Pedia.rica.toimmune neuropsychia.ric disorders a.socia.ed with or without streptococca.a.d other ba.teria. infections (Pa.Da./ca.S) a.e emerging a.a.fea.ured pedia.ric disorder. a.though there is some controversy r...
Pedia.ric a.toimmune neuropsychia.ric disorders a.socia.ed with or without streptococca. a.d other ba.teria. infections (Pa.Da./ca.S) a.e emerging a. a.fea.ured pedia.ric disorder. a.though there is some controversy rega.ding trea.ment a.proa.hes, rela.ed to the beha.iora. sequela., we ha.e hypothesized in other published work tha. it is cha.a.terized by the onset of Rewa.d Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) in children. We propose utilizing a.multi-systems biologica. a.proa.h involving the coupling of genetic a.diction risk testing a.d pro-dopa.ine regula.ion (KB220/POLYGEN®) to help induce “dopa.ine” in pa.ients with Pa.Da., those with known DNa.induced hypodopa.inergia. This ca.e study exa.ines a.12-yea.-old ma.e with no prior psychia.ric issues who presented with a.sudden onset of severe a.xiety, depression, emotiona. lia.ility, a.d suicida. idea.ion. The pa.ient underwent genotyping a.d the genetic a.diction risk score (Ga.S) testing, which revea.ed risk polymorphisms in the dopa.ine D2 (-DRD2/a.KK (Ta.1a., OPRM1 (a.G), DRD3 (c/T), a.d Ma.a.(4R) genes. These polymorphisms ha.e been linked to hypodopa.inergia. The pa.ient wa. subsequently pla.ed on ID-KB220ZPBMPOLY (POLYGEN®), a.d a.beit the possibility of bia., ba.ed upon self a.d pa.enta. a.sessment, improvement in psychia.ric symptoms wa. observed. In the second pha.e of trea.ment (102 da.s utilizing KB220), the pa.ient received sta.da.d a.tibody testing, which wa. positive for Lyme. a.tiba.teria. thera.y sta.ted immedia.ely, a.d KB220z wa. discontinued to provide a.wa.h-out period. a.monotonic trend a.a.ysis wa. performed on ea.h outcome mea.ure, a.d a.consistently trend wa. observed utilizing a.tiba.teria. thera.y. Our recommenda.ion, a.beit only one ca.e, is to utilize a.d further a.combined thera.eutic a.proa.h, involving precision-guided DNa.testing a.d pro-dopa.ine regula.ion with a.tiba.teria. thera.y, a. well a.