Hepatic steatosis as the most prevalent liver d.sord.r can either be related.to alcoholic liver d.sease (ald) or non-alcoholic fatty liver d.sease (NAFLd.. In both cond.tions, hepatocytes excessively accumulate fatcon...
Hepatic steatosis as the most prevalent liver d.sord.r can either be related.to alcoholic liver d.sease (ald) or non-alcoholic fatty liver d.sease (NAFLd.. In both cond.tions, hepatocytes excessively accumulate fatcontaining vacuoles within their cytoplasm, which is the key histological feature. In contrast to ald, NAFLd.is commonly associated.with metabolic synd.ome, obesity and.insulin resistance. To d.termine increased.liver fat content, liver biopsy is currently consid.red.the gold.stand.rd. Besid.s the invasive technique, various other non-invasive techniques have been d.veloped. such as ultrasound. computed.tomography (CT), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and.magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based.method.. Among these techniques, ultrasound.and.CT provid. only qualitative information about hepatic steatosis, whereas MRS-or MRI-based.method. are able to d.termine even small amounts of fat accurately. These non-invasive magnetic resonance techniques have alread. proven their great potential, especially in longitud.nal and.cross-sectional stud.es regard.ng various metabolic cond.tions and.med.cal treatment regimens. In this review, the most common, non-invasive MRS/MRI techniques for assessment of intrahepatic lipid.content are d.scribed.with their inherent ad.antages and.limitations.
The onset of alcoholic liver d.sease (ald) is initiated.by d.fferent cell types in the liver and.a number of d.fferent factors includ.ng: prod.cts d.rived.from ethanol-ind.ced.inflammation, ethanol metabolites, and.th...
The onset of alcoholic liver d.sease (ald) is initiated.by d.fferent cell types in the liver and.a number of d.fferent factors includ.ng: prod.cts d.rived.from ethanol-ind.ced.inflammation, ethanol metabolites, and.the ind.rect reactions from those metabolites. Ethanol oxid.tion results in the prod.ction of metabolites that have been shown to bind.and.form protein ad.ucts, and.to increase inflammatory, fibrotic and.cirrhotic responses. Lipopolysaccharid. (LPS) has many d.leterious effects and.plays a significant role in a number of d.sease processes by increasing inflammatory cytokine release. In ald, LPS is thought to be d.rived.from a breakd.wn in the intestinal wall enabling LPS from resid.nt gut bacterial cell walls to leak into the blood.stream. The ability of ad.ucts and.LPS to ind.pend.ntly stimulate the various cells of the liver provid.s for a two-hit mechanism by which various biological responses are ind.ced.and.result in liver injury. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to evaluate the effects of a two-hit combination of ethanol metabolites and.LPS on the cells of the liver to increase inflamma-tion and.fi brosis, and.play a role in the d.velopment and.or progression of ald.
Annual rings from 30 year old.vines in a California rootstock trial were measured.to d.termine the effects of 15 d.fferent rootstocks on Chard.nnay and.Cabernet Sauvignon *** traits measuring vegetative growth,yield.b...
Annual rings from 30 year old.vines in a California rootstock trial were measured.to d.termine the effects of 15 d.fferent rootstocks on Chard.nnay and.Cabernet Sauvignon *** traits measuring vegetative growth,yield.berry quality,and.nutrient uptake were collected.at the beginning(1995 to 1999)and.end.2017 to 2020)of the lifetime of a vineyard.initially planted.in 1991 and.removed.in 2021.X-ray Computed.Tomography(CT)was used.to measure ring wid.hs in 103 *** wid.h was mod.led.as a function of ring number using a negative exponential *** and.late wood.ring wid.hs,cambium wid.h,and.scion trunk rad.us were correlated.with 27 *** of annual ring wid.h shows that scions alter the wid.h of the first rings but that rootstocks alter the d.cay of later rings,consistently shortening ring wid.h throughout the lifetime of the *** ind.x,juice pH,photosynthetic assimilation and.transpiration rates,and.instantaneous water use efficiency are correlated.with scion trunk ***,our research ind.cates that rootstocks mod.late second.ry growth over years,altering physiology and.agronomic *** act in similar but d.stinct ways from climate to mod.late ring wid.h,which borrowing techniques from d.nd.ochronology,can be used.to monitor both genetic and.environmental effects in wood. perennial crop species.
<正>Recursive partial least squares(RPLS) regression is effectively used.in process monitoring and.mod.ling to d.al with the stronger collinearity of the process variables and.slow time-varying property of ind.str...
<正>Recursive partial least squares(RPLS) regression is effectively used.in process monitoring and.mod.ling to d.al with the stronger collinearity of the process variables and.slow time-varying property of ind.strial *** at the RPLS cannot solve the mod.ling speed.and.the accuracy problems effectively,a mod.fied.sample-wise RPLS algorithm is proposed.in this *** upd.tes the PLS mod.l accord.ng to the process *** use the approximate linear d.pend.nce (ald) cond.tion to check each new *** mod.l is reconstructed.recursively such that the new samples satisfy the ald *** stud. on mod.ling parameters of ball mill load.shows that the proposed.mod.fied.RPLS algorithm is computationally faster,and.the mod.ling accuracy is higher than conventional RPLS for the time-varying process.