西非埃博拉病毒病(简称“埃博拉”)暴发疫情已夺走近11300人的生命,其严重程度和流行进程促使许多未受影响的国家为来自埃博拉疫情国家的输入病例作准备。2014年10月,美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)和美国国土安全部(Department of H...
西非埃博拉病毒病(简称“埃博拉”)暴发疫情已夺走近11300人的生命,其严重程度和流行进程促使许多未受影响的国家为来自埃博拉疫情国家的输入病例作准备。2014年10月,美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)和美国国土安全部(Department of Homel and Security,DHS)在纽约市约翰肯尼迪国际机场、芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场、新泽西纽瓦克自由国际机场、亚特兰大哈兹菲尔德杰克逊国际机场、弗吉尼亚州华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场等5个美国机场实行强化入境风险评估和管理。
The study aims to explore whether internationalization by state-owned enterprises is a curse or blessing in the context of aspirant industrial economies,such as *** do state-owned enterprises'global production aspirat...
The study aims to explore whether internationalization by state-owned enterprises is a curse or blessing in the context of aspirant industrial economies,such as *** do state-owned enterprises'global production aspirations,such as outward foreign direct investment,bring into their home country?To answer this question,this study proposes a unique,co-evolutionary perspective of the state-driven industrialized economy by leveraging insights from economic discoveries such as Adam Smith's wealth of nations,david Ricardo's comparative advantage,and Michael porter's competitive *** view suggests that an outward foreign investment strategy may likely provide state-owned enterprises with access to resources and advanced production technologies,enhance innovation capabilities,gain more competitive advantage,and achieve superior performance,thus leading to spillover effects on their home country's wealth,comparative advantage,and *** study discusses China's grand policies,economic performance,and successful cross-border industrial acquisitions.