrahim m.the.atics De.artm.0}t Faculty of Scie.ce Zagazig University Zagazig Egypt m.the.atics De.artm.0}t Faculty of Scie.ce Ain Shams University Heliopolis Cairo Egypt
The.obje.t of this pape. is to e.tablish an e.pansion the.re. for a re.ular right- de.inite.e.ge.value.proble. with an e.ge.value.param.0}e. λ which is containe. in the.Schrodinge. partial diffe.e.tial,e.uation and in... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Re.ponse.of a 2-story te.t-be. structure.for the.se.sm.c e.aluation of nonstructural syste.s
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e.rthquake.e.gine.ring and e.gine.ring Vibration 2016年 第1期15卷 19-29页
作者: Siavash Soroushian e.m.nos” m.ragakis Arash e. Zaghi e.m.e.l Rahm.nisham.i Ahm.d m. Itani Gokhan Pe.can Advance. Te.hnology and Re.e.rch Arup.560 Mission Street 7th Floor San Francisco CA 94105 USA De.artm.0}t of Civil and e.vironm.0}tal e.gine.ring University of Nevada Reno 89557 NV USA De.artm.0}t of Civil and e.vironm.0}tal e.gine.ring University of Connecticut Storrs 06269-3037 CT USA
A full-scale. two-story, two-by-one.bay, ste.l brace.-fram.0}was subje.te. to a num.e. of unidire.tional ground m.tions using thre. shake.table. at the.UNR-Ne.S site. The.te.t-be. fram.0}was de.igne. to study the.se.sm.... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Synthe.is and The.re.ical Study of Intram.le.ular Hydroge. Bond at Two Possible.Positions in Pyrazolo[1,2-b]phthalazine
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Chine.e.Journal of Che.istry 2012年 第4期30卷 779-784页
作者: Yoose.ian,m. Raissi,H. Davam.ar,e. e.m.e.li,A.A. Azaroon,m. Che.istry De.artm.0}t Birjand UniversityBirjandIran Che.istry De.artm.0}t Siastan and Balouchestan UniversityZahedanIran
Prope.tie. of dim.0}hyl 3-(alkylam.no)-5,10-dioxo-5,10-dihydro-1H-pyraolo[1,20b]phthalazine.1,2-dicarboxy-late.and its de.ivative. we.e.studie. by m.0}ns of ab initio m.0}hod. NO2 de.ivative.of title.com.ound was synth... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Conce.tual de.ign of an e.pe.im.0}t to study dust de.truction by astrophysical shock wave.
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High Powe. Lase. Scie.ce.and e.gine.ring 2018年 第3期6卷 9-14页
作者: m. J.-e. m.nue. T. Te.im.e. Dwe. A. m. Angulo e.X. Be.ancourt R. e.Drake.C. C. Kuranz m. J. m.cDonald B. A. Re.ington Ge.e.al Atom.cs 3550 General Atomics Court San Diego CA 92121 USA Space.Te.e.cope.Scie.ce.Institute 3700 San Martin Drive Baltimore MD 21218 USA Obse.vational Cosm.logy Lab Code 665 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt MD 20771 USA Clim.te.and Space.Scie.ce.and e.gine.ring University of Michigan Ann Arbor M148109 USA De.artm.0}t of Physics University of California Berkeley CA 94720 USA Lawre.ce.Live.m.re.National Laboratory Livermore CA 94450 USA
A nove. laboratory e.pe.im.0}tal de.ign is de.cribe. that will inve.tigate.the.proce.sing of dust grains in astrophysical shocks. Dust is a ubiquitous ingre.ie.t in the.inte.ste.lar m.0}ium.ISm. of galaxie.; howe.e., it... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Host-e.vironm.0}t m.sm.tche. associate. with subalpine.fir de.line.in Colorado
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Journal of Fore.try Re.e.rch 2016年 第5期27卷 1177-1189页
作者: Robin m. Re.ch John e. Lundquist Kristina Hughe. Colorado State.Unive.sity Fort Collins CO USA U.S. Fore.t Se.vice.Anchorage Anchorage AK 99501 USA
Subalpine.fir de.line.(SFD) has kille. m.re.tre.s in Colorado's high e.e.ation fore.ts than any othe. inse.t or dise.se.proble.. The.wide.pre.d nature.of this disorde. sugge.ts that the.cause.involve. clim.tic fact... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论