


  • 2 篇 期刊文献


  • 2 篇 电子文献
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  • 2 篇 工学
    • 2 篇 动力工程及工程热...
    • 1 篇 控制科学与工程
    • 1 篇 计算机科学与技术...
    • 1 篇 软件工程
  • 1 篇 管理学
    • 1 篇 管理科学与工程(可...


  • 1 篇 grid stability
  • 1 篇 fuzzy logic cont...
  • 1 篇 maximum power po...
  • 1 篇 swarm intelligen...
  • 1 篇 fuzzy logic cont...
  • 1 篇 renewable energy...
  • 1 篇 solar power syst...
  • 1 篇 machine learning...
  • 1 篇 synchronverter
  • 1 篇 artificial neura...
  • 1 篇 artificial intel...
  • 1 篇 genetic algorith...


  • 1 篇 department of el...
  • 1 篇 the department o...


  • 2 篇 charles r.sarimu...
  • 2 篇 kah yung yap
  • 1 篇 joanne mun-yee l...
  • 1 篇 chee ming beh


  • 2 篇 英文
检索条件"作者=charles r.Sarimuthu"
2 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Artificial Intelligence Based MPPT Techniques for Solar Power System: A review
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Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2020年 第6期8卷 1043-1059页
作者: Kah Yung Yap charles r.sarimuthu Joanne Mun-Yee Lim the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering(ECSE) School of EngineeringMonash UniversitySubang JayaMalaysia
In the last decade,artificial intelligence(AI)techniques have been extensively used for maximum power point tracking(MPPT)in the solar power *** is because conventional MPPT techniques are incapable of tracking the gl... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 同方期刊数据库 评论
Fuzzy Logic Controller-based Synchronverter in Grid-connected Solar Power System with Adaptive Damping Factor
收藏 引用
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering 2021年 第2期7卷 37-49页
作者: Kah Yung Yap Chee Ming Beh charles r.sarimuthu Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering(ECSE) School of EngineeringMonash University MalaysiaSubang Jaya 47500Malaysia
In recent years,renewable energy sources,specifically solar power systems,have developed rapidly owing to their technological maturity and cost ***,its grid integration deteriorates frequency stability because of insu... 详细信息
来源: 维普期刊数据库 维普期刊数据库 评论