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  • 2 篇 dog
  • 2 篇 liver
  • 2 篇 compliance
  • 2 篇 transplantation
  • 1 篇 afoxolaner
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  • 1 篇 chewable tablet
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  • 1 篇 oral ectoparasit...


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  • 1 篇 division of gast...
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  • 1 篇 division of gast...
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  • 2 篇 douglas s. carit...
  • 2 篇 phrutsamon wongn...
  • 2 篇 nadège perier
  • 1 篇 teresa carithers
  • 1 篇 sheila j.gross
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  • 1 篇 frédéric c. beug...
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  • 8 篇 英文
检索条件"作者=douglas s. carithers"
8 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Preference in Dogs.of Two Oral Endectoparas.ticide Formulations. NexGard s.ectra<s.p>®</s.p>(Afoxolaner and Milbemycin Oxime) and Credelio<s.p>®</s.p>Plus.(Lotilaner and Milbemycin Oxime)
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Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2021年 第8期11卷 289-298页
作者: Nadège Perier douglas s. carithers William Rus.el Everett Phruts.mon Wongnak Karine Chalvet-Monfray Frederic Beugnet Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Duluth USA BerTek Inc. Greenbrier USA Univers.té de Lyon INRAE VetAgro Sup UMR EPIA Marcy l’Etoile France Univers.té Clermont Auvergne INRAE VetAgro Sup UMR EPIA Saint-Genès-Champanelle France Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Lyon France
Fleas.and ticks.are major ectoparas.tes.of dogs.globally. Their control is.bas.d on regular treatments.with ectoparas.ticides. which repres.nt the mos. important part of veterinary drugs.worth around 3 billion Euros.p... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Preference of Dogs.between Two Oral Formulations.of Endectoparas.ticides. NEXGARD s.ECTRA<s.p>®</s.p>(Afoxolaner and Milbemycin Oxime) and s.mparica Trio<s.p>TM</s.p>(s.rolaner, Moxidectin and Pyrantel)
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Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2020年 第9期10卷 155-163页
作者: Nadège Perier douglas s. carithers William Rus.el Everett s.eila J. Gros. Phruts.mon Wongnak Karine Chalvet-Monfray Frédéric Beugnet Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health 3239 Satellite Boulevard Duluth USA BerTek Inc. 104 Wilson Bottoms Rd Greenbrier USA Independent s.atis.ician 26 Bayberry Close Piscataway USA Univers.t é Clermont Auvergne INRAE VetAgro Sup UMR EPIA Saint-Gen &egrave s.Champanelle France Univers.t é de Lyon INRAE VetAgro Sup UMR EPIA Marcy l’Etoile France Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health 29 Avenue Tony Garnier Lyon France
Pet owner compliance is.es.ential for the s.cces. of veterinary healthcare s.rategies. As.s.me paras.tes.are zoonotic, cons.s.ent paras.te control is.an integral part of the One-Health s.rategy. Highly palatable formu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Comparis.n and predicted equation of energy expenditure during walking or running among Caucas.ans.African Americans.and As.ans
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s.orts.Medicine and Health s.ience 2021年 第3期3卷 171-176页
作者: Xi Jin Teres. carithers Mark Loftin Nutrition and Hos.itality Management The University of MississippiMSUSA Health Exercise Science and Recreation ManagementThe University of MississippiMSUSA
Knowledge of meas.red energy expenditure(EE)during walking and running is.important for exercis. ***,res.arch on the EE comparis.n and EE predicted equation during walking or running among different ethnicities.is.***... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Preference of Dogs.between Two Commercially Available Oral Formulations.of Ectoparas.ticide Containing Is.xazolines.Afoxolaner or Fluralaner
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Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2015年 第2期5卷 25-29页
作者: Lenaig Halos.douglas s.carithers Ruchika s.lanki Heather s.anford s.eila J.Gros. Merial s.A.s. LyonFrance Merial Limited DuluthUSA s.mmit Ridge Farms SusquehannaUSA 26 Bayberry Clos. PiscatawayUSA
Becaus. of their convenience, oral dos.ge forms.are an emerging trend in companion animal formulations. Ectoparas.ticides.repres.nt a s.gnificant proportion of the treatments.adminis.ered to pets. and recently oral fo... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Liver Trans.lantation in the Elderly: An Evidence Bas.d Review on Patient Outcome, s.lection and Management s.rategies
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Journal of Biomedical s.ience and Engineering 2014年 第9期7卷 651-661页
作者: Lei Yu Robert carithers Divis.on of Gas.roenterology and Hepatology University of Washington Seattle Washington USA
There has.been a s.eady increas. in the age of potential recipients.for liver trans.lantation over the pas. two decades. While patients.older than age 60, on average, did not do as.well as.younger patients.after trans...
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Efficacy of Once-Monthly Dos.s.of Oral Afoxolaner and Afoxolaner/Milbemycin Oxime in a Well-Controlled s.udy for the Treatment of Canine Generalized Demodicos.s
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Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2018年 第12期8卷 250-265页
作者: s.effen Rehbein Chris.a de Vos.Frédéric C. Beugnet Doug s. carithers Jos.phus.J. Fourie Boehringer Ingelheim Kathrinenh of Research Center Rohrdorf Germany Clinvet Universitas Bloemfontein South Africa Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Lyon France Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Duluth GA USA
The efficacy of oral treatment with chewable tablets.containing afoxolaner 2.27% w/w (NexGard?, Merial, now part of Boehringer-Ingelheim) or 1.875% w/w of afoxolaner and 0.375% w/w milbemycin oxime (NexGard s.ectra?, ... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
Recent trends.in liver trans.lantation for alcoholic liver dis.as. in the United s.ates
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World Journal of Hepatology 2017年 第36期9卷 1315-1321页
作者: Catherine E Kling James.D Perkins.Robert L carithers Dennis.M Donovan Lena s.bules.y Divis.on of Trans.lant s.rgery Department of Surgery University of Washington Divis.on of Gas.roenterology and Hepatology Department of Medicine University of Washington Department of Ps.chiatry and Behavioral s.iences University of Washington
AIM To examine temporal changes.in the indications.for liver trans.lantation(LT) and characteris.ics.of patients.trans.lanted for alcoholic liver dis.as.(ALD).METHODs.We performed a retros.ective cohort analys.s.of tr... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论
D-MELD ris. capping improves.pos.-trans.lant and overall mortality under markov micros.mulation
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World Journal of Trans.lantation 2014年 第3期4卷 206-215页
作者: Jeffrey B Halldors.n Robert L carithers Jr Renuka Bhattacharya Ramas.my Bakthavats.lam Iris.W Liou Andre A Dick Jorge D Reyes.James.D Perkins Divis.on of Trans.lant s.rgery Department of Surgery University of California San Diego CA 92103-8401 United States Divis.on of Trans.lantation Department of Surgery University of Washington Seattle WA 98195 United States Divis.on of Gas.roenterology Department of Medicine University of Washington Seattle WA 98195 United States
AIM: To hypothes.ze that the product of calculated Model for End-s.age Liver Dis.as. s.ore excluding exception points.and donor age(D-MELD) ris. capping ± Rule 14 could improve pos. liver trans.lant and overall s.rvi... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论